Shodiax Reɣialns Suspelk Iedein

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Shodiax Reɣialns Suspelk Iedein
Founded18 March 1953; 71 years ago (1953-03-18)
Number of teams252
Level on pyramid3/4
Promotion toShodiax Vaitrel Iede
Relegation toShodiax Provilki Iedein
TV partnersShodiax Seversaan

The middle layers of the Shodiax League System, made up of four regions, in which the champions of the highest-level play in a playoff for promotion to the Vaitrel.

Early Years

The Reɣialns Suspelk Rumtiajik, or at that time called the Reɣialns Ciuvren Dizhaer, was the lowest level in the entire Shodiax League System when it was first introduced in 1953. Each of the four leagues had 20 clubs, with an exception for the Hask, which had 24. The clubs chosen were usually not former Harletical clubs, as they were scarce to find under the Sciedfelt Stretch and, since all the popular ones were in the Piruen or Vaitrel, the minor ones had even less to work with. Other clubs that wished to join were created by communities rich with potential and wealth, in which they started a club based on a specific city, which was surprisingly compulsory at the time.

With the popularity of the leagues increasing, the need for expansion rose. In 1962, the system included two new leagues- one of which being the fourth level Reɣialns Suspelk Nimuoir, which made the third level forced to be renamed to Reɣialns Suspelk Rumtiajik. They also decreased the Hask in Rumtiajik to 20 to match the other regions, to highlight the population balances focused upon in the fourth and fifth levels. The population of these lower leagues were low, and never were projected to increase by a substantial amount.

Integration into the Shodiax League System

The Shodiax Reɣialns Suspelk Iedein is the third and fourth levels of eight in the Shodiax League. The two levels above are in the subcategory of the Main, as they get almost all the publicity and sponsors. The three below are broken down into provinces and are large in quantity teamwise, and the eighth is a play-in league per province.

The third level is given a direct promotion and relegation path from the Vaitrel, which is the second. The Rumtiajik has one promotion playoff spot to each region, and one promotion spot into the Vaitrel. As described a bit later, if the regions of the relegator and promoter are not the same, an Auto Pro/Rel is formed. There is a four-team playoff to determine the promoter, the Hask champion playing the Eis, and the Neurl playing the Suvar in the first round, and both winners playing to finish it. The only exception to this rule were the years 1972-1980, where the Eis played the Neurl first, and the Hask played the Suvar. This was an attempt to make the finals more exciting because it'd likely be the two most populated regions playing each other, but this was discontinued due to inconvient traveling for Hask-Suvar matches and just a negative response by the fans. Each region is given a capacity of 20 teams, no matter the population. On the contrary, relegation is in fact dependant of population. The highest of all is four (Hask/West), mean is three (Neurl/North and Eis/East), and lowest is two (Suvar/South).

The fourth level has the number of divisions specified in the above paragraph based on population. Each division consists of 14 teams, with the exception of all the Suvar divisions which contain 16 instead to try and balance the population situations. Divisions are given their new teams randomly, without any influence to make one division better than the others. If there is an unbalance, it will most likely be resolved the following season. Each division is given one promotion spot to the third level. The relegation is much more confusing, as a relegation playoff (entering the last-place team of each unspecified province) is made to determine the worst last-place team in the province in order to relegate. If there are not enough teams from a province to do this, it will continue without these missing slots. If there are none at all, two will be relegated from the most prosperous province. The Neurl, Suvar and Eis all have three regions, meanwhile the Hask has five.

List of Rumtiajik Champions

N=Entry from the North/Neurl Iede
S=Entry from the South/Suvar Iede
H=Entry from West/Hask Iede
E=Entry from the East/Eis Iede

Year Promoter 2nd in Promotion Playoffs (No Promotion) 3rd and 4th in Promotion Playoffs (No Promotion)
1954 VfL Braunschii N Ɣalunis SC (E) Falnuri PFC (S)
SV Antres (H)
1955 Ɣalunis SC E Neu Volfsbeurɣ FC (N) SC Holstipcelauj (H)
Ferbiusen Sprevin (S)
1956 Neu Rensek Sprevin N VfL Kandal (E) Ferbiusen Sprevin (S)
SV Antres (H)
1957 SV Caliunift N VfB Steprelhat (H) Ferbiusen Sprevin (S)
Fareiczxh Xoniij (E)
1958 Ferbiusen Sprevin S Sprevin Arsul (E) VfL Braunschii (N)
SV Neu Darmstant (H)
1959 FC Hutdarf S Sprevin Arsul (E) Sprevin Mavveski (N)
VfB Steprelhat (H)
1960 SV Antres H Leviasan SC (N) VfL Kandal (E)
IF Kantaluinist (S)
1961 Vovilveante II H Pienna SC (S) VfL Kandal (E)
Telechurnaelt UFT (N)
1962 VfB Craine S Amuricalna Pavre (E) Leviasan SC (N)
Unien Straci (H)
1963 SV Neu Darmstant H UFT Nulakiir (N) Arris Park (E)
VfL Arrndelev (S)
1964 Relɣia IF S Vintvenxva IF (H) Harpersi Vildrex (N)
Boylinaruɣaun FC (E)
1965 VfL Arrndelev S SC Holstipcelauj (H) Antastinikli PFC (N)
TX Madriak Cou (E)
1966 SC Holstipcelauj H PFC Craine (S) VfL Kandal (E)
Leviasan SC (N)
1967 VfL Kandal E Leviasan SC (N) Vovilveante II (H)
Hutdarf .36 (S)
1968 Tchuiɣ Cou TX H Leviasan SC (N) Boylinaruɣaun FC (E)
Relɣia IF (S)
1969 Leviasan SC N Trinalxii XCT (E) PFC Craine (S)
Unien Straci (H)
1970 2.Sprevin Pavre E PFC Hartlenchaevft (N) Xoniij Ɣulinheis (H)
Tintianto SC (S)
1971 Vovilveante II H Tintianto SC (S) Trinalxii XCT (E)
UFT Nulakiir (N)
1972 Xhabriik ICT E Elonviik FC (H) Aurch Estlinn ICT (N)
Tintianto SC (S)
1973 Trinalxii XCT E Vovilveante XCT (H) Neu Rensek TX (N)
Tintianto SC (S)
1974 Aurch Estlinn ICT N Vovilveante XCT (H) Lardes .10 (E)
1.SC Nilvavuoir (S)
1975 Ɣalunis SC E Vovilveante XCT (H) Meczis Cou ICT (N)
Hutdarf XCT (S)
1976 Vovilveante XCT H Meczis Cou ICT (N) Tintianto SC (S)
Pavre FC II (E)
1977 Hutdarf XCT S Kanebarar '11 (N) Exiu SC (H)
SV Mai (E)
1978 Tintianto SC S Nildrein Sprevin (E) Antres CCT (H)
Turn-Jesk Sprevin (N)
1979 1.SV Murnlech H Turn-Jesk Sprevin (N) FC Chattson (S)
Nildrein Sprevin (E)
1980 Uner Klasuedvilk CCT H Nildrein Sprevin (E) FC Chattson (S)
Turn-Jesk Sprevin (N)
1981 SC Ɣuez S Nildrein Sprevin (E) Meczis Cou ICT (N)
FC Jialhimain (H)
1982 Huijen PFC N Unien Straci (H) Ɣalunis SC (S)
Nildrein Sprevin (E)
1983 Meczis Cou ICT N Salentine Sprevin (H) Zalareq SV (S)
Nildrein Sprevin (E)
1984 Zakalareq SV S Nildrein Sprevin (E) Turn-Jesk Sprevin (N)
Elonviik FC (H)
1985 Orenteral '70 N SV Ihalda '47 (H) Thres FC (S)
Suzell Sprevin (E)
1986 Zadalien FC E Thres FC (S) Salentine Sprevin (H)
Atalasi Freurtilash (N)
1987 Havdren Sprevin H PFC Hartlenchaevft (N) SC Vilsquince (E)
SV Fraer (S)
1988 Elonviik FC H SV Fraer (S) Zadalien FC (E)
SV.69 Vintvenxva (N)
1989 SV Fraer S Zadalien FC (E) VfL Braunschii (N)
Tchuiɣ Cou TX (H)
1990 Aukselhaive .50 H Iner Ɣuez (S) Nildrein Sprevin (E)
.71 Uejent (N)
1991 SC Vilsquince E Aɣarian FC (S) Vovilveante II (H)
SV Fliicor Nakauritt (N)
1992 SC Exivo H SV Fliicor Nakauritt (N) Sprevin Arsul (E)
Iner Ɣuez (S)
1993 Ɣalunis SC E SV Fliicor Nakauritt (N) Vintvenxva XCT (H)
FC Hutdarf (S)
1994 Vintvenxva XCT H Thres Sprevin II (S) Sprevin Arsul (E)
Turn-Jesk Sprevin (N)
1995 SV Mai E SV.69 Vintvenxva (N) Vovilveante II (H)
Thres Sprevin II (S)
1996 Vovilveante II H Unien Redvercarii (S) SC Vilsquince (E)
Aurch Estlinn ICT (N)
1997 Thres Sprevin II S Cir Jaehr XCT (E) Antastinikli PFC (N)
Baehtiam IF (H)
1998 Baehtiam IF H Urivice Cou ICT (S) Arabaleci Sprevin (E)
SV Neu Rensek (N)
1999 Arris Park E Unien Nilvavuoir (S) VfL Vovilveante (H)
SV Neu Rensek (N)
2000 Kanebarar '11 H Turn-Jesk Sprevin (N) Cir Jaehr XCT (E)
PFC Craine (S)
2001 Urivice Cou ICT S VfL Vovilveante (H) Huijen PFC (N)
VfB Lunerecex (E)
2002 PFC Craine S VfB Lunerecex (E) SV Caliunift (N)
1.SV Murnlech (H)
2003 SC Ɣuez S Baehtiam IF (H) SV Fliicor Nakauritt (N)
Cir Jaehr (E)
2004 Cir Jaehr XCT E Unien Nilvavuoir (S) Baehtiam IF (H)
SV Fliicor Nakauritt (N)
2005 SV Fliicor Nakauritt N Holstipcelauj ICT (H) Vhorner's Monvett ICT (S)
Nildrein Sprevin (E)
2006 Meczis Cou ICT N SV Ihalda '47 (H) Aɣarian FC (S)
Boylinaruɣaun FC (E)
2007 SV Caliunift N Sprevin Arsul (E) TX Harr-Uherleit (S)
SV Ihalda '47 (H)
2008 Vhorner's Monvett ICT S Nildrein Sprevin (E) Huijen PFC (N)
Porlaik ICT (H)
2009 Aurch Estlinn ICT N Tchuiɣ Cou TX (H) Ɣalunis SC (S)
Boylinaruɣaun FC (E)
2010 Relɣia IF S FC Allaine (E) Frantaskilou IF (N)
UFT Vovilveante (H)
2011 Arris Park E FC Vern-Spexclaiɣ (N) Vovilveante '89 (H)
Urivice Cou ICT (S)
2012 Nildrein Sprevin E Ferbiusen Sprevin (S) Porlaik ICT (H)
Fliicor CCT (N)
2013 Urivice Cou ICT S SC Vilsquince (E) UFT Nulakiir (N)
SC Holstipcelauj (H)
2014 Porlaik ICT H Relɣia IF (S) SC Vilsquince (E)
Tchiuɣ Cou TX (N)
2015 Vaitrel Iede Protests: Season Cancelled
2016 Vaitrel Iede Protests: Season Cancelled
2017 Vaitrel Iede Protests: Season Cancelled
2018 Vaitrel Iede Protests: Season Cancelled
2019 Vaitrel Iede Protests: Season Cancelled
2020 VfL Braunschii N UFT Vovilveate (H) Zakalareq SV (S)
VfL Trinalxii (E)
2021 Azdek FC S SC Vilsquince (E) SV Caliunift N
Porlaik Sprevin (H)
2022 UFT Vovilveante H Ferbiusen Sprevin (S) SC Vilsquince (E)
Atalasi Kurntaero (N)

Auto Pro/Rel Resolves

Region Promoting to Vaitrel resolve:

Pro. # Level Rel. #
1 3 1 less than norm
norm. 4 1 less than norm, province excluded is the one which holds Vaitrel promoter
norm. 5 1 less than norm
norm. 6/7 1 less than norm
norm. 8 N/A

Region Relegating from Vaitrel resolve:

Pro. # Level Rel. #
0 3 1 more than norm
norm 4 1 more than norm, province overincluded is the once which holds Vaitrel relegator
norm 5 1 more than norm
norm level w/68 teams 1 more than norm
norm level w/124 teams 1
0 8 N/A (1 more than norm)

Simplified System

Level Division
3 Shodiax Reɣialns Neurl Iede
20 teams
↑ 1 promotion playoff spot
↓ 3 relegation spots
Shodiax Reɣialns Suvar Iede
20 teams
↑ 1 promotion playoff spot
↓ 2 relegation spots
Shodiax Reɣialns Hask Iede
20 teams
↑ 1 promotion playoff spot
↓ 4 relegation spots
Shodiax Reɣialns Eis Iede
20 teams
↑ 1 promotion playoff spot
↓ 3 relegation spots

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Neurl Iede
42 teams (3 Divisions)
↑ 3 promotion spots
↓ 3 relegation spots, one for each province

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Suvar Iede
32 teams (2 Divisions)
↑ 2 promotion spots
↓ 3 relegation spots, one for each province

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Hask Iede
56 teams (4 Divisions)
↑ 4 promotion spots
↓ 5 relegation spots, one for each province

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Eis Iede
42 teams (3 Divisions)
↑ 3 promotion spots
↓ 3 relegation spots, one for each province

List of Clubs and 21-22 Pro/Rel

Please note that the teams listed in each League below are subject to change, either by seasons progressing or a flaw in the system.

Shodiax Reɣialns Neurl Iede

Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Antastinikli PFC
  • SV Caliunift
  • Cerlifk Sprevin '68
  • FC Vwenhalprett
  • Aurch Estlinn ICT
  • Neu Volfsbeurɣ FC
  • Huijen PFC
  • SV Fliicor Nakauritt
  • Hilverniden XCT (Relegated)
  • Eis Suzell PFC (Relegated)
  • VfL Tufx Tielahn
  • Orenteral '70
  • FC Vern-Spexclaiɣ
  • Interpreluk .18 (Relegated)
  • UFT Nulakiir
  • Tchiuɣ Cou TX
  • Atalasi Kurntaero (Made Promotion Playoffs)
  • VfL Skreuchnetk
  • SV Ɣrund Laz
  • Sprevin Eunephri

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Neurl A Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Astarlich Sprevin
  • Fliicor CCT
  • 1.TX Huijen
  • Renferheisx FC
  • SV Neu Rensek
  • 71 Huijen IF (Promoted)
  • Relfitrier SC
  • 1.FC Neu Darmstant
  • PFC Mavveski
  • Tii-Lii Nhaerzxsh SV
  • Uejnt Sprevin
  • Iiaralouach .70
  • Vintreicidak UFT
  • IF Parauk

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Neurl B Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • '48 Ɣrund Laz
  • SV.69 Vintvenxva
  • Telechurnaelt UFT
  • VfL Neu Volfsbeurɣ II
  • SC Reu Frentlin
  • Ciunerlavt Xoniij
  • Unien Hanrae
  • Vovilnapth PFC
  • VfB Antrelheicxh
  • Baɣiar FC
  • Tempel uv H RFX
  • Xoniij Exculnerlecht
  • PFC Hartlenchaevft (Promoted)
  • Citplerach Sprevin

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Neurl C Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • SV Himsidru
  • Leviasan Sprevin
  • Meczis Cou SC
  • .70 Leviasan
  • Turn-Jesk Sprevin (Promoted)
  • Frenkleinj Unien Verdtraeru
  • .71 Uejnt
  • Leviasan SC II
  • Riliact Ferderthal UFT
  • Iiliverchauk SV
  • Brilicarnarii Sprevin
  • Frantaskilou IF
  • Sprevin Erracilade
  • UFT Bulnetrik

Shodiax Reɣialns Suvar Iede

Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • 1.SC Nilvavuoir
  • Xoniij Fraer
  • Thres FC
  • Falnuri PFC
  • Arrndelev FC
  • Hask Craine SC
  • Zakalareq SV
  • Thres Sprevin II
  • FC Chattson
  • Ferbiusen Sprevin (Made Promotion Playoffs)
  • TX Derlaus
  • FC Hutdarf
  • Unien Redvercarii
  • Relɣia IF
  • Tintianto FC (Relegated)
  • 1.SC Caurtilaniere
  • Henvermek uv zan Munvaii FC
  • SV Fraer
  • Unien Nilvavuoir
  • Aurchir FC (Relegated)

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Suvar A Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Azdek NCT
  • Tintianto XCT
  • IF Kantaluist
  • .70 Azdek
  • Kernlaou Sprevin
  • 1.Sprevin Chattson
  • UFT Tintianto
  • Salaɣain Xoniij
  • Erlia Denriich NCT
  • FC Abriavf
  • TX Harr-Uherleit (Promoted)
  • Aɣarian FC
  • Herlectia Cou
  • 1.SV Hask Chattson
  • Tranlet Vierni UFT
  • Pulner-Hikven IF

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Suvar B Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Hutdarf .36 (Promoted)
  • VfL Hutdarf
  • Iner Ɣuez
  • Suvar Hutdarf IF
  • Suvar Pier FC
  • Sprevin Turnvialiecht
  • Urivice Cou TX
  • SV Knosvett
  • Urivice Cou II
  • SC Ɣuez II
  • SVX Brellhuizxai
  • VfL Traklei
  • '52 Marlhuijef
  • Iner Hivlunt TX
  • Pienna SC
  • Oleqi Ciutkerlax

Shodiax Reɣialns Hask Iede

Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Vovilveante '89
  • Unien Straci
  • Porlaik Sprevin
  • SC Holstipcelauj
  • Ruih Couin UFT
  • Audelaaɣh SV (Relegated)
  • Neurl Vovilveante FC
  • 1.SV Murnlech
  • PFC Porlaik
  • Exiu SC (Relegated)
  • Neu Solciek FC (Saved from relegation due to Auto Pro)
  • Uner Klasuedvilk CCT
  • SV Ihalda '47
  • UFT Vovilveante (Promoted)
  • Antres CCT
  • VfL Verxalinhall
  • Hertfelchazx TX (Relegated)
  • Boulnrex NCT
  • Aukselhaive .50
  • Vovilveante II

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Hask A Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • VfL Vovilveante
  • TX Nerfilt
  • VfL Snantlexpar (Promoted)
  • SV.69 Vintvenxva
  • Tchuiɣ Cou TX
  • Eis Straci FC
  • SV Neu Darmstant II
  • Salentine Sprevin
  • Unien Olohauk
  • PFC Vornilier
  • Exudrelen VOFC
  • Karralueist Cinvelhamriex FC
  • Abszxar Sprevin
  • Xoniij Ɣulinheis

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Hask B Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Straci XCT
  • Mavveski IF (Promoted)
  • Klasuedvilk Cou
  • Kerlafk CCT
  • SC Suvar Antres
  • Baehtiam IF
  • Porlaik FC II
  • Antres FC II
  • Ulunihapt Scerdilist
  • FC Jialhimain
  • Pionatrix SV
  • FC Bialoude
  • Welivarc VOFC
  • VfL Helnet

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Hask C Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Suvar Vovilveante Sprevin
  • Holstipcelauj ICT (Promoted)
  • VfL Antres
  • FC Ihalda
  • Porlaik Cou
  • Thilderhaven FT
  • Terrafiejdt FC
  • Vovilveante XCT II
  • Sprevin Herfhi
  • Abulemn SV
  • Nuchertivf UFT
  • SC Japhaliquia
  • Sprevin Abepuline
  • Kian Sulerter Unien

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Hask D Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Unien Porlaik
  • Holstipcelauj '71
  • FC Vintvenxva
  • Iner Vovilveante
  • VfB Elonviik (Promoted)
  • Abulemn FT
  • VfL Neurl Porlaik
  • Kaneberar '11
  • Unien Rachentrae
  • VfB Turinivko
  • Biueraral SCX
  • Eleft N. Hinscera FC
  • Ilebern SC
  • 1.Sprevin Lumbrenhail

Shodiax Reɣialns Eis Iede

Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Auribeurɣ Sprevin
  • Boylinaruɣaun FC
  • Sprevin Arsul
  • SC Vilsquince (Made Promotion Playoffs)
  • Scheneski Unien
  • Cir Jaehr XCT
  • FC Cherlovach (Relegated)
  • FC Allaine
  • Nildrein Sprevin
  • TX Madriak Cou
  • Oftra Kampliunisch Xoniij (Relegated)
  • VfL Trinalxii
  • Briljanic XCT
  • Sefph SC
  • Kandal Sprevin
  • Ɣarveniu FC
  • Verblout SC (Relegated)
  • IF Unscelfrex Nirinavik
  • 2.Sprevin Pavre
  • SC Pavre (Relegated via Auto Rel)

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Eis A Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Fareiczxh Xoniij
  • FC Kandal
  • Lauk Couin Konfelrent
  • Vjerdleɣ SC
  • Arris Arnlencett FT
  • Arabaleci Sprevin (Promoted)
  • IF Terciari
  • Alenɣiir UFT
  • SV Maii II
  • VfL Karlar
  • Winrext IF
  • Neurl Lardes Xoniij
  • FC Treb-Oliise
  • SV Xilbrenchiif

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Eis B Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Pavre XCT
  • FC Feilisxp
  • Trinalxii Sprevin
  • Ɣalunis SC (Promoted)
  • Cirvaerance FC
  • Xoniij Mai
  • VfL Xhabriik
  • SV Hitrictee
  • SV Kinaehb
  • Vovitoxhall Cou
  • Aurch Paerinustic Sprevin
  • TX Vrewistia
  • Nidrin UFT
  • 1.FC Tranustei

Shodiax Reɣialns Nimuoir Eis C Iede


Teams include (no particular order at the moment)-

  • Lardes Sprevin
  • Taniklou UFT
  • Suzell Sprevin
  • Barkxalouir SC
  • PFC Lauk Cou
  • FT Rinlextin
  • UFT Mai
  • FC Auribeurɣ
  • Hask Pavre FT
  • IF Iner Trinalxii
  • SV Jokrinvelt (Promoted)
  • Trinalxii XCT II
  • VfB Lunerecex
  • Eir Frantekhouln FT