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Beylik of Kumuso
Kумуco беклис
Flag of Kumuso
Coat of arms of Kumuso
Coat of arms
Anthem: Мундун суу чапан
(Moonwater Robe)
Kumuso orthographic projection.png
and largest city
Official languagesYanogu
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy
• Bek
Shayban V
• Premier
Sooronbay Zheenbekov
LegislatureSupreme Council
Independence from Etruria
• New Suuchiksaar founded
385 BCE
• Uluchig Beylik
83 CE
• Juqu Beylik
• Dadongshi Commandery
• Oogid Kingdom
• Etrurian Protectorate
• Kumuso Beylik
• 2010 estimate
• Density
6.24/km2 (16.2/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)2010 estimate
• Total
4.2 billion
• Per capita
HDI (2010)0.672

The Beylik of Kumuso, which is also called Dadongshi, Kumussuv, and the Sandalwood City, is a metropolitan constitutional monarchy in central Coius bordered by Zorasan, Xiaodong, and Phula. A plurality of the population is Yanogu, which is the historically dominant ethnicity, but there are also substantial minorities from all of Kumuso's neighbors, some of which are more substantially integrated than others. There is a substantial divide between the Satyists and the Irfanics, but the state has patronized both religious establishments and avoided many conflicts as a result.


The Koh Valley was visited intermittently by the nomadic peoples of the high steppes from time to time to gather wood. The Koh spring flows into the Dadong River, which the nomads called Suuchik, and supplied them fresh water, but the rough terrain leading up the spring and the poor grazing lands prevented permanent settlement for many years. Seasonal camps did eventually coalesce in a small farming village that traded honey and timber to nomads for livestock and goods from distant lands. As the village grew, it expanded down the banks of the Dadong and a complex irrigation network developed to sustain the settlement. Earthworks were constructed to protect the citizens, but they primarily relied on their continuing good relations with the nomads for security. With the establishment of large tribal confederacies, the government of Suuchiksaar, the City of Suuchik was formalized as well. A local family was elevated to the status of Bey by the Ulchig confederacy; their responsibility was essential to ensure the payment of the tribute.

Suuchik was conquered by the First Phuli Empire and the Bey was replaced by a military governor assisted by monks. They built a monastery called Amamkronsissi, the Pride of Bees, which quickly developed into the focal point of the city. Tekeberaari is still used as a name for the city. Suuchik’s range of trade was greatly expanded by the Phuli and, while it was not a great city among the Phuli, it grew into a successful town. A fire destroyed much of the old town and the monastery and the town was rebuilt further down the stream, though the monastery was rebuilt on its original ground. At this point, the city was renamed by monks to Waswarmanne--the water clothed in moonlight--but the native inhabitants called it Kumussuv--the silver waters--from which the modern name is derived.

The decline of the Phuli left the city adrift until it again fell under the sway of the nomadic empires. Unlike in earlier times, however, Kumussuv initially resisted the steppe aristocracy. After losing several engagements, the leaders of Kumussuv were denied the right to build their own fortifications and the monastery became the exclusive fortress of the city for many years. They Bey was replaced and now paid his tribute to the Khagan.

The Bey of the city saw an opportunity to win his freedom from the Khagans in the middle of the Tao dynasty when they began to embrace Satyism. The Bey built a second, large monastery overlooking the city and invited prominent Satyist teachers from the Tao court there. While the most prominent Satyists declined, eventually Zhang Gui and his eighteen students accepted and moved to Kumuso, mostly because the Tao emperor did not look favorably on Zhang’s rejection of legalism. After Zhang had taken up residency in the monastery, the Bey immediately declared his independence and stopped the payment of tributed the Khagan. The Khagan sent Juqu Shuzi and his family, the Jushi clan, to settle the issue while at the same time, the Bey sent emissaries to the Tao court to protect him and Zhang Gui. The Tao emperor did not respond and the Bey’s army deserted, allowing Juqu Shuzi to seize the city and set up his clan as the upper class of Kumuso.

Juqu Shuzi, knowing that trade with the Tao was the source of wealth in Kumuso, did not execute Zhang Gui and instead sent his children to be educated at the monastery. Shuzi’s great grandson, Anzhou invited the later Tao to rule the city as the declining Khagans offered less and less protection against the other cities in modern Zorasan to the north. Anzhou had been forced to maintain his own army to protect trade and the expenses grew constantly. Additionally, Anzhou, a member of the Juqu clan, had been forced to rely on the native Sarts for his soldiery and greatly feared rebellion. A commandery was established at Kumuso, or Gaochang as it was then called, with a garrison. Under the rule of the Tao Kumuso prospered as a transport hub to the north and the monastery there was patronized heavily by the Tao.

In the brief unrest of the Jiao rise to power, the ruling Juqu family was massacred and their palace burned down. The peasants who had rebelled also threatened the monastery with destruction, but the monks threw open the gates and welcomed the peasants instead. They quickly accepted the rule of Oogi Pekir. In return for their obedience, Pekir merely expelled them from their monastery, but allowed them to continue living in the city. Pekir declared himself Irfanic and historians theorize that his teacher Abduhalik may have been the one to originally agitate for the rebellion. Under Pekir’s descendants, Kumuso reached its peak. Able to resist the influence of the Jiao and Pardarians on its own, Kumuso was a hub of trade and learning. Satyists and Irfanics were able to converse freely and there was a flowering of philosophy during this period.

After the Kumuso Flower period, it quickly fell back under the sway of the Xiaodongese and the Pardarians. Different Beys were able to leverage their position to the enhancement of Kumuso or foolishly fell under the control of one of the religious factions in the city. In an effort to avoid relying on either the Irfanics or the Satyists, Bey Baurchuk began to rely on this advice of a Solarian Catholic missionary. This ultimately led to a series of diplomatic blunders that made Kumuso reliant on the Etrurian colonial empire. Kumuso was then made into a hub for Etrurian trade, but it greatly impoverished the local citizens. In the late 19th century, the Etrurians would be expelled by the Satyists and a Satyist Bey enthroned.


The country is dominated by a rough, hilly terrain the east that eventually descends into erg in the west. The Koh valley, which is home to most of Kumuso's inhabitants, is the source of the Dadong (or Korsotku) River, which dries up quickly as it flows west.



Politics and Government

Kumuso is a unitary state under a constitutional monarchy, the head of state being the Bey and the head of government the Premier. During the latter years of the Etrurian Protectorate, the secular civilian government was able to pass several important reforms including the universal suffrage of residents, religious freedom, and freedom of expression. The national legislature, which is also the municipal council of Kumuso City, has nine members at large elected every five years. The Premier is elected every five years, with no term limit, and appoints all of the other secular officers of Kumuso including the Rural Affairs Secretary, the Secretary of Police, and the Urban Secretary.

The legal system is based heavily on the Tsa Yig of the Satyist Monastery and all criminal matters are under the jurisdiction of the Monastery, though those decisions can be appealed to a secular jury of three citizens of the same faith as a the accused. Most civil matters are also decided by a jury of three since arbitrators and mediators tend to also be Satyist monks.


Kumuso has a volunteer militia which holds training days once a month. Every company of 250 or more volunteers is allowed to elect a lieutenant who receives a small stipend, attends weekly training sessions with the other officers, is allowed access to the armory, and can schedule additional training for his or her company. Approximately 1,000 to 1,500 men and women attend training each month and the state estimates that approximately 8,500 to 9,000 volunteers could be relied on to actually serve in an emergency.

The Premier appoints a Major General who also has a staff of ten civilians. Law enforcement assets are the primary weaponry of the military.

Foreign Relations

Kumuso is heavily reliant on Xiaodong and Zorasan for trade and defense, which has lead many foreign journalists and politicians to call Kumuso a puppet of ROSPO, though Kumuso is not a member of that organization. Close association with ROSPO states has lead to some conflicts with neighboring Phula, especially over access to Satyist religious sites in both nations.


Kumuso has diverse economy including the major sectors of health, tourism, and transportation. The waters of the Koh valley, which were once a legendary source of healing and youth, still inspire nearly one million visitors each year. To support the flow of religious and health tourists, many large resorts, spas, and private vacation homes have been built on the hills surrounding the city. Additionally, goods such as Koh Soaps, Yanogu Incense, and candles, are produced or licensed in Kumuso for sale around the world. Until the 1990's, Xiaodong's alternative medicine market dominated Kumuso's exports.









Music and Art

