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The Republic of Tamurin
Flag of Tamurin
Map of Tamurin
Map of Tamurin
GovernmentPresidential democracy
• President
Jurgen Brosch
Otto Krüger
• 2019 census
CurrencyCredit (TRC)
Time zoneUTC +9
Driving sideright
Calling code+74
Internet TLD.tm

The Republic of Tamurin is a large, sovereign nation located on the continent of Europa across from Orioni. The Tamurine people were long divided until they were unified in 1871 under the Emperors. Since 1913, Tamurin has been a democracy led by a President, managed by a Prime Minister, and governed by a bicameral parliament. It is a major economic power in Eastern Europa.


Tamurin lies on a large peninsula. It has only one land border with the Republic of Rekamgil. The landscape is dominated by hills and scattered forests. The nation has an oceanic Mediterranean climate. Most people reside in the countryside but the major cities are Alaghon, Arrabar, Hlondeth, Ormath, Ormpetarr, and Nimpeth.

The area was known as Menelassar Bay offers some of the best surfing on Eurth. Before the bay earned international renown, locals refused to share their favourite beaches because they didn't want outsiders to discover their wealth of surfable seas. Dolphins are often found close to shore. Each morning both Spinners and Bottlenose dolphins can be found playing close to shore before heading back to the open water. Multiple boat companies offer tours to see and swim with dolphins.

The coastline's hot and dry environment presents excellent conditions for salt making. The salt pans cover a large area along the coast and can be seen from space. Salt production dates back to the Orinese period and remained largely unchanged. Water is pumped directly from the nearby sea and allowed to evaporate in the basins. The salt is collected a few days later. Tamurine salt is exported to many other nations.


Ancient history

Medieval period

Early modern period

19th Century

Until 1871, Tamurin was a divided land of dozens of large and small territories, each ruled by their own leader. The Empire was brought into existence by the strongest of these lords, Menelassar (...-1888), by way of force. One of his first acts was the establishment of the Tamurin Parliament with the lords in the upper chamber while the lower house was democratically elected. The parliamentarians of the lower house overruled the nobility quite often. Emperor Menelassar I died in 1888. His rule was regarded as harsh, but he had completely transformed Tamurin into a powerful, militaristic state.

His son, Menelassar II ($year-$year), succeeded him. He was far more liberal and had great respect for the elected lower chamber of parliament. To further improve relations, the Emperor introduced the position of Prime Minister who would take on centralized responsibility for leading the Government. Prior to the role, the Emperor had done that himself. This transferred foreign policy and control of the armed forces to his Prime Minister. Though Menelassar II was loved by the people, he was not by the nobles and was forced to resign in 1896 when the nobility and the Emperor got into a nasty political battle over the furtherance of democratic improvements sought by the lower chamber. His hardliner brother, Menelassar III ($year-$year), became Emperor after a one-month political standoff.

20th Century

It was around the turn of the century where a wave of reactionary and totalitarian regimes existed. In response to his brother's complete reversal of both his and their grandfather's work, he withdrew from the House of Lords and ran for a seat in the democratically elected lower chamber, which greatly rose his reputation. At first, the nobles approved of Menelassar III's ways but once he took action upon the armed forces and the ranks of the aristocracy who disagreed with him, a civil war was inevitable. The bloody First Tamurin Civil War lasted from 1903-1911 which resulted in the collapse of the Empire of Tamurin and the creation of the Republic.

The initial years of the Republic, between 1912 and 1937, various social democratic parties governed the nation and tried to establish a system around the philosopher X (like Karl Marx). These attempts failed and the results were devastating. The economy was down, and the country was taken backwards technologically. Centrist governments took hold and modernized into a top-level economic powerhouse from 1938 to 1967, at which point there was a student revolt and the more centre-right Progressive took charge.

21st Century

Civil war erupted once more in 2004 when the far-right Imperialists regrouped after remaining in hiding for many decades. It was a brief affair as nations from around the Orient rushed to the Republican banner. With their help, the Republic survived. Since the second civil conflict, Tamurin instituted a policy of 'Armed Neutrality' but despite this designation, the Republic does try to maintain as close ties as possible between the Oriental nations in Eastern Europa. In 2006, Tamurin became a founding member of the Entente of Oriental States.


Executive branch

The President is the head of state who holds certain defined responsibilities concerning the government. The Presidency is currently held by Jurgen Brosch, a social democrat. It is the Prime Minister, who is traditionally the leader of the largest party in Parliament who is tasked with day-to-day affairs of state. Otto Krüger, chair of the Progressive Party (which is not as 'left-leaning' as others on Eurth), has maintained the position for the past three elections. Both men are Orientalists who prefer to maintain and further ties with the local region.

Legislative branch

Parliament is empowered to legislate and to tax. It has 210 members and coalitions are tight with little space for compromise across sides. The Socialist, Progressive, Conservatives, and Liberals make up the majority of the seats, with a small number possessed by the Greens and far-right isolationist party. There is an independent judiciary.


The Republic has an Army, Navy, and Air Force (Luftwaffe). They have a small elite special force detachment that sees more action than the other branches. Tamurin has an armed neutrality policy but that hasn't completely prevented Tamurin from involvement in military activities with the Entente of Oriental States as long as those missions are within the general region. Despite its population, the total number of active personnel is merely 185,000.

External links

Work in progress

  • Integrate details from the Turin history.
  • Integrate analogues from the Tamils people.
  • Establish links with the history of Orioni.This template may be deleted.