Peerage of Caldia

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The Peerage of Caldia comprises all peerages created in the Kingdom of Caldia.

The ranks of the Caldish peerage are, in descending order, Duke (Dug), Count (Mormaer), and Viscount (Lumaer). All lines descended through both the male and female lines and have since their creation. Unlike many Euclean peerages, dozens of the titles were created for females by female monarchs. The system of tanistry is also extended to the nobility, traditionally allowing vassals to approve the tanist (heir designate). However, this has became uncommon as feudalism began to phase out and most typically the eldest child inherits.

Until it's abolition in 1814, all Peers of Caldia could participate as a member of the déisi, the body that chose the monarch's tanist.

Dukes in the Peerage of Caldia

Title Creation Current holder Notes
The Duke of Areach 971 His Majesty the Duke of Aerach Always held by the monarch
The Duke of Knockdale 1001 Kenneth O'Reilly, 34th Duke of Knockdale
The Duchess of Liscannor 1238 Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Liscannor Always held by the heir presumptive or designate
The Duchess of Holyhead 1398 Molly Fitzgerald, 28th Duchess of Holyhead
The Duke of Scarp 1486 Michael O'Brien, 19th Duke of Wudare
The Duke of Shillelagh 1542 Alastar MacRae, 17th Duke of Lyrone
The Duchess of Taois 1675 Margaret MacDouglas, 10th Duchess of Taois
The Duchess of Invertwinc 2012 The Princess Lauren, 1st Duchess of Invertwinc Created for the seventh time for the Princess
The Duchess of Clyte 2017 The Princess Emily, 1st Duchess of Clyte Created for the first time for the Princess
The Duke of Clane 2017 The Prince Robert, 1st Duke of Clane Created for the first time for the Prince

Counts in the Peerage of Caldia

Title Creation Current holder Notes
The Count of Caithia 1218 His Majesty the Iarla of Caithia Always held by the monarch

Viscounts in the Peerage of Caldia

Landed Viscounts

Viscounts of the Name

Viscounts of the Crown

Viscounts of the Crown are members of the Caldish Royal Family with the title of Viscount or Viscountess. However, unlike the landed Viscounts their title does not have a corresponding geographic location. Instead, they draw their title from the Crown.

    • Viscount James and Lady Ursula Sullivan (the King's cousin and his wife)
      • Viscountess Bridget (the King's second cousin)
      • Viscount Matthew (the King's second cousin)
    • Viscount Edwyn and Lady Ellen Sullivan (the King's cousin and his wife)
      • Viscount Daniel (the King's second cousin)
      • Viscountess Natalie (the King's second cousin)
      • Viscount Wallace (the King's second cousin)
    • Viscount Rory and Lady Kathleen (the King's cousin and his wife)
    • Viscountess Sarah and Laird Robert (the King's cousin and her husband)
    • Viscount Alexander (the King's cousin)