Weranian Unification

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Weranic kingdoms in 1837 (above) and the unified Weranic state in 1846 (below)

Weranian Unification, known in Werania as simply the "Einigung, was the process in which the previous divided kingdoms and city-states of the Weranic lands became the modern nation state of the Weranian Confederation which was declared on the 17th March 1842. The process is believed to have started with the Weranian Revolution of 1828 although has its roots in the 1785 revolution that led to the dissolution of Weranian Republic.

Inspired by a mixture of notions including nationalism, historical revisionism, republicanism, liberalism, secularism and democracy the impetus for Weranian unification following the republic's dissolution led to the start of the "Weranic Question" of whether a state for the Weranian people should emerge, if it should be a republic or monarchy and if it only consist of Weranic speaking lands or be enlarged to those ruled by the Weranic people, understood to mean whether Sunrosia would be part of a Weranian nation. During the early 19th century these questions led to an outpouring of nationalist activity in the Weranic states notably through the revolutionary secret society, the Septemberists.

By 1829 republican nationalists united with monarchists in the Kingdom of Cislania to jointly promote the cause of unification. Gaining the support of Estmere these liberal nationalists began to see Sunrosia - previously thought to be the most likely candidate to unify the Weranic lands - as the biggest obstacle to unification. From 1836 starting with the Septemberist Revolt in Bonnlitz-Ostbrücken to the 1840-1842 Weranian War of Unification the pace of unification under the Cislanian banner rapidly increased with the Weranian Confederation being declared following the victory of Cislanian forces in 1842. The state further expanded with the Easter Revolution in the eastern Weranian states.

The final act of Weranian unification was the War of the Triple Alliance fought between Werania and Estmere against Sunrosia, Gaullica and Narozalica. Although the war had intended to unite the rest of the Weranic lands in Sunrosia - considered to be the entirely Weranic speaking Cisvetania and partially Weranic speaking Ruttland - into Werania, it failed to do so with Werania acquiring Ruttland alone. However the war did result in the survival of a unified Weranic nation confirming its presence permanently in Euclea.  

Weranian unification is considered to have changed the balance of power in Euclea. It represented a decline in Sunrosia and Solstiana whilst the creation of a unified Werania introduced a new great power on the continent that would compete with Gaullica, Narozalica, Estmere and Etruria for influence. Weranian unification is still celebrated in Werania despite there still being debate as to whether its primary protagonists - Rudolf VI and Ulrich von Bayrhoffer - intended to unify Werania or whether unification was the result of ad hoc agreements pursued out of pragmatism and opportunism.

Brief Timeline

Hall of the Fatherland, a monument celebrating Weranian figures throughout history built to celebrate unification.
  • 1785 - The Weranian Revolution. The Rudolphine Emperor Leopold III is overthrown by republicans and Weranic nationalists who declare the Weranian Republic. The revolution quickly spreads across the Confederation until the republicans are victorious creating a national convention under the leadership of Franz Xaver Dobrizhoffer.
  • 1789 - The republic after internal instability is embroiled in conflict with [neighbours]. Generalfeldmarschall Balthasar Hötzendorf is elected First Citizen by the National Diet ushering in a period of militarised republicanism.
  • 1801 - The Weranian Republic is dissolved after Sunrosian, Estmerish and Narozalica defeat it militarily. Its replacement however is far more truncated then the former states in the Rudolphine Confederation with seven kingdoms and two free cities being created.
  • 1816 - The Central Revolutionary Federation commonly simply known as the Septemberists (Septembristen) is founded in XXX. A network of secret revolutionary societies the Septemberists would become one of the most influential groups agitating for Weranian unification based on a republican model.
  • 1821 - Glorious Summer. A liberal revolution in Cislania leads King Leopold Theodor to promulgate a constitutional monarchy, the first of its kind in the Weranic states.
  • 1828 - The Weranian Revolution of 1828. Septemberist republicans raise up across Werania. A second republic is declared in Westbrücken, the heart of the pan-Weranic movement. The revolts are crushed with Sunrosian and Estmerish assistance but the strength of pan-Weranicism is reaffirmed. There is also a shift in the central thrust of pan-Weranicism from republicanism to cooperation with the liberal monarchy of Cislania.
  • 1829 - Appointment of Ulrich von Bayrhoffer as Minister-President of Cislania and the rise of the Pan-Weranic Party in the Kingdom. Reconciliation begins between the Cislanian monarchy and the Septemberists over the pan-Weranic cause.
  • 1836 - The Septemberist Revolt in Bonnlitz-Ostbrücken. The Septemberists supported by Cislania lead a successful uprising against the unpopular and diplomatically isolated monarchy of Bonnlitz-Ostbrücken. A free state is declared. King Leopold Theodor is invited to serve as king in a personal union.
  • 1836-1837 - The Cislanian-Solstianan War. In response to the Septemberist Revolt the Kingdom of Solstiana demands Cislania end the personal union with Bonnlitz-Ostbrücken. This leads to war between the two nations which ends with a status quo antebellum after Werania is able to confirm Estmerish neutrality.
  • 1840-1842 - Weranian War of Unification. Cislania declares war on a coalition of Roetenberg, Prizen, Elbenweis and Westbrücken, considered to be in the Sunrosian sphere of influence. Werania wins against them with nominal assistance from Estmere. The Treaty of XXX sees Prizen enter personal union with Cislania which formally declares the creation Weranic Confederation which also includes Roetenberg and Elbenweis. Westbrücken is named the federal capital. Leopold Theodor becomes head of state with the regal name Rudolf VI.
  • 1846 - The Easter Revolution. A nationalist revolution in Wolfsfled purportedly instigated by Werania leads to repression by the King of Wolfsfled. The repression spurs Werania to issue an ultimatum that demands referendums to be held in Wolfsfled, Wiittislich and Kolreuth on the issue of unification. With few allies the three states hold concurrent referendums which see them agree to unify into Werania.
  • 1852-1855 - The War of the Triple Alliance. Werania issues an ultimatum to Sunrosia to surrender its Weranic regions. This leads to the War of the Triple Alliance between Werania and Estmere against Sunrosia, Narozalica and Gaullica that ends with Ruttland being ceded to Werania. This is typically considered to be the final act of Weranian unification.


Early revolutionary activity


Glorious Summer and Cislania

1828 revolution

Pan-Weranic Party

Path to unification

Septemberist Revolt

Cislanian-Solstianan War

Weranian War for Unification

Proclamation of the Confederation

Irrendentist Course

Easter Revolution

War of the Triple Alliance

End of unification

Inner unification

Political and administrative issues

Creating a nation



