Discrimination in Eurth

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The following list shows the legality and frequency of discrimination in Eurth in different countries.

Country Race Sex Age Religion LGBT+ Nationality Pregnancy Disability Genetic Criminal Record Pet Owning
 Rihan Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Moderate Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Moderate
Rihan has no laws that make discrimination illegal. As such, sexism, ageism, ableism, and moderate cases of racism are common.
 Derthalen Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Common Common Uncommon Moderate Common Common Common Common Common Uncommon Uncommon
Derthalen has no laws that make discrimination illegal. If people do not like you, it is your problem.
 Oyus Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
The Oyusard National Congress does not permit discrimination of any kind, and it is typically unheard of given the tolerant nature of natives. When it comes to pet owning, it is permitted all around, although licensing is required for exotic pets that are not endangered.
 Mauridiviah Illegal Illegal Partial Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial Illegal Illegal Partial
Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Common Moderate
People who have disabilities or are too young to properly work may be discriminated against on that basis in terms of employment and independent housing. Rules on pet ownership (as long as within animal cruelty laws) are usually set by the states and private property owners.
 Limonaia Illegal Illegal Legal Illegal Legal Legal Illegal Legal Illegal Legal Legal
Moderate Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Moderate Common Common Common Common Uncommon
Laws against discrimination are uncommon in Limonaia, and the few there are were added within the last decade.
 Sylvet Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial Partial
Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate
In Sylvet, most forms of discrimination are illegal on the federal level. Discrimination by criminal record is legal only in the state of Segento. Pet owners may be denied certain services due to their pets. There is still a moderate amount of racism and religious discrimination in Sylvet due to its diversity and Segento's lack of integration.
 Sunset Sea Islands Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal Partial
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Common Moderate
In the SSI, most forms of discrimination are outlawed since the end of the Empire of Mat Troi Lan. However, as a mostly non-religious country, people often distrust or avoid people who " express supranaturalistic tendencies". A criminal record makes finding employment hard in the SSI and limits the availability of certain social benefits. This includes people who get convicted of drug offences, which the SSI punishes harshly. Pet ownership is legal, however many apartment complex have placed bans on owning pets.
 Batengdei Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Partial Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Common Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon
The People's Republic of Batengdei believes in common equality for all citizens, and choose not to discriminate against most beliefs, genders, orientations, etc.. Other nationalities are subject to suspicious looks, and in all locations (except designated tourist locations) such looks are permitted.
 Faramount Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal Legal
Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Uncommon Common Moderate
The Faramontese constitution prohibits most forms of discrimination, but provides no protection to the LGBT community, persons with criminal records, or pet owners. In reality, these constitutional protections have no effect, as both the government and civil society discriminate regularly.

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