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Federation of Lauchenoiria
Motto: "Always with the best of intentions"
LargestMelissa City
Official languagesEnglish, Spanish
Recognised regional languagesAenian
GovernmentFederal parliamentary republic
• President
Alex Marwick
• Prime Minister
Josephine Alvarez
LegislatureFederal Parliament of Lauchenoiria
• Unification of Provinces
03 May 1922
987,253 km2 (381,181 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2016 estimate
• Density
34.7/km2 (89.9/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
945 billion Gold Cookies
• Per capita
CurrencyGold Cookie (LGC)
Time zoneLCT
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideleft
Calling code+277

The Federation of Lauchenoiria, commonly called Lauchenoiria, is a federal parliamentary republic in the International Democratic Union. It is bordered on the east by Malabra, on the north by Kerlile, on the north-west by Conternia and on the south and west by the Agrimai Ocean. Lauchenoiria covers 987,253 square kilometers and has has an estimated population of 34,219,000. Lauchenoiria is comprised of 6 provinces and 2 self-governing island territories.

Lauchenoiria has traditionally believed that international cooperation is required to combat climate change, and has devoted considerable resources to international environmental efforts. Lauchenoiria has also supported scientific research and technological advancement, particularly in the IT sector and in space exploration. However Lauchenoiria is a fierce opponent of any form of eugenics and genetic engineering. Lauchenoiria was historically pacifist, and did not involve itself in military exercises unless defending itself from an attack.

In May 2018, following a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Laura Moore, the newly formed government led by Suleman Chaher suspended the constitution. Opponents of this action have labelled it a coup d'état, and it has led to a civil war. Following the initial vote, the island of Aeluria issued a unilateral declaration of independence. This was not recognised by the Lauchenoirian government. This declaration was withdrawn upon the signing of the Haven Accords which ended the Second Lauchenoirian Civil War.


The word Lauchenoirian comes from “Lauchen” meaning “butterfly” and “oira” meaning land in the language of the Fleurian province. Butterflies are plentiful across the nation. The name in Fleurian literally means “Land of butterflies”

The standard way to refer to a citizen of Lauchenoiria is as a "Lauchenoirian."


Early & Colonial History

The first known inhabitants of Lauchenoiria were a number of tribes scattered throughout the mainland. Over time, many of these tribes joined together to form six different separate cultures. The areas inhabited and claimed by these six tribes are roughly the mainland provinces today.

The tribal population slowly declined, and over time the land now known as Lauchenoiria was colonised by Spanish and English speaking Europeans. Costeno, Ecanta, Ulinaria and Yervia were governed by the Spanish, whereas Melissa and Fleura by the British. The island of Aeluria was split between the two states. The Spanish colonies gained independence in 1893, whereas the British colonies did not gain independence until 1907.

Unification & Foundation

In 1922, the six provinces united with Aeluria to form Lauchenoiria. Aeluria, which still had a majority native population, resisted this unification, leading to a brief conflict which ended after three months when Aeluria's native leader passed away and her daughter signed the unification treaty to prevent further conflict.

Butterfly Island was previously uninhabited until 1932, when a group of Lauchenoirians settled on the island. With no native human population, the island quickly became very multicultural and attracted immigrants from various countries.

Lauchenoiria was democratic from its foundation until the communist revolution of 1952, with the country electing a President for the first time in 1923, shortly after the foundation of Federation. Women had the vote from the initial foundation of the country, and as such Lauchenoiria has usually been slightly ahead of the rest of the world on women's rights.

Lauchenoiria remained neutral in the various conflicts of the early half of the 20th century, but exhibited clear support for communist countries over their capitalist counterparts in the latter half of the century.

Communist Revolution

In 1952, then-Leader of the Communist Party Mateo Villanueva began a revolution which resulted in the overthrow of the elected Lauchenoirian government. Villanueva became President, but after 7 years, elections were held in which various parties were allowed to stand, provided they did not advocate a return to capitalism. Over time, these electoral restrictions were eroded, and by 1993, capitalist candidates were permitted to stand in elections.

Communist Lauchenoiria

Capitalism was still highly unpopular in Lauchenoiria until the 2010 election, when the Liberal Party became the main opposition. The fall in support of communism was accompanied by a large population drain as emigration increased. In 2006, the population was estimated as 39.1 million, whereas in 2016 it was 34.2 million. Some experts have suggested the mass emigration was a result of tourists visiting the country with modern technology that Lauchenoirians could not afford.

Support for independence on the island of Aeluria grew briefly in 2007, and the provincial government discussed holding a referendum on independence. However, following the economic crisis in 2008, support fell again drastically and no action was taken on the part of the Aelurian government. In May 2018, the Aelurian Provincial Government unilaterally declared independence. This declaration of independence is not recognised by most countries.

Second Civil War

In 2014, the Liberal Party became the largest party in Parliament, and formed a coalition with the Greens. Lauchenoiria remained communist until August 2017, when a referendum on remaining with the communist system or transitioning to capitalism was held. Capitalism won the vote by 62.3%.

In 2018, former Foreign Secretary Suleman Chaher defected to the Communist Party after a successful vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Laura Moore, and proclaimed himself Prime Minister. This was not recognised by then President Leanna Walker, who was in exile in Laeral, and was impeached by Parliament for so-called 'treasonous activity'. The Vice President Kieran MacKenzie was then sworn in as President, and recognised Chaher's government.

The country was in a state of civil war for four months following the vote of no confidence. This was ended upon the signing of the Haven Accords in Haven, Sanctaria, where Keitha Noguera was appointed Prime Minister.


The Land Area of Lauchenoiria is 381,180 mile² (987,253 km²). 20.1% of Lauchenoirian territory is comprised of water. There are 6 mainland provinces and 2 large island territories, and a number of smaller islands uninhabited by humans. Butterfly Island is 17,219km² and Aeluria is 18,929km².

Lauchenoiria has a mild climate, average temperature in the summer is 26 degrees Celsius and in the winter 11 degrees. The islands and the three coastal mainland provinces of Melissa, Ulinaria and Costeno are often windy and have reliable rain. The areas near the eastern border with Malabra, however, have a considerably warmer climate due to the influence of Malabra's anomalous climate conditions.

The environment of Lauchenoiria is often described as beautiful and as such attracts many tourists each year. There are several small islands dedicated to butterfly reserves, which tourists can see from boats (humans are not allowed on the islands). The mainland has many lakes and forests. There are 627 different known species of butterfly in the nation, some of which cannot be found elsewhere.



Lauchenoiria has a population of approximately 34,219,000 (2016 estimate). The population is very ethnically diverse as historically the nation was settled by people from all over the world, and immigration was welcomed until the 2018 political crisis. Much of the population lives in small towns or villages, rather than large cities.


All signs are labelled jointly in English, Spanish, and the native dialect of the region they are in. 99.7% of the population speak either English or Spanish. Children learn both languages in school.

The mainland regional native dialects are Melissian, Fleurian, Ulian, Costenian, Yervish, Ecantio. Most native individuals speak their region's language, and they are optional languages for schoolchildren to learn. The island of Aeluria also has a dialect called Aenian which is notoriously difficult for non-native speakers to learn. Butterfly Island has no native dialect as it had no human inhabitants before the creation of the Lauchenorian state.


Most Lauchenoirians are atheists, with 83% of Lauchenoirians having no religion. Residents have the freedom to practice any religion, but may not force it upon others. The most common religions in Lauchenoiria are Christianity (7.6%) and Buddhism (7.3%).

Aeluria, which has a population of 11,320, however has a much higher percentage of religious residents. 62% of Aelurians practice a local tribal religion, known as Lurian. Lurites worship at sunrise and sunset daily, outside. They view certain species of tree as sacred, and have festivals at both solstices. Little else is known about this religion, as religious beliefs are not generally told to outsiders.


Constitutionally, Lauchenoiria is a democratic federal parliamentary republic. The structure of government is set out in the Constitution. Lauchenoria has 3 levels of government: local, provincial and federal.

In early June 2018, President Kieran MacKenzie officially suspended the constitution. The Federal Parliament elections scheduled for September 2018 were postponed until June 2019, after which Josephine Alvarez took office as Prime Minister, her coalition replacing a unity government headed by Keitha Noguera from the end of the war until the elections.

Local: Each local authority governs a small area (a city or a town, or a larger geographic area of rural land), with a population of on average 90,000 in each local area. These councils control areas such as waste collection, road maintenance and providing local services. They are elected every 4 years. The most recent elections were in 2017.

Provincial: Each province has a unicameral parliament elected every 4 years. The members of each regional parliament then elect a First Minister (generally from the largest party) who will appoint ministers to their government. The most recent elections were in 2016.

Federal: The Federal government is comprised of separate legislative, executive and judicial branches.

Legislature: The Federal Parliament of Lauchenoiria is a unicameral legislature, elected every 4 years. Parliament then elects a Prime Minister who is the Head of Government. The Prime Minister must be a Member of Parliament, traditionally from the largest party, elected by MPs and approved by the President. The President may veto the appointment of a Prime Minister, however a 2/3 majority in Parliament can overturn the veto. The last Parliamentary Elections were in 2019.

Following the last election, the largest party was the Liberal Party, who formed a coalition with the Green Party. Former Prime Minister Laura Moore is a member of the Liberal Party.

After the vote of no confidence, 11 Members of Parliament were detained for suspected treason by the new government.

Executive: The President is the Head of State. The President is directly elected every four years, one year after the Parliamentary elections. The last Presidential Election was in June 2019. The President must sign legislation, and has the power to veto legislation and appointments of government ministers, however these can be overturned by a 2/3 majority in Parliament.

Judiciary: The Supreme Court of Lauchenoiria is the highest legal authority in the land. It can rule laws unconstitutional from any and all levels of government.

The Supreme Court was temporarily forcibly dissolved following the suspension of the constitution during the civil war.

Foreign Relations & Military

The Federation of Lauchenoiria is a historically pacifist nation and as such has only a small military and relies on diplomacy in international relations. Lauchenoiria had historically remained neutral in international conflicts, however in recent years has begun taking a far more active role in foreign relations.

The matriarchal dictatorship of Kerlile considered Lauchenoiria an enemy, as Lauchenoiria has frequently refused to extradite Kerlian citizens accused of political crimes. Kerlian immigration to Lauchenoiria is high, and even though emigration from Kerlile is technically illegal, the Lauchenoirian state has allowed Kerlians to settle in the country. Following the 2018 vote of no confidence, Kerlile formally allied itself with Chaher's government and sent troops to support him.

Following unrest in early 2018, the government of Lauchenoiria invited peacekeepers from Skoden to intervene after communist protesters took hostages, a move seen as highly controversial, and suggested by some as the main precursor to the current political crisis. Suleman Chaher's government has diverted funding from the education and economic development budgets to the military to handle the current crisis, signifying an end to the pacifist policies.

In the civil war, the Lauchenoirian government recieved support from Gonhog and Kerlile, while the Lauchenoirian Resistance was supported by Skoden and Laeral. On Aeluria, volunteers from Kivasek had committed to defending the island and ensuring its independence.


Lauchenoiria currently operates a mixed economy, as a transitionary state from the old state-planned communist system, to the regulated free-market system the government intends to move towards. The state of this transition is uncertain following the 2018 vote of no confidence.

While the economy was historically poor, following the referendum on capitalism, economic prosperity has increased rapidly. Unemployment is currently at only 1.9%, due to progressive disability policies and the population drain leaving many jobs open.

The largest sectors of the economy are in book publishing, tourism, and information technology. The tourist industry has been historically strong in Lauchenoiria, with the population on Butterfly Island doubling in tourist season. Much of the economy caters to tourists, with a large amount of hotels in cities and most towns.


Lauchenoiria has a variety of different cultures due to immigration from a variety of places. Most Lauchenoirians are firm believers in social equality and liberal policies with regards to sexuality. Lauchenoiria also prides itself on its support for disabled people and anti-eugenics laws. Most of Lauchenoiria has a primarily European culture but most cities are multicultural due to large immigrant populations.

Lauchenoirians are community spirited, believe in social justice and helping others. Both polyamory and same-sex marriage are legal, and those who do not support the latter are often frowned upon. While sexuality policy is very liberal, drug policies are the opposite, with recreational drugs banned, including smoking. Alcohol is legal; however, the minimum drinking age is 21.

An aspect of Lauchenoirian culture that is uncommon elsewhere is the widespread support of the social model of disability, and the government's support for ensuring all Lauchenoirian buildings are accessible to a variety of disabilities, including but not limited to wheelchair users, deaf people and neurodivergent people.

Popular sports include swimming, cycling, canoeing and a number of other watersports. Hiking and photography are also common hobbies in Lauchenoiria. Nightclubs are not very popular in most of the country, with the exception of Elopolis, often termed the 'party capital of Lauchenoiria'.

The island of Aeluria has a very different culture, as it is inhabited mainly by its native population. The Aelurians are a matriarchal culture, living in small villages, traditionally ruled by a matriarch, usually of advanced years. Aeluria does not have any cities, as its inhabitants still live in their traditional small villages, although local issues are now decided by elected councils. Much of Aelurian culture is centred around their religion of Lurian.


Lauchenoiria has a large amount of public transport, with train tracks linking every town on the mainland. Residents of the two islands are entitled to heavily discounted fares on ferries between the islands and the mainland, and ferry services are frequent. The capital cities of each mainland province have underground systems that are well maintained.

Emphasis on making buildings and public transport systems accessible to people with a wide range of disabilities is common in Lauchenoiria, and as such buildings, especially modern buildings, usually have wide corridors and lift access to all floors, as well as induction loops and braille signposting


Much of the energy used by Lauchenoirians is generated using offshore windfarms and solar panels near the Malabran border. Investment in renewable energy has increased greatly since the Liberal-Green coalition, and dependence on fossil fuels decreased. Lauchenoiria has three nuclear power stations.