2019-20 Creeperian Village Burnings

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2019-2020 Creeperian Village Burnings
Part of the Deltinian Insurgency
Bombing on Marawi City.jpg
Ciudad Rey Alfonso I burning as a part of the burning of villages and cities in Deltino.
DateDecember 26, 2019-present
TargetDeltinian and Creeperian civilians
Deaths4,385+ (official)
72,000+ (Deltinian claim)
Perpetrators Creeperopolis
Creeperopolis Creeperian Armed Forces

Abbassid banner.svg Deltino

Mara Salvatrucha
MotiveAnti-Deltinian Racism, Anti-Creeperian Racism, Religious Tensions

The 2019-2020 Creeperian Village Burnings is a phenomenon being witnessed across the southern Creeperopolis in the department of Deltino where Creeperian and Deltinian villages are being burned by several armed government and rebel groups.


Battle of Rushdi

Deltinian civilians setting a trancazo to prevent FAC and SKBF troops from entering Rushdi.

A battle broke out between two battalions of the Creeperian Army and the Senvarian Liberation Front near the village of Rushdi on December 26, 2019. When fighting began, the villagers of Rushdi began lighting fires and setting roadblocks to give both sides a disadvantage in an attempt to force both sides to disengage. Both sides threatened the villagers with pillaging and mass murder.

By the second day, casualties began to reach 50 on both sides. When the Senvarians began to plan a counter-attack, both sides saw soldiers in all back uniforms emerge the trees around them and they opened fired. Both sides initially fought back but eventually both had to order a retreat. Both the Creeperans and the Senvarians were routed and the soldiers captured over 200 Creeperans and Senvarians while killing 200 more in battle and wounding almost 300 more. All 200 prisoners were executed, regardless of allegiance.

The group calls itself the Deltinian Liberation Army. Kanaan el-Bashir, the DLA's leader, declares the necessity for an independent Deltinian Emirate and declares both the Creeperans and the Senvar-Senvekians as imperialist oppressors. General Kanaan el-Bashir, called for all Deltinians across the department to rise up against Senvar-Senvekian and Creeperian oppression and to join the fight for an independent Deltino. He declared the Emirate of Deltino as an independent nation.[1]

Both the Senvar-Senvekians and the Creeperans condemned the massacre committed by the DLA and both rejected the legitimacy of such an emirate as it claimed territory claimed by both sides. Both sides labeled the DLA as a terrorist organization. The Castillianans have not commented on the matter as they have not been dragged into the Deltinians' sights yet.

The Deltinian Liberation Army has declared Greater Sacramento, a fellow muslim nation, its ally in its struggle against Creeperian and Senvar-Senvekian imperialism and called for Greater Sacramento to take action and assist the DLA. Greater Sacramento denounced the DLA's claim of support.[2]

Burning of Helwan

As the sun rises on Creepeorpolis, villagers in the village of Fustat notice their daily delivery of maseca from Helwai, a neighboring village, never arrived, and contact couldn't be made. A search party of 10 villagers was sent to investigate.

When the villagers arrived, they smelled a strong, pungent, and irritating odor and saw a yellowish-green mist in the area. Then they saw all 163 villagers dead on the ground. Alarmed, the villagers rushed back to Fustat and travelled to a nearby Creeperian Army outpost. The soldier showed a lack of attention and sent the villagers away. The villagers did notice empty containers reading "Vapor Tóxico" on the ground with the Army troops.[3]

Ciudad Rey Alfonso I

A car bomb exploded in Ciudad Rey Alfonso I killing 11 Creeperian soldiers, 1 DINA agent, 67 Deltinian civilians, and 2 DLA fighters. The DLA claimed responsibility and declared its support for Morova against the Armas Blockade. The DLA stated it will support the Morovans by "bringing down the Creeperian-Castillianan-Senvarian Regime."[4]

Other Events

December 30, 2019

The Creeperian Armed Forces, Senvarian Liberation Front, FMLN, and Sombra Negra launch a joint invasion into DLA held territory in Deltino, the first time all four belligerents come together to fight as one against a common enemy. Creeperans, Senvarians, Senvekians, and Castillianans have all been persecuted by the Deltinians in the past and they all want to "pay back the favor."[5]

Rumors circulate that Deltinian citizens are fleeing south and to possibly escape Creeperopolis and to Greater Sacramento with claims of war crimes such as no quarter, use of chemical weapons, looting, and village burning are being committed by the FAC, SKBF, FMLN, and FRENAMI against Deltinian civilians and militants.[citation needed]

December 31, 2019

The Creeperian government reports that the war in Deltino is a small-scale operation to stop the spread of the DLA. It has so far claimed very few casualties, less than 500.[6]

Rumors and reports from Deltino are alleging that the FAC has burnt and pillaged over 8 villages in the past day and executed an estimated 2,500 villagers. Meanwhile, the SLF burnt and pillaged 7 villages and executed an estimated 2,200 villagers and the FMLN burnt and pillaged 5 villages and executed an estimated 1,100 villagers. The Sombra Negra was the most brutal, burning and pillaging 10 villages and executing 3,200 villagers. The claims claim that the Deltinian country side is filled with smoke and fires and even yellowish-green gas in some areas. These claims have no credibility and have not been verified. The claims have been discredited by Creeperian independent news organizations after their stocks have notably increased.[citation needed]

January 15, 2019

A village inhabited by 40 villagers in Zapatista found 12 members of Mara Salvatrucha hiding in a dug out cavern below one of the homes. The villagers proceeded to burn the gang members alive for being affiliated with Mara Salvatrucha. When Mara Salvatrucha heard of the incident, 30 members were sent to the village. The village was burnt, 12 villagers were burned alive, and the remaining 28 were kidnapped.[7]


  1. "Gaceta Creeperiano - Battle in the Village of Rushdi". December 27, 2019.
  2. "Greater Sacramento Denouncing the DLA". December 27, 2019.
  3. "Gaceta Creeperiano - Burning of Helwan". December 28, 2019.
  4. "Gaceta Creeperiano - Car Bombing in Ciudad Rey Alfonso I". January 15, 2020.
  5. "Gaceta Creeperiano - Offensive of December 30". December 30, 2019.
  6. "Gaceta Creeperiano - Offensive of December 31". December 31, 2019.
  7. "Gaceta Creeperiano - Mara Salvatrucha burn Zapatistan Village". January 15, 2020.

See Also