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Ajax is a focused roleplaying and worldbuilding region that incorporates both mediums into how nations interact and engage with one another. Members focus on a variety of aspects, including culture, individuals, politics, religion, and other lore, to build a living, active world.

Article spotlight

Martin, Crown Prince of Dakmoor (Martin Balthazar Dakmaran; born 7 March 1989) is the second child and oldest son of Malibar I of Dakmoor and Elizabeth Mutu, thereby making him the Crown Prince and heir of the Kingdom of Dakmoor in western Ghant. He is also an extended member of the Latin Imperial Family by virtue of his wife, Maria of Latium, with whom he’s been married since 2011 and has seven children. Martin was educated strictly by private tutors alongside a few select peers, most notably his cousin Prince Benjamin of Dakmoor. Since marruing, Martin has taken a more active role in rulership where he has participated in royal council meetings with his father. He provided valuable leadership during events such as the 2014 Bandit Uprising. (See more...)

Nation spotlight
Dzhuvenestan, formally known as the Most Serene Republic of Dzhuvenestan (Dzhuven: 𐭣𐭬𐭤𐭡𐭫𐭠 𐭠𐭮𐭬𐭠𐭭𐭠 𐭰𐭩𐭡𐭡𐭮𐭭𐭧𐭮𐭲𐭠𐭭, Jmhwra Asmana Djewwhnhstan) and also known as Dzhuveneia, is a sovereign state in western Ochran. It borders the Halys to the west and southwest, the Azagartian Sea to the north and Zilung Chen to the east. Dzhuvenestan's 47 million people occupy 609,920 square kilometers of land; denser groups huddle the coast and inland river valleys, while sparser bands of population reside in the central highlands and northern mountain ranges. Today, Dzhuvenestan exists under the continued authoritarian rule of military strongman Afran Zomorodi. The twin pillars of the Melekite priesthood and the military regime stifle civil liberties, and the existing low-lying ethnic insurgency against the central government has slowed most development progress outside the central regions. Repressed ethnic and religious minorities, long sidelined under the Dzhuveni nation-state, clamor for autonomy or even independence. Continued border conflict with neighbor and enemy Halys continually threatens to boil over into war. (See more...)
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