Military of Radictistan

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Military of Radictistan
Service branches
Commander-in-ChiefHRH Grand Duke Xenocimedes Radicti
Minister of DefenseField Marshal Randolph Murk, Count of Eastval
Military age17
Available for
military service
110,856,000 (est.), age 17-45
Fit for
military service
98,661,000 (est.), age 17-45
Reaching military
age annually
4,771,000 (est.)
Deployed personnelNone
Percent of GDP4.6%
Domestic suppliersRadictistan Automotive Works
Royal Defense Industries

The Military of Radictistan represents the armed of the Grand Duchy of Radictistan. It is comprised of the Royal Radictistan Army, Royal Radictistan Navy, and Royal Radictistan Air Force. Radictistan has a total of about 2.9 million men and women on active duty and in the reserve components. In addition to these, the Home Guard is a militia organization made of civilian volunteers with approximately 2 million personnel. The Ministry of Defense provides strategic direction and oversight. The Radictistani military has little history of foreign involvement, but has been pressed into a public security role because of the ongoing Norcustsur internal conflict.


The Radictistani military is primarily focused on the defense of the Radictistani homeland against foreign invasion. The national military establishment is firmly wedded to the "nation-in-arms concept" whereby the defense of the nation is predicated on mass participation. Emergency defense plans envision a nationwide delaying action followed by a hedgehog defense focused on major cities. This would ultimately force an attacker to fight house-to-house against surviving army units, militia, and armed civilians or risk being enveloped by counterattacking forces. This hypothetical chain of events presupposes a high level of self-sacrifice among the general population. It is believed that a willingness for such drastic action exists in a sufficient proportion of the populace for the general plan to succeed. The Navy and Air Force are also centered around this fortress strategy. The Navy focuses on sea denial with proportionally large numbers of submarines and missile boats while the Air Force posesses long-range anti-shipping bombers, each capable of carrying up to ten supersonic air-to-surface missiles.

Special forces play a small role in Radictistani military doctrine. The defensive nature of the national security strategy, societal concerns over elitism, and government paranoia over the use of small highly-trained units as the vanguard of a future coup, have contributed to a pattern of underinvestment in special operations. Most such units which do exist concentrate on the reconnaissance and surveillance roles rather than direct action or counter-terrorism. The one exception are the Naval Scout Companies of the Royal Radictistan Navy, which are the designated units for such tasks.



For reasons of cost and to avoid the problems associated with an all-volunteer military, Radictistan uses conscription as the primary means of obtaining large numbers of enlisted personnel for all branches. Conscription is not a controversial policy in Radictistan, the ideal of the citizen-soldier being so popular in the country. Personnel of the Royal Security Police, Royal Maritime Police, and Royal Mint Police are exempted from conscription.

Potential conscripts are entered into a lottery in January and July of every year. Those whose numbers are picked are then called up. Conscripted personnel serve for either two years in the Army or three years if assigned to the Navy or Air Force. This assignation is made randomly. Those chosen for service in the January lottery are inducted in April or May while those selected in the July lottery are inducted in October or November. Conscripted personnel are discharged exactly twenty-four or thirty-six months later. Conscripts are promoted after six, twelve, and eighteen months of service with good behavior, leaving the military as Corporals (E-4). Students in higher education have their service deferred until graduation and conscientious objector status is easy to obtain. Radictistani conscripts are paid extremely little, not enough to live on in most parts of the country, but as their living expenses are almost entirely borne by the state during their terms of service this money, commonly referred to as biergeld ("beer money") is sufficient to meet the soldier or sailor's needs.

Certain units of the Royal Radictistan Army are all-volunteer. Incoming conscripts can volunteer for 2 Naval Brigade or 36th Airborne Division and undergo the special training for these elite units. This extends their term of service for an additional year but brings with it additional pay and privileges. Naval Infantrymen and Airborne personnel are the prime source of noncommissioned officers for the rest of the military as those conscripts intending to undertake voluntary service afterward frequently elect to enlist therein. Other formations such as special forces and military police units are open only to those who have already completed their initial two-year term. In the Navy, submarine crews are comprised entirely of petty officers and therefore no conscripts serve in that arm.

Noncommissioned officers

Enlisted personnel who have served at least four years, compulsory service included, can be promoted to E-5, the first real NCO grade. Although conscripted E-4s often serve in leadership roles, including as fireteam leaders in the army, they do not receive the customary NCO perks of separate mess and recreational facilities and can be reduced in rank more readily.

Noncommissioned officers are addressed by their full rank and last name. For example, "Senior Corporal Stein."

Warrant officers

Noncommissioned officers with at least nine years' time in service can attend the Warrant Officer Candidate School for their branch of service upon leaving which they are advanced to the rank of Warrant Officer Third Class. Warrant Officers typically serve in technical leadership roles, instructor billets at second-tier training facilities and within special operations organizations, and as army helicopter pilots.

Commissioned officers

There are three methods by which an individual can receive an active commission into a branch of the Radictistani military. These are completion of a three year term at one of the three service academies, completion of Officer Candidate School, and direct commissioning in the case of specialist personnel such as doctors, nurses, and chaplains. The service academy route is taken by those who have recently completed their secondary education and wish to pursue undergraduate education at a military institution. The OCS route is for recent graduates of regular colleges and universities at the undergraduate level, and for nominated enlisted personnel. A fourth route exists for naval reserve officers. This is enrollment in one of two government-funded maritime academies. In addition to receiving their credentials as merchant marine officers, graduates of these institutions are commissioned into the Royal Naval Reserve. All routes for officer entry are subject to geographic quotas designed to ensure that none of Radictistan's seven Counties are grossly overrepresented within the officer corps. It is common practice for persons for persons who have obtained student deferment to take the OCS route in hope of experiencing better conditions during their eventual service. This is particularly common for those from aristocratic families with longstanding military traditions. All branches of the Radictistani military show a disproportionate of aristocratic or otherwise wealthy individuals in their officer corps. This is most prominent in the Army with the Navy and Air Force having a broader social base.

All officer promotions to the rank of Brigade-General/Commodore or higher require the approval of the Grand Duke. All officer promotions to the rank Lieutenant-General/Vice Admiral or above also require the approval of the House of Delegates.

Commissioned officers at the rank of Colonel/Captain, First Rank or lower must retire by their fiftieth birthday. Officers between the ranks of Brigade-General/Commodore and Colonel-General/Admiral must retire by their sixty-fifth birthday. Field Marshals and Admirals of the Fleet by law never officially retire but cannot serve on active duty past the age of seventy.

Military oath

All commissioned and noncommissioned personnel of the Radictistani military are required to either swear of affirm a military oath upon enlistment, in the case of enlisted personnel, or commissioning in the case of officers. The military oath for commissioned officers reads as follows:

I, [name], having been appointed to the rank of [rank] by the direction of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke [name of current Grand Duke], do solemnly swear (affirm) to uphold and protect the Grand Duchy of Radictistan and the Constitution under which it stands from all enemies, foreign and internal, to my last dying breath. I swear (affirm) to obey all lawful orders issued by my superior officers and those of His Royal Higness' Government. I swear to defend the life and dignity of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke against all agressors, in accordance with the sacred laws of this land. Long live Radictistan.

Enlisted personnel swear the following oath:

I, [name] do solemnly swear (affirm) to faithfully complete the service required of me by the Grand Duchy of Radictistan. I swear (affirm) to uphold and protect the Grand Duchy of Radictistan and the Constitution under which it stands from all enemies, foreign and internal, to my last dying breath. I swear (affirm) to obey all lawful orders issued by the officers and noncommissioned officers lawfully appointed over me and to defend the life and dignity of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke against all agressors, in accordance with the sacred laws of this land. Long live Radictistan.

A feature of the military oath worth noting is that the new officer or enlisted soldier swears first to the Constitution, then to the Monarchy. This signifies that the military's is to protect the lives and liberties of the Radictistani people. It's duty to the reigning Grand Duke is secondary.


The Radictistani military is headed by a Minister of Defense appointed by the Crown with parliamentary consent. The Minister of Defense is the ultimate source of command authority except for the Grand Duke himself. The Ministry of Defense promulgates policy and command directives which are carried out by the three services. Each service is led by a command staff chaired by a four or five-star flag officer. These staffs are the Army Staff, the Naval Staff, and the Air Staff.

Royal Radictistan Army

A T-80U tank from 11th Mechanized Division advances during an exercise.

The combat forces of the Royal Radictistan Army are divided into five numbered Corps, each associated with a region of the country, plus Special Operations Command. I Corps is the Nuxenstat corps. II Corps is associated with the eastern province of Eastval. III Corps is the Western corps, belonging to the counties of Westwoodsur, Erdwoodsur, and Hyarpsur. IV Corps is the Northern corps, associated with Norcustsur. V Corps is the Northeastern corps, associated with Yestingsur. The reserve units organic to each corps are manned from reservists living within the catchment area. Conscripts serving their two-year obligation are not assigned to regional units but allocated randomly so as to avoid regional chauvinisms within the military.

Each Corps has organic to it maneuver divisions and certain corps-level maneuver battalions, such as attack helicopter units and surface-to-suface missile battalions. Otherwise the individual divisions act as self-contained deployable forces.

In wartime the five Corps would serve only as administrative apparatuses; divisions and corps-level battalions would be brigaded together into ad hoc "Division Groups" for service away from the garrison region. These would normally be commanded by an officer of equivalent rank to corps commander.

Radictistani divisions and brigades are typically of a triangular structure, with three suboordinate maneuver elements. A battalion by contrast is most commonely comprised of four maneuver companies. A division is the smallest unit considered capable of long-term independent action. Unlike other armies, the Royal Radictistan Army locates a number of essential support elements, such as the reconnaissance battalion,[1] at the division level rather than the brigade. This arrangement means that Radictistani formations are less flexible than their foreign counterparts. This inflexibility is partially remedies by the creation of ad hoc Brigade Task Forces during contingency operations, each comprised of a manuever brigade and attached elements from the divisional pool. An example of such a formation is Brigade Task Force Hartfer, formed around a brigade of 19th Light Division for internal security operations in the city of Hartfer.

Royal Radictistan Navy

A Udaloy-class destroyer enters port.

The operational strength of the Navy is divided between three tactical fleets, plus Naval Special Operations Command and Naval Training and Operational Development Command. The three fleets are the Home Fleet, based at Wussrhas in Hyarpsur, the Forward Fleet based at Saerkust in Yestingsur, and the Northern Fleet based near Luerkraft in Norcustsur. Each fleet is divided into "groups" formed around a specific purpose such as anti-submarine warfare, or around a carrier. A typical Carrier Battle Group or Surface Action Group will typically consist of between five and eight warships and one or two resupply vessels. A Task Force is an ad hoc unit made up of two or more groups.

Royal Radictistan Air Force

The flying squadrons of the Royal Radictistan Air Force are divided between Air Combat Command, Air Mobility Command, Special Operations Command, Coastal Command, Long Range Strike Command, Support Command, Training Command, and Reserve Command. The last does not a particular operational role and instead has its assets redistributed to appropriate to other appropriate commands during wartime scenarios. Expeditionary Wings of various types are kept dormant, to be activated when overseas service is required of the assigned squadrons.

A Radictistani flying squadron typically has between six and twenty-four aircraft depending on the type operated. Fighter squadrons have the highest number of organic airframes, usually sixteen to twenty-four.


The Radictistani military operates a variety of both modern and legacy military equipment. Most pieces are of foreign design and licence-produced by Radictistani companies while certain items are imported. Some small arms and miscellaneous equipment are both designed and manufactured in Radictistan.

Weapons of mass destruction

Radictistan possesses chemical weapons and leaked documents indicate a policy of "first use" in the case of invasion. The primary delivery systems are Army ballistic missile units and Air Force aircraft. The Radictistani military also maintains active nuclear and biological research programs and possesses stockpiles of weapons-grade nuclear material. However Radictistan has refrained from producing nuclear weapons and all known biological research is defensive in nature.

Military ranks


All-Forces Ranks Navy Ranks
Field Marshal/Air Marshal
Admiral of the Fleet
Admiral der Flote
Vice Admiral
Counter Admiral
Captain, First Rank
Kapitan, 1. Grad
Lieutenant Colonel
Captain, Second Rank
Kapitan, 2. Grad
Captain, Third Rank
Kapitan, 3. Grad
Senior Lieutenant
Senior Lieutenant

Warrant Officers

All-Forces Ranks Navy Ranks
Chief Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer First Class
Fanrik 1. Klasse
Warrant Officer First Class
Fanrik 1. Klasse
Warrant Officer Second Class
Fanrik 2. Klasse
Warrant Officer Second Class
Fanrik 2. Klasse
Warrant Officer Third Class
Fanrik 3. Klasse
Warrant Officer Third Class
Fanrik 3. Klasse


All-Forces Ranks Navy Ranks
Sergeant Major
Chief Ship's Petty Officer
Senior Sergeant
Chief Petty Officer
Petty Officer First Class
Unteroffizier 1. Klasse
Junior Sergeant
Petty Officer Second Class
Unteroffizier 2. Klasse
Senior Corporal
Petty Officer Third Class
Unteroffizier 3. Klasse
Senior Seaman
Private First Class
Soldat 1. Klasse
Seaman First Class
Matros 1. Klasse
Private Second Class
Soldat 2. Klasse
Seaman Second Class
Matros 2. Klasse
Private Third Class
Soldat 3. Klasse
Seaman Third Class
Matros 3. Klasse


  1. Some tank divisions additionally have an armored reconnaissance company organic to each maneuver brigade.