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Midrasia, officially the Republic of Midrasia (Midrasian: Republique de Mydrazia is a sovereign state and presidential republic in western Asura, located within Aeia. Metropolitan Midrasia is situated on the western coast of the Asur, from which the Asuran continent takes its name. The country is bordered to the east by Veleaz, to the north by Newrey and Cuirpthe, and to the west by Ardaima, the Arzvan Republic, and tir Lhaeraidd. The nation has a largely temperate seasonal climate, with higher temperatures in the south of the country for the vast majority of the year. Midrasia is a republic with a democratic presidential system, with its capital in Lotrič, the nation's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre. With a population of 127 million and a land area of 592,857km2, Midrasia is one of the largest nations in Asura in terms of both population and territory. The nation was a founding member of both the Aeian Community and Mydramonde, and today remains a leading economic power within the region and the world. Since antiquity, Lotricien, Mydrollian and other Mydran cultures have flourished in the territory of present-day Midrasia, being eventually absorbed by Fiorentine Empire. For centuries the empire remained the leading political and religious centre of Asuran civilisation, ruling over vast swathes of territory throughout the modern continent. After the fall of the empire and throughout the Dark Ages Midrasia faced calamitous invasions by barbarian tribes, but beginning around the tenth century, numerous Midrasian kingdoms rose to great prosperity through conquest and trade from areas such as Arabekh. Midrasia has been a major power in Asura since the Late Middle Ages, with the outcome of the Sixty Years War (1309 to 1371), leading to a unified Midrasian kingdom, paving the way for a future centralised monarchy and overseas empire. During the early modern period, Midrasia underwent a vast cultural and political development establishing a number of colonies across the globe and overthrowing the absolute monarchy in favour of a presidential system of government under the Consul. The height of Midrasia's power would only be reached in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries when the Republic held dominion over numerous territories throughout Aeia. Despite this, Midrasia's position in world politics was undermined greatly by the state's inability to prevent the outbreak of the Great War in 1895. The mid-twentieth century saw a period of considerable instability and ultimately the process of decolonisation, with the Congress of Lotrič seeing arguably the most peaceful and successful transfer of power to home rule, relative to other Asuran powers during the period. Midrasia is a key cultural centre for the arts and science, boasting a rigorous and world-renowned education system. Midrasian universities, most notably the Universities of Mydroll and Roixs, are some of the most prestigious in Aeia. As a member of WECO, Midrasia also has a large number of internationally recognised heritage sites ranging from ancient Fiorentine constructions to modernist architectural sites from the Twentieth Century. Although the post-war era was marred with economic and social unrest due to the global depression and the rise of communism, in recent years Midrasia has been able to reclaim its position as a leading nation within world politics. Midrasia is a developed country and has the second-largest economy in Aeia in terms of nominal GDP, behind only the UVSS. The Midrasian economy is regarded as a social-market economy, with a large emphasis on high-tech manufacturing, particularly in terms of vehicle, aircraft and armament production. Midrasia ranks high in terms of education, healthcare, life expectancy, public transport and human development and boasts one of the most skilled labour forces, relative to other Asuran economies which are largely service-sector based. As a foremost military power in Aeia and one of the few nuclear-weapon states, the country remains a leading force globally. (See more...)

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