Ta’ka sha’miri

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Ta’ka sha’miri's united shanships

Ta’ka sha’miri
Flag of Ta’ka sha’miri
Coat of arms of Ta’ka sha’miri
Coat of arms
Motto: "Shfili Sha’Tuul"
"The sun shine!"
topographical map
topographical map
Official languagesImerian, The sun tongue
81% Fierce unconquerable Sun
12% The holy chronicles
5% Faith of Ishiri
2% other
• Shan of Shans
Shan Lashirm Ilashirm
annexation by the absolute royal federation
• Total
[convert: invalid number]

As a realm so are Ta’ka sha’miri (or the house of green in the language of the sun) the remains of a large empire that at one time encompassed most of the island chain that fell during a civil war and were divided into various small struggling feudal realms and theocracies even if the distinction is a fine one amongst the worshippers of the fierce sun god. Economically so have the realm taken a dive as it used to be mostly based on slave labour cotton, tea, coffee, spices, and fruit farming with wood also being a valuble export as it is rich in exotic hard woods however with slavery declared illegal so is the economy in somewhat trouble as the slaves that used to work the lands now own it and the sturggle of working out who owned what were a hard struggle. Similarly were several of the nobles outraged of the abolition of slavery and some of them even took up arms against the federation as a result and the royal guard were especially after the goa'uld war forced to send in troops mainly from Sydvinland and Salywa to quell the uprisings. Something that they were able to enlist former Neko slaves in doing and as a result is the realm one of the most well represented one with non-humans to humans in the nobility as titles were redistributed appropriately.


Most of the islands in the archipelago are volcanic in nature and covered in a thick and lush rainforests and the long white beaches have attracted quite a bit of tourism from the rest of the federation despite the internal problems of the islands. Due to the volcanic nature of the islands so are earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanic eruptions are sadly common.

The largest point in the realm is mount Dopo that reaches a height of 2500 meters above sea level.


The climate of Ta’ka sha’miri is wet tropical one with a dry and wet season instead of the four seasons that most realms have. However thanks to the island nature of the realm and the oceans that surrounds it so are temperatures of the island rather low for the climate and they often only reaches 35 degrees and reaches as lowest temperatures around 25. The oceans also means that the climate is rather wet and experiences a heavy downpour and it normally rains 5,000 millimeters worth of rain every year in the coastal regions.

Flora and fauna

Ta’ka sha’miri consists of several islands so are both the flora and fauna diverse to extremes as animals are living in jungles, beaches, swamps, coral reefs, estuaries and sand dunes. On the islands so can one find more than 300 species of mammals including orangutans,elephants, tigers, rhinos and monkeys. The islands are also the home to more than 700 species of birds, more than 400 species of reptiles and 200 species of fish.

It is however not only animals that lives on the islands as they are also the home of 25,000 different species of plants that gives the thick jungles, open plains and rich ocean floor a very diverse and remarkable plantlife.


The culture of Ta’ka sha’miri is based upon the faith of the fierce unconqurable sun and is especially influenced by the white clad sect of the fierce sun's worshippers which have given birth to a rich culture with large sun temples and very vibrant architecture that is very decorated compared to other temples even within the whiteclad sects land. The realm is also divided between poor neko communities and slave villages inlands that have also influenced the communities on the shorelines but Scanderan influences can also be seen due to a long standing relationship of trade between Scananderans and people of the islands but also raids, piracy, and mutual wars between one another.


While the Native neko species were very primitive and warlike did they have a history of trade with sun worshippers from Sandland but there were also neko piracy and later on raids as small sun worshipping colonies were established amongst the costal region due to the impressive amount of spices and exotic hardwood that grows on the island. This history finally ended with a full invasion of the lands by the great Sha’fali Parshi that established a full shandom that covered most of the Island shores. Over the generations did the Iparshi dynasty continue to advance inlands and further pushed the nekos either further inlands or into positions of servitude and eventual slavery as slaves also became a highly valued export from the island. This was used by the Iparshi dynasty as they put various neko chieftains against one another and bought prisoners of war while religious pressure forced the natives to convert.

This last unified Island empire did however come at an end with the Iparshi dynasty when the great great great grandson of Parshi, Parshi V, were assassinated by his own general Shilari, or Shilari I, that claimed the kingdom for his own. His elevation to the throne however were fiercely opposed by several noble families that had been loyal subjects to the Parshi and a fierce civil war tore the empire apart with the Ishilari remaining kings but over merely a former shadow of what the large kingdom once had been and never to be united again as the various new petty kingdoms devoted themselves to wars amongst themselves or nekos inlands or trade that made the kingdoms not only very rich but also very powerful in their own right.

During this time of disunity were the religion taking a less harsh view of decadence and wealth compared to the orthodox sun armoured view and it's munks dressed in robes, did not fast as extensively, and even eat things like meat that was forbidden their counterparts in other realms. Thais gave birth to a new philosophical movement that empathised faith over asceticism as ways to clean one's soul debt that spread over the island and beyond.

Eventually did Scanderan greatships arrive and this sparked a lot of trade between the two regions and eventually led to the mixture of ideas and religious doctrine that flowed between Scandera and the sun worshipping regions (as well as between the two faiths and the faith of the two faced goddess). But this also sparked the beginning of raids and invasions by the Scanderans into the already fractured and warring realms that worshipped the sun. Even further down the road did this also begin the much written about invasion of Scandera by the great General Ilishia that had his origin on the island itself. However this was finally put to the end at the begining of Eröfringstiden when unified Scanderan conquest of the sun realm began in earnest and the small realms of Ta’ka sha’miri took a much more subservient roll to the growing federation the Scanderans were building, often supplying the high kings with tribute, soldiers, gifts, trade concessions and so on while Scanderan kings generally kept the realms divided but also served as mediators and influential persons in their own right due to them being official protectors of the faith of the sun and the kings of several holy sites, and wise masters being their subjects.

Finally this came to an end in the beginning of the 20th century when the Scanderans began a 10 year campaign over the island, officially incorporating it into a unified confederacy at the behest of a prince that had been ousted of power and fled to Scandera to seek refuge and to ask for military aid in retaking his old kingdom as a federal vassal. The high king accepted and launched an invasion and having already some long established vassals on the realm and even some lands that were Stjärnkhrone domains by marriage since the dynasty can a few times over trace their linage to the Island by marriage so were the reconquest easy enough and sparked a longer campaign as the Scanderan consolidated control of the island and created a unified confederacy as a federal realm.

Kingdoms Principalities Shandoms
Imeriata properVedianEteisrannikkoNorthern TaranakaAustlandNordomark JarnarnaSjölandJudeheim Ta’ka sha’miri
Grand Duchies Duchies Emirates
Suderland KarmanjakaGustavslandSydvinlandSalywaSalmosthalinge Sandland
Lord regencies and colonies Free cities Protectorates
TvaudeNova ImeriataImerian Africa SirmeraKrakborg Leporidaeria