Northern Taranaka

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The Kingdom of Northern Taranaka
Khönungariket utaf norra Taranaka
Motto: "Lojala ach modiga!"
"Loyal and brave"
topographical map
topographical map
Official languagesImerian, English, Taranakan
holy chronicles 63.5%
catholic church 37%
Islam 1%
Judaism 0.5%
Other 2 %
Demonym(s)Taranakans, hapfalk
GovernmentAbsolute Monarchy
• Duke
his grace Conall uf Barg
annexation by the absolute royal federation
• Total
14,487 km2 (5,593 sq mi)


Taranaka is well known in the federation for it's coastline

Taranaka is known for it's rocky coast and large rolling hills that spreads all over the island. The island also lacks large forests or much in the ways of mountains which have resulted that it was given it's Imerian name "kullarna uti hafet" or "the hills in the ocean".

Northern Taranaka is however the home of a few mountains, most of which is concentrated to "nordöster bergen" or "the north eastern mountains" where the largest mountain Sargehajden reaches 1250 meters above sea levels. The longest river that runs through the northern parts of the island and it stretches for 21 kilometres over the landscape.


Being surrounded by the ocean so is Taranaka blessed with a temperate maritime climate with a persistent cloud layer covering most of the islands. Temperatures varies between 20 Celsius in the summer and - 10 in the winter as a general rule.

Flora and fauna

Taranaka is a very isolated island which have resulted in a very limited wildlife and only fifty or so species of mammals are known to live there. Of those are the large red deer the largest while rats, rabbits, hares, foxes and badgers are also other common species found on the island.

There are however a large population of aquatic life living around the island as sea turtles, dolphins, whales and fish swarms the Taranakan oceans.

The flora is as limited as the fauna and most of the vegetation in the northern parts of the island are either various species of grass or wildflowers.


It remains uncertain exactly when Celtic immigration started but when Imerian sailors fund the island in 750 BC so were the island divided into smaller weaker kingdoms. It took only a year before Imerian chieftains and noblemen started the raid the island for slaves and riches with fiercer and fiercer attacks. 50 years later in 800 so did a royal invasion army with mammoths, war charriots, horses and massive amounts of both gardkamfirs, lardins and huskarls landed under the command of his royal highness Harald rex Stjärnkhrone I and begun a hundred fifty year long conflict of Imerian invasions, colonisations and counter attacks by the native kings.

However in 950 AD so were the Taranakans finally able to drive away the Imerian invaders even if the norhtern parts of the island were still heavily influenced by Imerians and the holy chronicles were wide spread and the Imerian tongue spoken by a lot of people there, this left the population divided and internal conflict begun to arise between the two groups.

A relative peaceful period followed with only infighting and no further foreign threat arising even if the various kings were not able to join forces with one another and establish a pan Taranakan kingdom.

This did however change in 1323 when his royal prince Angnus rex Caesar I lead an invasion of the islands in an attempt to prove himself during a particular long ceasefire period in the Erathian war. The war was not a long uninterrupted conflict as the war at home forced the Imerians to often go into defensive positions and rely on Imer-tarankans and mercenaries from jarnarna to keep fighting as the army was needed back home. However in 1360 did Oskar rex Stjärnkhrone I, just a prince at the time land with a large army in the north and begun his now famous march to the south where he not only managed to break the established battlelines but utterly managed to crush the remaining Taranakan kings and finally where able to sail home with the news of his fathers death to be crowned high king of both Imeriata, Vedian, the northern iceplains but also Taranaka.

The occupation of Taranaka was a long affair as Imerians migrated there and Tarankas moved out as food production crashed and rose from time to time and uprisings happened from time to time even if they were utterly crushed by Scanderan soldiers and Scanderan-taranakans local forces while Tarnakan soldiers served as soldiers in federal realm where Tarnakans spread out as settlers amongst the Scanderan settlers.

However in the civil war so was Taranaka one of the few realms besides the Scanderan ones that fought in the civil war, What made taranaka so different from the revolutionary forces in Scandera is that Tarnakans fought for a republican government of their own rather than the left groups that bounded together without any clear leadership in Scandera proper.

What also separated the continental revolts with the one on Taranaka is that the one in Taranaka was successful and the nation were divided into two. The northern loyalist chronological state and the southern catholic republic.

Kingdoms Principalities Shandoms
Imeriata properVedianEteisrannikkoNorthern TaranakaAustlandNordomark JarnarnaSjölandJudeheim Ta’ka sha’miri
Grand Duchies Duchies Emirates
Suderland KarmanjakaGustavslandSydvinlandSalywaSalmosthalinge Sandland
Lord regencies and colonies Free cities Protectorates
TvaudeNova ImeriataImerian Africa SirmeraKrakborg Leporidaeria