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Administrative divisions of Latium

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The administrative divisions of Latium are concerned with the institutional and territorial organization of Latin territory. Territories are divided into many divisions, which may serve various goals, whether administrative, political, electoral, or military. Latin administrative divisions are located throughout the world, and all divisions are potentially eligible for voting in senatorial elections and maintain Latin citizenship.

Types of divisions

File:Internal divisions of Latium.png
Internal Divisions of Latium featuring the # prefectures, diocese, and provinces.


Dioceses are the first level sub-national division in Latium. This division is among the most varied in administrative capacity, and primarily holds limited discretionary power over infrastructure spending, education, public transit, and X, with substantial discretionary power is invested in the provincial governors within the diocese itself. Dioceses lack legislative authority and individual tax authority; however, they maintain central tax offices to assist in collection of taxes for the imperial treasury. The dioceses also play a key role in role in the distribution of funding for the Imperial Health Service and other developmental state bureaus. The chief executive of a diocese is a vicar, who is appointed by the emperor to serve at his pleasure. Vicars monitor provincial and local governments, and may veto ordinances or legislation that arises from a provincial or city council.

As of 2021, there are 14 dioceses and 1 overseas diocese. Only three dioceses maintain consultative assemblies: the Diocese of Alba and the Diocese of Sasora, and the Diocese of the East. While these dioceses feature an assembly, the presence of the assembly is due to a dual constitutional status of the diocese and another administrative division. Alba maintains a special constitutional status as diocese-province while Sasora and the East feature an assembly due to the dual status as a caesarian province. In the case of Alba, the Urban Prefect of Castellum is ex offico the Vicar of Alba.


A diocese consists of numerous provinces, and are governed by a provincial governor responsible for local affairs, along with an Imperial-appointed propraetor responsible for the administration of central government affairs at the local level. Provincial powers include: arts, planning, parks, tourism, archives, industrial assistance, and police or fire safety. However, police can be and is often delegated to large cities within a given province. All provinces feature a provincial assembly composed of elected and appointed residents.

Caesarian provinces

See also