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Capitol City
Lisbon (37019885565).jpg
Lisboa, Palácio Nacional de Belém (2).jpg
Praça de D. Pedro IV.jpg
Belém Tower (42071118955).jpg
Lisboa, San Pedro de Alcántara 3.jpg
Parque das Nações Lisboa (cropped).jpg
From top, left to right: View of Sobares Hill and the Bay of Precea • Arch of Unity at Tiago I PlazaLuís Alves Bridge and Christo Rei da Precea • the Cathedral of PreceaAurea Tower, the Precea Tramway, and Duarte Bórgia BridgeGomem FortressFlorria SquarePrimavera Palace the Palace of the Paretian Premier
Coat of arms of Precea
the Golden Citadel, the Light of The East, the Sunrise City, the City of Prayers
Omnes Audiuntur Huc
"All are heard here"
Constituent KingdomLuzela
Founded200-150 BC~
Founded bySolarian Empire
40 Freguesias
  • Cidade Velho
  • Cidade Centro
  • Princesas
  • Portareal
  • Colinaforta
  • Templo Solario
  • Sobares
  • Bandeira Roxa
  • Ilhas de Orações
  • Ilha dos Mestres
  • Silsão
  • Cume
  • Praia Precea
  • Lembro
  • Cássional
  • Rainha Marta
  • Praça País
  • Páteiro
  • Taisogâma
  • São Martim
  • Caminhario 36
  • Ameixa
  • Specúlas
  • Chapéu Branco
  • O Vale
  • Fontes
  • Precessão
  • Postagem do Soldado
  • Cultivia
  • Aradorável
  • Boca do Veloja
  • Vizinhas
  • Fumacia
  • Abreu
  • Santa Isabela
  • Travessares
  • Novos Parques
  • Tereira
  • Santa Jacinta
  • Amizadeo
 • TypeCity
 • BodyCouncil of Precea
 • MayoressRoxana Alvim (Vs)
 • Total3,243,102

Precea is the capitol and largest city of Paretia. It has a population of just over 3.2 Million people and growing. It is located just north of the Western Strait of the Aurean Straits and Montecara, on the eastern coast of Luzela, at the far eastern end of the Euclean Continent. It is the nation's cultural, political, and financial center. It has many nicknames that it is referred by in those in and outside of Paretia, such as the "Golden Citadel" (Cidadela Dourada), the "Light of The East" (Luz do Oriente), the "Sunrise City"(Cidade do Nascer do Sol), or the "City of Prayers"(Cidade das Orações).


The name "Precea" comes from the original name of the city founded by the Solarians, Preceus. The name of Preceus comes from the Solarian word Preces, which means "prayers". The city of Preceus's naming derives from the location being a place where Solarian soldiers would stop during troop movements as a rest stop where many of the soldiers would use a site of praying.


Foundation and Solarian Empire

The Solarian temple ruins in Precea

Verliqouian Empire

Kingdom of Luzela

The Violet Fortress in the Colinaforta district, built during the early Luzelese kingdom, was the palace of the Luzelese monarchy until the 16th century.

Early Modern

The Sunrise Palace, built in the 1500s, was the residence of the monarch of Paretia until it was destroyed in the 1778 Luzela Earthquake
Paretian troops landing in Precea to subdue revolutionaries, 1825


The Tram of Precea being used after it's completion in 1903

Great War

20th century



Roxana Alvim has served as Mayoress of Precea since 2018
Precea Administrative Building in the Cidade Centro district

The city has a special status as the capitol and largest city of Paretia, but it's government functions not much different from other major cities in the united kingdom. Today it serves as both the capitol of Luzela and Paretia, having both the administrations of the Kingdom of Luzela and the United Kingdom in the city.

The city's legislature is the city council, which has 10 members and works alongside the mayor. The city council and office of the mayor are ran at the Precea Administrative Building. Each with a two year term, they vote on laws and bills for the city.

The execvutive is the officer of the mayor, who leads the party with the most seats on the city council. They have a two year term and maintain the government of the city.

The judiciary is the Court of Precea. It deals with criminal and law cases in the city and has a judge that is appointed or voted in. This court runs the city's comarca.


The city is divided into 6 regions, East, East Central, West Central, North, West, and South. These regions are further divided into 30 freguesias. East-Central is where the old city is located and is the city center. West-Central is where much of the financial district is located. The North and West regions are mostly populated with lower class to middle class people. The East and South regions are more upper class.

East East Central West Central West North South
10 Ilha dos Mestres 1 Cidade Velho 16 Rainha Marta 30 Aradorável 21 Caminhario 36 Travessares
11 Silsão 2 Cidade Centro 17 Praça País 31 Boca do Veloja 22 Ameixa 37 Novos Parques
12 Cume 3 Princesas 18 Páteiro 32 Vizinhas 23 Specúlas 38 Tereira
13 Praia Precea 4 Portareal 19 Taisogâma 33 Fumacia 24 Chapéu Branco 39 Santa Jacinta
14 Lembro 5 Colinaforta 20 São Martim 34 Abreu 25 O Vale 40 Amizadeo
15 Cássional 6 Templo Solario 35 Santa Isabela 26 Fontes
7 Sobares 27 Precessão
8 Bandeira Roxa 28 Postagem do Soldado
9 Ilhas de Orações 29 Cultivia



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