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Republic of Chasun
차순공화국 (Chasunese)
Jaseŏun Gonghwagug
Anthem: "사람들의행진"
"Salamdeul-ui Haengjin"
"The People's March"
National seal
"Seal of the Republic of Chasun"
National seal of Chasun.jpg
and largest city
Official languagesChasunese
Recognised national languagesX
Chasunese Sign Language (CSL)
Official scriptChasunese
Ethnic groups
92.6% Chasunese
5.5% non-Chasunese Pamirans
1.9% other
GovernmentUnitary semi-presidential constitutional republic
• President
Seo Ji-won
Lyang Ho-seok
• Premier
Park Bong-hee
Yun Shyi-ho
Moon Nam-kyum
LegislatureNational Diet
• Byaheo Kingdom
c. 11th century AD
14 March 1907
6 November 1910
29 July 1920
7 September 1959
• Admitted to the Assembly of Nations
10 June 1961
15 April 1989–3 July 1989
• Current constitution adopted
23 December 1999
• Total
244,141.4 km2 (94,263.5 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2019 estimate
Increase 27,173,990
• Density
111.3/km2 (288.3/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2019 estimate
• Total
Increase $725.7 billion
• Per capita
Increase $26,706
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Total
Decrease $776.2 billion
• Per capita
Decrease $28,563
Gini (2017)Negative increase 30.2
HDI (2018)Increase 0.892
very high
CurrencyChasunese juda ()
Date formatYYYY/MM/DD
Driving sideright
Calling code+60

Chasun (Chasunese: 화국, Jaseŏn), officially the Republic of Chasun (ROC or RoC; Chasunese: 차순공화국, Jaseŏun Gonghwagug) is a country in Eastern Pamira, comprised of the Chasunese Peninsula and the central and western region of Seulhae. It is bordered to the north by X, to the east by the Iremic Ocean, to the south by X straddling the Chasun Sea, and to the west by X. Chasun is inhabited by approximately 27.2 million people in 2019, making it the tenth-most populous country in the world as well as one its most densely populated and urbanized countries. Its capital and largest city is Geoju on the Nai River, where a third of the country's population lives; other major cities of Chasun include Donghae, Jecheon, Yodang, Hyangchu, Ganchon and Deokwon.

The area of modern-day Chasun has been inhabited since the Lower Paleolithic period some 450,000 years ago, with the first known princerly states appearing in a X archived record in the late 6th century BCE. The princerly states of Seulhae eventually ceded their autonomy to the Byaheo dynasty originating from the Chasunese Peninsula in the late 11th century, becoming Chasun's first kingdom. Rule over modern-day Chasun alternated between the Byaheo (1055–1226), Haseong (1228–1382) and ultimately the Charasŏn dynasty (1383–1910), coinciding with or resulting from brief periods of foreign conquest and declining regional power known as the Horyueo period. The Charasŏn dynasty ultimately proved to be the most successful Chasunese empire under Emperor Wanjong, establishing contact with Berean traders and successfully resisting colonization in the early 19th century.

The economic decline of the Chasunese Empire in the late 1880s however led to the forced concession of much of the empire's territorial bulk to the Valimian Empire through the Treaty of Langiong and neighbouring states to the north and south, as well as the opening of multiple port cities to Berean trade with the Porcelain War (1888–1894) and Gul-yog Crisis (1896). In response, Chasun enacted a strict foreign policy of neutrality with the Gyeogli period. The collapse of the dynasty under Empress Sumyinjeong culminated in the Yeosin Rebellion of 1907, a short-lived scramble of Berean powers for influence and the establishment of the Kingdom of Chasun in 1910. It was subsequently overthrown by the military in the Summer Coup in 1920, and transformed into a de jure democratic, but authoritarian republic under nationalist Jeon Sang-cho.

In 1958, a Pamiran Federation-led invasion and Cuthish intervention in Chasun led to the Chasunese War and ended with the negotiated ceasefire of the Treaty of Samhan, dividing the country into the ROC and the Chasunese People's State as client states of the FCPR and Cuthland respectively. The collapse of the latter in 1989 due to economic stagnation and the explosive economic growth of the ROC in the 1980s known as the "Nai River Miracle" reunited a slowly reforming Chasun with the CPS, though with negotiated territorial concessions by X that approved of its reunification with the Acceptance Treaty. Societal and political pressure culminated into the 1989 April Struggle shortly after reunification, largely ending authoritarian rule and paving the way for a new constitution in 1999. Despite this, political freedoms and freedom of speech have repeatedly been violated by government action and Chasun persisted to remain an ally of Cuthland-Waldrich.

Today, Chasun is a developed country and with a gross domestic product of roughly US$725.7 billion, it is one of the largest economies in Pamira and the world by both nominal and PPP metrices. It consistently ranks well in other metrices such as education, public health and life expectancy, and the Human Development Index. 21st century Chasun witnessed a dramatic rise in the global popularity of its culture, particularly that of its cuisine, arts and pop culture, which has been referred to as the "C-Wave". Furthermore, it is generally considered to be a middle power and is a member of a variety of international organizations such as the Assembly of Nations, X, and maintains a partnership status with the Mageiros League.



Antiquity and classical history

Feudal and dynastic era

Horyueo period (1225–1283)

Chasunese Empire

Gyeogli period (1894–1920)

First Republic (1920–1958)

Chasunese War and aftermath

Contemporary history





Government and politics

Administrative divisions

Foreign relations and military








Sexual orientation


Transport and infrastructure



Arts and architecture


Popular culture

