List of ancient tribes in Scitaria

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This is a list of ancient tribes that inhabited the present-day territory of Scitaria between 1,000-250 BCE. The Scitarians were descended from the Dovossians, one of the three known tribes that survived Syara's Bronze Age Collapse. While they descended from a common anscestor, the Scitarian tribes varied considerably in culture, language, and government. Unlike their neighbors in Makedon and Galania, the tribes of Scitaria did not coalesce into a single entity until their conquest by Orestes II, which absorbed them into the Makedonian Empire. Scitarian tribes were prominently featured in Kydonian mythology, leading to many fictional or exaggerated claims, up to fabrications about entirely non-existent tribes. The tribal identity of most Scitarian tribes gradually faded over the course of Makedonian dominion, and by the time of the Empire's decline the various tribes had molded into a single Scitarian nation with a common language while sharing the same Zobethos faith as the rest of Syara.

This list is divided into three categories; attested tribes, which are tribes that are known positively to have existed, apocryphal tribes, who's existence is uncertain but attested to in some measure, and legendary tribes, who are confirmed to have been entirely fictional.

Attested Tribes

Ascalli: The Ascalli resided along the northern coast of Syara near the present day city of Nemtya. According to Androcles, they had previously lived further south along the Lazrim River before they were forced to migrate around the 6th or 5th Century BCE.

Ardvahri: The Ardvahri were an ancient tribe that inhabited the area around Miulyk around the 10th-9th Centuries BCE before migrating elsewhere, at which point they dissapear from history.

Baktaru: The Baktaru lived on the edge of territory allegedely held by the Bastarnae between 700-500 BCE; they reportedly had good relations with the enigmatic and warlike tribe, though were apparently absorbed by them sometime in the 5th Century BCE.

Carasci: The Carasci resided somewhere around modern day Iani along the banks of the Gjik River for several centuries before they were annihilated by the Bastarnae some time between the 7th and 5th Centuries BCE.

Cinlarra: The Cinlarra were a largely peaceful tribe that lived along the Vitmira River along the border of Scitaria and Makedon. They frequently traded with the Makedonians and Kydonians and were considered to be near-civilized.

Dichidan: The Dichidan were a war-like tribe that lived near the South Vitmira River and frequently raided the outlying settlements of the Kydonian League. They were destroyed and enslaved by the League in 455 BCE.

Domokani: The Domokani ruled over a fairly large kingdom in southern Scitaria near the modern-day cities of Dymyzova, Boleslav, and Lerok. They were conquered and defeated by Orestes II and incorporated into the Empire.

Elachi: The Elachi lived on the west coast near Gniela. The Elachi were largely known as fishermen and traders who sailed along the coast of Syara selling wares and fish.

Essei: The Essei lived between the Zekash River and the west coast with the Sanguine Sea. They allied with the Saveraki against Orestes II and were subsequently annihilated as a result.

Galut: The Galut inhabited the northern coast of Syara between the Lazrim and Vitmira Rivers. According to Hipponikos (62 BCE - 2 CE) the Galut numbered some 20,000 members, but little is known of them by the time of Orestes II.

Iblana: The Iblana resided around Mount Zekash in northern Scitaria between the 5th and 3rd Century BCE, until they allied with the Saveraki against the Makedonians and were enslaved as a result.

Lacoma: The Lacoma were a tribe that resided along the Danjusha River for several centuries. Various sources state they were either allies, slaves, or subjects of the Bastarnae.

Myrkelli: The Myrkelli were a tribe of pirates who resided along the coast of northern Scitaria near the Maqo River. They were known to raid as far east as Ruvelka between 500-200 BCE.

Olichara: The Olichara were a tribe that lived along the west coast of Syara near the Dulin River. They were widely considered by their contemporaries to be the greatest sailors of the Syaran world, reportedly sailing as far south as Nalaya and as far north as the Arzells.

Physlora: The Physlora were a peaceful tribe that inhabited the banks of the Rexhep River. According to Hipponikos, they numbered some 10,000 members.

Saveraki: The Saveraki were a major tribe that by the 3rd Century BCE had come to control much of central Scitaria. They waged war against Orestes II and were defeated, after which the survivors were either enslaved or killed.

Soskalla: The Soskalla were a tribe that inhabited the area around the South Dulin River. They allied with Orestes II against the Saveraki, though what became of their tribe is unknown.

Taravelki: The Taravelki originated near the Gjik River sometime after the destruction of the Carasci, where they remained until they were incorporated into the Makedonian Empire.

Varuna: The Varuna resided near the Velo River and had a major settlement at Adviidoriv. According to Hipponikos they numbered around 15,000, but are not mentioned in any other sources.

Apocryphal Tribes

Bulanii: The Bulanii were a tribe that reportedly lived along the west banks of the Lazrim River, however, they were not mentioned in any major sources or studies and little evidence of their existence.

Notumo: The Notumo were an alleged tribe of cannibals that inhabited northern Scitaria somewhere between the Velo and Maqo Rivers. Although evidence of human habitation has been found in the area, there is no evidence the tribe engaged in cannibalism.

Palochi: The Palochi (or Paluchii) were a tribe that resided near present day Moddra. Apart from a single inscription however, there is scant evidence of their existence.

Legendary tribes

Aulosti: The Aulosti were a legendary tribe that inhabited northenr Scitaria. According to myth, the Aulosti emmigrated from Eracura. It's possible the Aulosti were raiders or settles from the Bosrei.

Charnota: The Charnota were a tribe that reportedly resided on the island of Chryse. According to myth, the Charnota would feast every summer before hibernating over the winter.

Ikuli: The Ikuli were a mythical tribe said to inhabit south-western Scitaria and were considered allies of the Bastarnae that rode winged horses into battle.

Rhodana: The Rhodana were an alleged warlike tribe that raided along the coast of northern Syara. It is likely the Rhodana were based on a real life tribe, but no actual group bears their name.