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Pan-Dolchism (Dolch: Pandolchismus or Alldolch Bewegung), (Stedorian: Pandolcim or Muf Valadolcik), also known as Pan-Dolchicism, is a pan-nationalist political idea. Pan-Dolchists seek to unify all culturally, lingustically or ethnically Dolch peoples into a singular state.

Countries with a large Dolchic population (Blue), Countries with a significant Dolch minority (Light blue).

Pan-Dolchic ideas began to originate in the 19th century, specifically in Dolchland, which is seen as the main Dolchic homeland. Thinkers such as Georg Deutschemann and Karl Eigels, with more recent ideas being brought forth by Läkhart Viktor Drejlär. Some branches of Pan-Dolchicism have transformed into Pan-Buranicism, which includes associated groups such as Anglish, Ceriser, Variotic and Nordic.

The Stedorian based Gemotamism movement is largely pan-dolchist, along with the ruling National Party of the Stedorian Revolution. Pan-Dolchic movements are also present in Dolchland, Velaheria, Walneria, Western Ceris, Uppsund, Transbaltia and Ahrana, Pan-Dolchic groups also operate in south-western areas of Delamaria where the majority of its Dolch residents live.