List of political parties in Tengaria

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This article lists political parties in Tengaria.

Parties with representation in the Grand Assembly

Legally, all political parties have been banned in Tengaria since 1958. However, there are several political organizations which exist which de facto function as political parties, although they do not bear the name. Most outside sources include the anti-partisan Patriotic Union as one of these, although the members of it disagree.

Party name Leader Seats in the
State Council
Seats in the
Chamber of Deputies
Tengarian Seats in
Ideology Position
1956- Patriotic Union Teodora Kovacheva
32 / 95
330 / 380
60 / 60
Nonpartisanism, Cultural nationalism, Social Conservatism Right-wing
1984- Democratic Front Todor Vilovon
0 / 95
12 / 380
0 / 60
Pluralism, Pro-Eucleanism, Free-market Centre
1997- Social Reform Front Natalia Draganeva
0 / 95
5 / 380
0 / 60
Social democracy, Social liberalism Centre-left

Defunct Parties

After the Euclean Spring, political societies and parties began to gradually form within Tengaria. Many of these associations were in support of increased liberalism, but did not have any representation in any kind of legislature. After the Green Revolution of 1868, Emperor Simeon III reformed the Senate and created the office of Minister-President. For the first four decades of the assembly, the Senate was non-partisan and its members independent politicians. However, in the late 1890s, parties first began to centralize from various factions within the Assembly and government, leading to the creation of Tengaria's first political parties. Explicitly pro-republican or anti-monarchy parties were banned, although several parties existed which were nominally pro-monarchy to ensure seats in the Senate.

The first two decades of the Tengarian Republic were extremely volatile. As a Presidential Republic, only during its first five years did the party of the President coincide with the majority in the Senate. The partial collapse of the TNVP saw the contest for power between 4 major and 3 minor parties, leading to very shaky coalitions and political deadlock as the economy continued to deteriorate. By 1955 the tensions had blown over after the election of a pro-monarchist President and the first majority in years led to the declaration of the People's Republic of Tengaria and the beginning of the Tengarian Civil War.

Party logo Party name Ab. First leader Last leader Year formed Year dissolved Ideology
Flag of Rotterdam.svg Republicans
Boris Vladimerev
Богдан Филов.jpg
Nedelcho Dimov
1862 1933
Rather than an official political party, it was more a general fringe movement, promoting the abolition of the monarchy, dropping the Solarian identity in favour of a new "Tengarian" identity, the forced assimilation of minority groups, The Republicans were inspired by the First Soravian Civil War as well as movements in Eastern Euclea. Despite being outlawed, minor groups would continue to exist after they were defeated in the Green Revolution.. Republicans would be very prominent in the collaborationist Tengarian State, before effectively securing victory due to the forced imposition of a republic by Soravia after the war. Many of the republicans would largely join the Progressive Party, People's Party, or to the newly established Republican Party. Many of their nationalistic ideas would be adopted by the Tengarian Republic.
File:Ukrainskiy-flag.gif Constitutionalist Party
Конституционалистическа Партия
Todor Burmov.jpg
Borislav Tsvetanev
Gregori Ervo
1896 1935
Although on more on the right-wing of the political spectrum, being generally centre-right to centre in the estimation of other countries the KP were the effective left-wing and primary opposition party to the VS during the Imperial era.
Нагрудный Значок Союза Русского Народа .png All-Solarian Union
Всесолариански Съюз
Krasimir Radkov
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-E05369A, Bela von Imredy.jpg
Simeon Radez
1897 1957
The dominant party of the Imperial Period, which held a majority in the Chamber of Deputies for nearly every legislature. Several Minister-Presidents were members of the Union. The new authorities of the Republic tried to undermine the old authority of the reactionary VS, which saw it decline over the years, before becoming more prominent after the failures of the left to form a stable government, sweeping the 1955 elections which would set off the Tengarian Civil War. Became the largest portion of the Patriotic Union.
Red flag.svg Tengarian Section of the Worker's Internationale
Тенгарска Секция на Работническия Интернационал
Stefan Stambolov by Georgi Danchov Zografina.jpg
Spas Milanev
Georgi Dimitrow.png
Vladimir Vasilov
1901 1956
Part of the Congress of the Workers' International.
Прогрессисты.png Progressive Party
Прогресивна Партия
Kiril Ilianev
Georgi Kyoseivanov1.png
Nikolay Asenev
1903 1955
Split away from the Constitutionalists in 1903, comprised of the more liberal members of the KP. One of the parties to survive relatively intact into the transition, it was the prominent party on the left-wing until its influence began to decline in the late 1940s.
Krestintern letterhead.svg Social Democratic Labour Party
Социалдемократическа Лейбъристка Партия
Damian Perelingov.jpeg
Anton Biserev
Ivan Hrstov
1903 1935
Generally more moderate the TSMR, the SLP was officially pro-monarchy while advocating for reform from within the Senate, as anti-monarchical parties were banned. Some members only nominally supported the monarchy, while others were monarcho-socialists. Had ties to the trade unions.
Svoboda, Kadet symbol.svg Tengarian Nationalist and Revivalist Party
Тенгарска Националистическа и Ръзрожденска Партия
Georgi Koprinkov.jpg
Kostadin Kirilev
1922 1956
Tengarian version of the ZNVP. Supported nationalism, which was opposed to the Solarianism of the VS and which was associated with Republicanism (although during the monarchy it proclaimed loyalty to it). Notable for being anti-minority and pro assimilationist. Although positioned in the centre historically, it has since been considered as right-wing. When the Republic was established, the TNVP went from being a centre party to one of the right wing parties because of its opposition to socialism, although it was known to cross the aisle to support pro-nationalistic measures.
Black Hand, logo.png National Salvation Front
Фронт за национално спасение
Aleksandar Tsankov.png
Genadi Grozdanev
Любен Костов.jpg
Dragomir Raykov
1926 1952
Considered as left-wing under the Empire, and barred from holding office in the Senate. Joined the Republicans to support the Tengarian State in support of the Amathian occupation. Although suppressed by Simeon Kovachev for their role in collaboration after the Great War, under the Republic the Front returned for the 1940 elections. Lost all seats in the Senate by 1950, and collapsed as a party.
USH small logo.png Tengarian People's Party
Тенгарска Народна Партия
Gregori Ervo
Valentin Georgiev
1935 1957
The primary successor to the Constitutionalist Party and a driving force in the establishment of the Republic, it was the major swing party between left and right and the most successful party at the first elections, and allied with the PP and the left-wing. However, began to support the right more as the PP began to push it out of government.
Flag of Rotterdam.svg Republican Party
Републиканц Партия
Krum Angelov
1935 1955
The nominal successor to the Republican movement, this party struggled at first due to the association of it with the Amathian Occupation, but later rose to prominence when it became a driving force behind the Popular Front in 1955.
Flag-1.jpg Episemialist Democratic Party
Еписемиалистическа Демократична Партия
Lyubomir Borisev
1935 1956
Formed from the right-wing of the Constitutionalists and some old members of the VS, the EDP was an integral supporter in the right's coalition, and drew support on the religiously conservative populace.
Krestintern letterhead.svg Farmer and Worker Union
Земеделски и Работнически Съюз
Ivan Hrstov
Konstantin Muraviev.jpg
Mihail Ivanev
1935 1955
This party was seen as the principal successor to the SLP, and represented labour unions throughout the country. It was close allies with the TSMR, although it preferred democratic socialism to councilism.
Utena rose.svg Social Democratic Party
Социалдемократическа Партия
Dobri Bozhilov1.png
Zlatko Blagunev
1935 1955
Split off from the more moderate wing of the old SLP, the SP was formed of the more moderate social democrats, but only really functioned as an important coalition partner, and its leader would serve as Minister-President 5 times.
Agrarisch Front logo.svg Agrarian Union
Земеделски Съюз
AvramGatchev 1928.jpg
Milen Dafov
1940 1956
Formed by the agrarians who were opposed to socialism and thus to the ZRS. Although centrist in nature, usually allied with the right-wing more often than not.
Arellano University colors.svg Armonian-Calian Alliance
Армониан-Калиански Алианс
Ioăn Pestrhistĭ
Tarányi Ferenc zalai főispán.PNG
Béla Oláh
1940 1950
Due to the rise of nationalism with the advent of the Republic, the Armonian-Calian Alliance was formed to represent minority interests. They were closely aligned with the VS, and merged with them for the 1950 elections.
FistGreen.png Popular Front
Народен фронт
Georgi Dimitrow.png
Vladimir Vasilov
1955 1956
Merger of the RP, ZRS, SP, PP and many of the TSMR in opposition to the growing strength of the VS for the 1955 elections. The driving political force behind the Republican side in the Tengarian Civil War. Also sometimes known as the "Republicans".