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Esquarian Secretariat

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Esquarian Secretariat
Formation9 September 1990
Legal statusSupranational organization
PurposeConducting the internal business of the Esquarian Community
Region served
Montecara Everàrd Torsièl
Parent organization
Esquarian Community

The Esquarian Secretariat is the bureaucratic organ of the Esquarian Community tasked with carrying out its mandates and conducting the day-to-day business of the organization. It is responsible for the EC-wide implementation of policies and directives decided by the Esquarian Parliament and Council of Esquarium, as well as for the handling of the Esquarian Community's budget. The Esquarian Secretariat is presided over by the President of the Esquarian Community, Everàrd Torsièl, and managed by the Cabinet of the Esquarian Community. It is headquartered in Montecara.

The Secretariat manages the Treasury of the Esquarian Community, the organ responsible for managing and collecting membership dues and carbon taxes and tariffs and distributing funds and grants. The Secretariat also serves as the official depository of the Treaty of the Esquarian Community.


Funding for the EC comes almost entirely from annual membership dues, which were assessed at 0.03% of GDP for 2018. Membership dues for fiscal year 2018 are as follows:

Official name Dues
(billions NSD)
% EC budget
 Aininian Republic 15.150 15.75
 Aucurian Republic 1.212 1.26
Template:Country data Ceresnia 1.281 1.33
 Desenan Republic 1.860 1.93
 Eibenland, Federal Monarchy of 4.386 4.56
 Jorland and Lothican, Royal Commonwealth of 1.485 1.54
 Karazawa, Kingdom of 2.835 2.95
 Katranjiev, Kingdom of 5.361 5.57
 Luziyca, Christian Republic of 44.358 46.12
 Mespalia, Kingdom of 4.842 5.03
 Montecara, State of 0.408 0.42
Template:Country data Oelia 8.268 8.60
 Ordennya, Federation of 4.200 4.37
Template:Country data Refidian 0.525 0.55
 Esquarian Community 96.171 100.00

Carbon Tariff

Carbon Tariff, as called for in the Climate Change Act 2016, is payable to the Treasury of the Esquarian Community and is hypothecated toward supporting states as they transition away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy. It is assessed on petroleum fuels, natural gas, and coal-generated electricity in addition to other applicable tariffs.

Carbon Tariff receipts
Imported Rate (NSD) Subtotal (NSD) Grand total (NSD)
Petroleum fuel (megaliters) 435,226.91 0.04/L 17,409,076,400.00 60,150,548,654.00
Natural gas (bcm) 456.12 0.06/m³ 27,367,012,254.00
Coal-generated electricity (GW·h) 768,723 0.02/kW·h 15,374,460,000.00