Seran Armed Forces

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[[Military of Unified Sera]]
Seran Royal Armed Forces
MottoThe small under the protection of the great
Founded7 June 1741; 283 years ago (1741-06-07)
Service branchesSeran Royal Army
Seran Royal Navy
Seran Royal Marines
Seran Royal Air Force
Headquarters1700 North King's Way, Providence, Kado, The United States of Sera
Supreme CommanderPrime Minister Kaenan Bullock
Director of National SecurityDecimus Marius ya Latinius
Chairman of the BoDMMarshal Idris Oryx ya Mbaku
Military age18-39
ConscriptionYes; 2 Years
Fit for
military service
30,230,510 males, age 18-39,
30,563,210 females, age 18-39
Active personnel1,154,000
Reserve personnel2,000,000
Deployed personnel20,000 approx.
BudgetSeraUnitySymbol.png126.43 Billion (2023)
Percent of GDPDecrease2.6%
Domestic suppliersIronforge International, The Enterprise Group, The Cetanu-Yutani Corporation
Annual importsSeraUnitySymbol.png905 million (2010–2021)
Annual exportsSeraUnitySymbol.png74.535 billion (2010–2021)

The United States of Sera Military, Seran Armed Forces (SAF), and colloquially known as the Royal Armed Forces (RAF) is the designated military forces for the United States of Sera. The armed forces contains five active service branches: the Royal Army, Royal Marines, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, and the Valkiri Royal Guard. Although Sera has a coast guard, the coast guard is organized and run by the Department of National Security instead of the Department of War. The Prime Minister of Unified Sera acts as the High Commander for the Seran Armed Forces and dictates military policy, tactics, regulations, and protocols with the Chairman of the Board of Defense Ministers, Secretary of War, and Director of National Security. During rare occurrences, the Monarch of Sera is granted the ability to lead the armed forces in the Prime Minister's stead. However, such an occasion can only be granted by Parliament in the event that the acting Prime Minister is found incompetent or otherwise incapable of fulfilling their duties.

After being formed on June 7th, 1741 on Unification Day, the SAF have played a pivotal role in Seran and world history. The shared identity and mission of the branches provided much needed unity to the newly formed nation and offered structure and discipline to the newly created warrior caste. The branches served the nation for over 200 years by defending the people from secessionists during the early 1800s during the Secessionist War, protected the borders during the anti-piracy operations of the early 2000s, and defeated the rouge nation Sparta Eternal during the Invasion of Sparta in the middle of 2021.

The SAF boasts some of the most well-trained military forces in the world due to the devoted Warrior Caste that makes up the majority of active duty personnel. These soldiers spend their free time training, honing their skills, and perfecting their form and disciple at all hours of the day when not actively engaged in operations. Although not as technically advanced as other nations or as large, the SAF also relies on a national conscription program that can mobilize a vast number of individuals regardless of caste. Moreover, the conscription program of all adults turning 18 into the SAF ensures that every civilian (barring those with disability) receives military training and are required by law to be recertified with weapon handling every five years to maintain proficiency.


The history of the Seran Royal Armed Forces officially dates to the 7th of June 1741, with the establishment of the United States of Sera at the end of Quadrumvirate rulership. However, the national standing army of Unified Sera can be traced back even further to the creation of the Confederation of Seran Tribes in 1386; roughly 400 years prior to the signing of the Articles of Federation. The Union Navy was established nearly 100 years later on 13 October 1494 although was composed of mostly shallow water craft incapable of sailing in the open ocean or hard tide, and the Marines of the Union not being established until almost 4 centuries later on March 12th, 1723. The Union Army was originally established to counter the efforts of neighboring tribes who were attempting to invade Sera's eastern border and southern border.

These forces officially disbanded in 1741 after the Confederation of Seran Tribes dissolved into the United States of Sera and were reestablished shortly thereafter with the "National Defense Act", one of the first pieces of legislation to pass through the newly established Parliament. The Royal Army, Royal Navy, Valkiri Royal Guard, and Royal Coast Guard were all created with the National Defense Act and share the same "birthday" on June 7th. The Royal Marines would continue from their original form established in 1723 until Parliament created the current Royal Marines on October 23rd, 1798 making the Royal Marines the second youngest branch in the Seran Armed Forces. All three services trace their origins to their respective Confederation of Seran Tribes predecessors.

The Articles of Federation gave the Parliament the power to "raise and support armies", to "provide and maintain a navy" and to "make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces", as well as the power to declare war. The Prime Minister is the Seran Armed Forces' High Commander and is thus the head of the entire armed forces. The Prime Minister or Parliament does not have the power or authority to command, direct, raise, regulate, or disband the Valkiri Royal Guard as the VRG operates solely at the discretion of the Monarch.

The Royal Coast Guard traces its origin to the "Homeland Security Act" of 1794 which stipulated that "no uniformed service except for the national guard may operate or conduct operations within Sera's borders except for in a time of war". This act stretched to Sera's sovereign waters and thus necessitated the creation of a coast guard that operated in the same or similar way to the national guard. The Royal Air Force was established as an independent service on the 20th of September 1950; it traces its origin to the desire by the Board of Defense Ministers to implement a service branch based around the new and rapidly developing theater of air combat.


Service Branches

Seran Royal Army

The main article for this section is Seran Royal Army

The Official flag of the United States of Sera Army.

The United States of Sera Royal Army, also called the Royal Army, Royal Seran Army, US Army, and Union Army is the land service branch of the Seran military beneath the Department of War and Board of Defense Ministers. It is one of the 4 uniformed services operating under the Department of War in the United States of Sera, and one of the 6 total uniformed services in current operation. The Royal Army is headed by the Chief of the Army, a member of the Board of Defense Ministers and the highest-ranking army officer and the Secretary of the Royal Army. The Royal Army was officially established on June 7th, 1741 by the ratification of the Articles of Federation which laid out the organization, mission, and responsibilities for the Royal Seran Army.

The Royal Army is the oldest service branch of the Seran Armed Forces and takes seniority over the other branches barring the Valkiri Royal Guard. Established after the unification of the Seran tribes, the modern Seran Royal Army considers itself a direct continuation of the Union Army which was established with the Confederation of Seran Tribes in 1386. When the Quadrumvirate relinquished power to the new monarchy and Parliament, Parliament passed the "National Defense Act" on June 7th, 1741 which established many of the branches of the military still in operation to this day.

The Royal Army is part of the Department of the Royal Army which serves to lead, organize, and strategize with the other 3 departments operating under the Department of National Security and Department of War. The Royal Army is led by the highest-ranking army officer who also serves of the Board of Defense Ministers. It is the largest military branch by manpower, and is projected to remain so despite the growing recruitment numbers for the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy.


In the early half of Quadrumvirate rule in the present day capital of Kito'Bahari, the four chieftains in response to growing external threats to the Union of Seran Tribes, established the first Unified Army of Sera. Before the establishment of a national army, each state in the Seran Union provided their own troops and commanders for national defense. These commanders were prone to disagreements with each other, while soldiers from different tribes would routinely fight amongst themselves due to cultural differences. The Quadrumvirate sought to nullify the worst offenders by removing them from their position and sending them to prison to avoid possible coups against the Quadrumvirate. Soon thereafter, new commanders were appointed from within the tribes to take their place with a particular focus on unification and standardization over individualization and cultural differences.

Originally, the US Army handled both peacekeeping tasks domestically within the first tribal states while also juggling the demands of protecting the borders around the fledgling country from the neighboring violent tribes of ancient Adula. The Quadrumvirate, fearing nepotism, instituted a system amongst Sera's warriors that rewarded soldiers with prestige, wealth, and position for accomplishing certain tasks. These tasks included bringing the heads of enemy war-leaders, scalps, securing weaponry, repelling attacks, and spear-heading successful raids against enemy territories. Due to the ferocity at which Seran warriors pursued enemy heads and scalps, a reputation began to grow amongst their neighbors surrounding Seran brutality in war.

This reputation continued to grow as the Union of Sera entered into a war with the neighboring Nafuni Ze'teca Tribe known as the Seran-Ze'teca Extermination War. The conflict broke out when the Nafuni Ze'teca tribe crossed the Adula Mountains and entered into the Mbaku controlled tribe-lands. The Ze'teca immediately began to pillage and destroy any villages they came across and murdered any Seran inhabitants they captured. The newly formed national army was dispatched to combat the Ze'tecas. The Seran Army clashed several times over the next four years with the Ze'tecas; each time the officers in charge of the Seran soldiers ordered that no mercy be shown. Eventually, this harsh treatment of the Ze'teca would lead to the near total annihilation of the Nafuni Ze'teca nation as the Seran Army chased them across the mountains into their homeland. Although victorious, the Quadrumvirate quickly did away with the practice of rewarding soldiers for heads and scalps, partially due to the shame of nearly committing genocide.

Structure and Mission

As established in the Articles of Federation, the purpose of the Royal Seran Army is described as:

  • Maintaining the peace and security of the nation
  • Providing for the defense of Unified Sera, its territories, people, and possessions,
  • Combating any hostile power, organization, or nation that would do harm to the nation or to its people.

The Royal Seran Army's five core competencies are prompt and sustained land combat, combined arms operations (to include combined arms maneuver and wide–area security, armored and mechanized operations and airborne and air assault operations), special operations, to set and sustain the theater for the joint force, and to integrate national, multinational, and joint power on land.

Seran Royal Marines

The main article for this section is Seran Royal Marines

The Official flag of the United States of Sera Marines.

The United States Sera Royal Marines (USSRM), also referred to as the Royal Marine Corps, Royal Marines, and simply Marines, is the maritime land force, raiding, and expeditionary service branch of the Seran Armed Forces responsible for conducting expeditionary and amphibious operations through combined arms, implementing its own infantry, armor, artillery, aerial and special operations forces. The Royal Marines are part of the Department of the Royal Navy and operate under the guidance of the Department of War.

The Royal Marines have been part of the Department of the Royal Navy since October 23rd, 1798 with the reformation of the branch. The USSRM operates installations on land and aboard sea-going amphibious warfare ships around the world. Additionally, several of the Marines' tactical aviation squadrons, primarily Marine Fighter Attack squadrons, are also embedded in Navy carrier air wings and operate from the aircraft carriers.

The history of the Royal Marines began when a battalion of Seran soldiers boarded a Royal Navy vessel in 1723 and utilized rowboats to board a hostile vessel in the Jade Strait and capture it. After the capture, the Quadrumvirate established the Marines of the Union who specialized in ship boarding operations; particularly boardings in rough seas. As of 2021, the USSRM has around 70,957 active duty members and some 17,200 personnel in Reserve.

Seran Royal Navy

The main article for this section is Seran Royal Navy

The Official flag of the United States of Sera Navy.

The United States of Sera Royal Navy, Unified Sera Royal Navy, and Seran Royal Navy was officially formed on Unification Day (June 7th, 1741) with the ratification of the Articles of Federation which established the structure, command, and mission for the Royal Navy.

Seran Royal Air Force

The main article for this section is Seran Royal Air Force

The Official flag of the United States of Sera Royal Air Force.

The United States of Sera Royal Air Force, Unified Sera Air Force, Royal Air Force, USRAF, and simply the Air Force is the youngest of Sera's established military branches. With an establish date of April 14th, 1956, the US Air Force is markedly younger than other branches of the same kind in other nations. However, despite the age of the branch, the government and military commanders aggressively pursued campaigns to modernize and build the branch in order to catch up with competitors as the landscape of war began to change.

This aggressive pursuit of modernization with the aid of regional allies allowed the USRAF to build a sizable and powerful air force in a much shorter time frame than what was originally broadcasted when the branch was still being established. As it stands, the USRAF is one of the most advanced in the world with strike capability increased through strategic air force bases abroad and through usage of Unified Sera's two aircraft carriers.

Brief History

The Department of War was tasked by then-Queen Zola Tu'Aruc as one of her first official directions since ascending to the throne earlier that year due to the recently resolved World War. The pervalence and dominance of air power during the war demonstrated the sheer effectiveness of capable aircraft in the modern landscape of war. Fearing the possibility of being left behind on the battlefield, the Department of War channeled Army two-star General Alexander Caligula and Royal Navy Rear Admiral Lucius Fox to co-found the new branch. The duo who would become known as the "Fathers of the Airforce" and rapidly pursued growth plans that saw the USRAF purchasing schematics, tapping scientists from allied nations, recruiting and training Seran pilots, and contracting Seran scientists to begin building, designing, and manufacturing the first aircraft. Of these first prototypes, the most well-known would become the M-1 multirole fighter aircraft. Based on n designs, the M-1 became a favorite among the branches' new pilots. The M-1 used dual wing-mounted cannons and dual nose-mounted machine guns alongside commendable turning and acceleration ability to attack ground targets and engage in air-to-air confrontations.

The first demonstration of the M-1 and subsequent variants led the Department of War to believe that the best way to move forward would be by investing even more money and manpower into the Royal Air Force. The Department of War offered the role of Marshal of the Royal Air Force to both Major General Caligula and Rear Admiral Fox, however Major General Caligula bowed out before the examinations required for the position and allowed Rear Admiral Fox to become the first Marshal of the Royal Air Force.