2022 Calatas Grand Prix

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2022 Calatas Grand Prix
Formula1 Circuit Catalunya 2021.svg
Race information
Circuit length3.337 km (2.074 miles)
Race length260.286 km (161.734 miles)

The 2022 Calatas Grand Prix (officially known as the Formula Gran Premio de Calatas 2022) was a Formula motor race held on 5 April 2022 at the Circuit de Calatas de Cortina, a street circuit that runs through Calatas, Paraboca. It was the 70th time the Calatas Grand Prix was held.



Qualifying classification

Pos. No. Driver Country Sponsor Final
1 2 Flag of Versenia.png Raymundo Ribeiro Versenia Petrovas 1
2 51 New Zamastan Flag1.jpg Arnaud Crozier Zamastan Zian Airways 2
3 12 Quetanaflag.jpg Micael Dantas Quetana Quetana Airways 3
4 46 RIO PALITO FLAG.jpg Albino Teixeira Rio Palito Penniete 4
5 74 Flag of Besmenia.png Christoph Krüger Besmenia BesCom 5
6 40 Alcarresflag.png Fitta Asbeet Alcarres TellaAlcaress 6
7 34 Kossmil Flag.png Boris Morozov Kossmil Volga Beer 7
8 3 Emmiria flag.png Shakeel Ozer Emmiria Iozzby 8
9 4 New Zamastan Flag1.jpg Timothee Snowden Zamastan Pegassi 9
10 38 ArteganaFlag.png Rudy Silander Artegana TricioMedio 10
11 23 DrezqueniaFlag.png Jonáš Ošetřil Drezquenia Children’s Hospital of Pržemków 11
12 87 DurnstaalFlag.png Avelina Peterka Durnstaal NeoDyn 12
13 8 CaspiaFlag.png Bjoren Djurna Caspiaa Cavitale 13
14 5 LuthariaFlag.png Fraiser Mounsur Lutharia Diekirich 14
15 9 ShoassauFlag.png Emann Belmontue Shoassau ShoassauAir 15
16 11 LuthariaFlag.png Willem Brihma Lutharia Bola Cola 16
17 66 Kossmil Flag.png Dmitry Manturov Kossmil Volga Beer 17
18 7 Flag of Myanmar (2019 proposal).svg Rojas Varikto Kaoro Feida 18
19 43 Beatavic Flag.png Robert Kaur Beatavic Snelle Auto 19
20 49 Flag of Besmenia.png Tobias Mechter Besmenia Besmenian Airways 5
21 14 Flag of Jyau.png Alex Spalding Jyau Forebel Bleu 21
22 88 Flag of Elbresia.png Parker Beste Elbresia Wrentley 22
23 86 MurziFlag.png Elliot Ergena Murzi Grantelio 23
24 17 Flag of Luxembourg.svg Shane Aesmere Selle Vertopa Petroleum 24
25 99 ParabocaFlag.png Ronaldo Javi Batista Paraboca Poldero 25
26 58 VorricaFlag.png Jin Olvieu Vorrica Casta Bevv 26
27 51 Alcarresflag.png Benecio Beldratta Alcarres Mini Rover 27
28 58 Flag of SaintOffeat.png Stavaan Macalester Saint Offeat Vogoci FC 28
29 74 Quetanaflag.jpg Natanael de Sá Quetana Qarquis 29
30 92 ArenaciaFlag.png Harrison Austin Arenacia Esterman Beer 30
31 17 ShoassauFlag.png Adje Sokken Shoassau Banobia 31


Race report

With 59 laps, each culminating in the circuit length of 3.337 km (2.074 mi) and a total 260.286 km (161.734 mi), the racers began in the Circuit de Calatas de Cortina to the spectacle of spectators. Early on, the head of the standing took a significant lead with Zamastanian driver Arnaud Crozier taking the head. During the course of the race, Drezquenia's Jonáš Ošetřil climbed from a middle placement and was able to get close behind Crozier, where the two battled neck and neck for the majority of the finale. However, it was a 48th lap crash involving several drivers that allowed Besmenia's Tobias Mechter to climb rapidly from their 20th starting slot to just behind Crozier and Ošetřil. The three battled in the final 7 laps, alternating between lead placements, until a sharp final turn and a near miss by the Zamastanian and Drezquenian allowed a narrow opening for Mechter to take a claim in the lead, passing over the finish line with a margin of barely a second. Ošetřil nabbed second by a sliver, and Crozier clinched his third place finish. Ten seconds past until the rest of the pack which remained out of the earlier crash finished, led by Beatavic's Kaur and Kaoro's Varikto.

Race classification

Pos. No. Driver Country Laps Final
19 2 Flag of Versenia.png Raymundo Ribeiro Versenia 59 19
3 51 New Zamastan Flag1.jpg Arnaud Crozier Zamastan 59 3
17 12 Quetanaflag.jpg Micael Dantas Quetana 59 17
18 46 RIO PALITO FLAG.jpg Albino Teixeira Rio Palito 59 18
21 74 Flag of Besmenia.png Christoph Krüger Besmenia 59 21
20 40 Alcarresflag.png Fitta Asbeet Alcarres 59 20
23 34 Kossmil Flag.png Boris Morozov Kossmil 59 23
22 3 Emmiria flag.png Shakeel Ozer Emmiria 59 22
9 4 New Zamastan Flag1.jpg Timothee Snowden Zamastan 59 9
8 38 ArteganaFlag.png Rudy Silander Artegana 59 8
2 23 DrezqueniaFlag.png Jonáš Ošetřil Drezquenia 59 2
12 87 DurnstaalFlag.png Avelina Peterka Durnstaal 59 12
11 8 CaspiaFlag.png Bjoren Djurna Caspiaa 59 11
24 5 LuthariaFlag.png Fraiser Mounsur Lutharia 59 24
6 9 ShoassauFlag.png Emann Belmontue Shoassau 59 6
10 11 LuthariaFlag.png Willem Brihma Lutharia 59 10
7 66 Kossmil Flag.png Dmitry Manturov Kossmil 59 7
5 7 Flag of Myanmar (2019 proposal).svg Rojas Varikto Kaoro 59 5
4 43 Beatavic Flag.png Robert Kaur Beatavic 59 4
1 49 Flag of Besmenia.png Tobias Mechter Besmenia 59 1
25 14 Flag of Jyau.png Alex Spalding Jyau 59 25
13 88 Flag of Elbresia.png Parker Beste Elbresia 59 13
26 86 MurziFlag.png Elliot Ergena Murzi 59 26
27 17 Flag of Luxembourg.svg Shane Aesmere Selle 59 27
28 99 ParabocaFlag.png Ronaldo Javi Batista Paraboca 59 28
14 58 VorricaFlag.png Jin Olvieu Vorrica 59 14
15 51 Alcarresflag.png Benecio Beldratta Alcarres 59 15
29 58 Flag of SaintOffeat.png Stavaan Macalester Saint Offeat 59 29
30 74 Quetanaflag.jpg Natanael de Sá Quetana 59 30
31 92 ArenaciaFlag.png Harrison Austin Arenacia 59 31
16 17 ShoassauFlag.png Adje Sokken Shoassau 59 16
