Lands of the Crown of Saint Laurentius

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Lands of the Crown of Saint Laurentius
Земли Короны Святого Лаврентия
of Dulebia
Coat of arms
Motto: Симъ побҍдиши!/In hoc signo vinces!
"In this sign thou shalt conquer"
Anthem: Гимн Имперскому Величию

(Gimn Imperskomu Velichiyu)
Anthem to the Imperial Glory

The Lands of the Crown of Saint Laurentius (green) within the Dulebian Empire, the other parts being the Dependencies of the Crown of Saint Laurentius (pink) and the Condominium of Pomoria (blue)
The Lands of the Crown of Saint Laurentius (green) within the Dulebian Empire, the other parts being the Dependencies of the Crown of Saint Laurentius (pink) and the Condominium of Pomoria (blue)
StatusConstituent of the Dulebian Empire
Common languagesDulebian, Aldenic, Cuthish, Lavarian, Balkarian, Rovinian, Gurkhan
Cambran Semitarism
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy
• 1839-1872
Alexander II
• 1894-1914
Alexander III
LegislatureState Veche
Historical eraNew Imperialism
• Reforms of Alexander II
April 1842
• Great War
• Monarchy abolished
17 January 1914
1900300,005 km2 (115,833 sq mi)
• 1900
CurrencyDulebian Krona (1848-1914)
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Dulebian Empire
Dulebian Federative Socialist Republic

The official name Lands of the Crown of Saint Laurentius, sometimes the Kingdom of Dulebia, was used to denominate the historic territory of the Dulebian Kingdom and the original six Dulebian Duchies and the Grand Duchy of Ulich within the Dulebian Empire between 1842 and 1914. The term was established by Emperor Alexander II following his reforms of the Dulebian Empire in 1840-1842. The territory was governed as a kingdom and was ruled by the Emperor of Dulebia, with each duchy within the kingdom being governed by its own noble, appointed by the Emperor. The capital of the state was in Ulich, which also served as the imperial capital of Dulebia and the residence of the Dulebian Emperor. The Kingdom had its own legislation, which was separated from the legislation of the second denomination of the Dulebian Empire, the Dependencies of the Crown of Saint Laurentius. The territory of the state comprised mostly of Dulebian land, with some parts of it being part of modern-day Lavaria and Rovina. It consisted of six duchies and one grand duchies, and included the historic regions of Pridnistrov'e, Pechersk, Volyana, Central Riliva, Haydutia, Muria and Verkhoansk. The region had a population of roughly 18 million people as of 1900. The Dulebian heartlands remained mostly agrarian for the most of the existence of the empire, relying on the former Aldenic industry in the northwest. The region remained poorly developed despite being the heartland of the Dulebian empire, and most of it would see its industrialization only in the early twentieth century, with some parts remaining agrarian up until the dissolution of the Dulebian Empire itself. In contrast with the other denomination of the empire, the population of the Crown Lands was comprised mostly of ethnic Dulebians, and remained far more homogenous in terms of religion, culture and languages compared to the Crown Dependencies of Dulebia. It was dissolutioned in 1914, following the January Revolution and the subsequent collapse of the Dulebian Empire.





Crown lands


See also