Makko Okoan Nationality Law

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Makko Okoan nationality law is the law of the Empire Of Makko Oko governing the acquisition, transmission and loss of Makko Okoan citizenship and it is largely based on orders from the Ministry Of Internal Security and its Nationality & Citizenship Bureau.

Acquisition Of Citizenship

Makko Okoan citizenship can be automatically acquired:

  • By birth to a Makko Okoan parent.
  • By birth in the Makko Okoan prison system to at least one parent holding Makko Okoan citizenship.

Through special application:

  • For individuals under the age of 21 who were born internationally and do not currently hold citizenship, to at least 1 Makko Okoan parent.
  • For individuals who were born within Makko Oko to foreign parents (parents that do not hold citizenship).
  • For individuals who were born in a foreign prison system who claim an entitlement or right to Makko Okoan citizenship.

Dual Citizenship

Under the Nationality & Travel Act, the defacto citizenship law within the nation, dual citizenship is forbidden, and any Makko Okoan citizen who is a dual national is forced to relinquish either their other citizenship or their Makko Okoan citizenship.

See Also