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Ainin maintains diplomatic relations with most sovereign states in Esquarium. It has an active and dynamic foreign policy with emphasis on free trade, the preservation of international security, especially in Nautasia and the Central Ocean basin, and greater cooperation between liberal democracies. While rooted in democratic ideals, Aininian foreign policy has been noted to be extensively influenced by realpolitik considerations, with ideological considerations often shunned in favour of strategic interests.

Ainin is considered a great power due to its global military reach and extensive economic and political influence. Along with Luziyca, it is characterised as a leader of the liberal democratic bloc. It is a full member of several international organisations, including the Central Ocean Basin Alliance, the Esquarian Community and the International League.

Intergovernmental organisations

Name Representative Date joined Membership type
Esquarian Community Michel Cazeneuve, Delegate[n 1] 3 May 1990 Founding member
Esquarian Football Association Raoul Courbis, Ambassador 5 May 1936 Founding member
Esquarian Summit Marianne de Lotbinière, ex officio 2014 Permanent invitee
International Fisheries Commission Marc Brosseau, Delegate 16 November 2016 Depository
International League 2017 Permanent member
Latin Union Aimée Ly, Minister of the French Language 1975 Founding member

Bilateral relations

Country Ambassador from Ambassador to Notes
 Aucuria Eivelinė Konradaitė
Template:Country data Austrosia
Template:Country data East Cortoguay Cortoguay, East
Template:Country data West Cortoguay Cortoguay, West
Template:Country data Jahistic Union Ainin serves as protecting power for the Jahistic Union in Namor
 Karazawa Semonah Uishuquechua
 Katranjiev Vasil Kynev Honoré Legrand (chargé d'affaires) Ambassador recalled after severe breach of diplomatic protocol by Queen Elis in Pisdara
File:K&G.png Khokarsa & Guadec Chi Ayoda
Template:Country data Litorea
 Luziyca Simeon Sokolov
 Min Saihuōi Tiânlo
 Montecara Prisco Braci Grégoire L'Heureux
File:Flag of Nevanmaa.png Nevanmaa Aarno Witting Justine Christin
 Namor Fen Banpeng Charlotte Dubois
Template:Country data Oelia
 Pavonistade Mohammed Antoun (chargé d'affaires) Pavon ambassador expelled over Otakhtay Sgriki's comments regarding Central Ocean tidal wave
Template:Country data Pisdara
Template:Country data Rifat
Template:Country data Saheil
 Senria Naoki Nakamoto
 Siphria Artîn Sewarêhî
 Tuthina Saielôc Îhmôl
 UNIR Haydar Gülen
File:Flag vyv.png Vyvland
File:Flag of West Cedarbrook.jpg West Cedarbrook Stanisław Écija

Military alliances

Name Document Representative Date joined Membership type Agreement type
Central Ocean Basin Alliance Central Ocean Compact Jean-Christophe d'Atillon 25 June 2013 Founding member Military alliance
Esquarian Community Treaty of the Esquarian Community Michel Cazeneuve, Delegate[n 1] 3 May 1990 Founding member Mutual defence agreement
Northern Sea Defence Organisation NOSDO Treaty Anthony Ricci 27 October 2002 Observer Military alliance
Template:Country data Pisdara Constitution of Pisdara N/A 29 June 2016 Party Defence agreement

Trade agreements

Name Document Representative Date joined Membership type Agreement type
Esquarian Common Market Comprehensive Common Market Act Michel Cazeneuve, Delegate[n 1] 26 August 2017 EC member Customs union


1.^ Accredited to the Council of Esquarium.