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The Argic and Northern Alharu Football Association, commonly abbreviated as ANAFA, is the governing body for all association football teams in Argis and Northern Alharu. It is one of UENA's three major confederations. Many of the nations of this confederation participated in the most recent World Cup in Orioni. ANAFA is headquartered in Iverica.


Country National Governing Body Team UENA membership?
 Prymont Prymontian Football Association Prymontian Yetis Yes
 Iverica - Iverican National Football Team Yes
 Dolchland The Imperial Army Dolchlander Lil Boys Yes
 Ahrana - Ahrana National Football Team Yes
 Girkmand - Girkmand National Football Team Yes
 Seylos - Seylosi National Football Team Yes
 Republic of Dniester - National Team of Dniester Yes
 Galahinda - Galahindan National Football Team Yes

League Cups