Occupation of Caldia

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Occupation of Caldia
Part of the Great War
HMS King George V WWI IWM Q 021424 A.jpg
The HMS Clovis Richard I outside Spálgleann port.
Date10 March 1927 – 15 March 1935

Caldia secured by Estmerish and Weranian Marines with no fighting

Commanders and leaders
Edmund Anchorage
Waldemar von Stürgkh
Éamon Ua Buachalla
Uilliam Mac Coinneach
800 Estmerish Marines
4 warships
30,000 Home Guard
500 Weranian Marines
6 warships
25,000 Infantry
3,000 soldiers
12,500 Home Guard
500 police officers

The Occupation of Caldia by the Kingdom of Estmere and Werania began on 10 March 1927 during the Great War after a joint invasion with the intent of denying Caldia to Gaullica and its Entente allies. Marine and naval forces from both countries invaded neutral Caldia but faced no resistance. The Caldish government did not lodge a complaint despite the official violation of Caldish neutrality. Despite the occupation, the Caldish government remained officially neutral throughout the Great War. As the war progressed, the Estmerish government-in-exile relocated to Caldia as did much of the Estmerish Liberation Army. It ended on 15 March 1935.

The occupation was controversial in Caldia. Public opposition eventually resulted in the outbreak of the Quasi-War, a period of violent opposition to the occupation. It strained ties with Estmere and Werania for nearly 20 years. The relationship between Caldia and its former occupiers was gradually normalized, resulting in Caldish ascension to the Euclean Community alongside Werania in 1955.


Éamon Ua Buachalla, Taoiseach from 1925 to 1935

Prior to the Great War, Caldia had long maintained an official policy of neutrality. The country had not been at war since 1709 and remained mostly uninvolved on Euclean geopolitical affairs. When the Great War officially began, Taoiseach Éamon Ua Buachalla reaffirmed the country's neutrality. Caldia's iron reserves and steel industry were of interest to both Estmere and Gaullica. Both governments attempted to persuade Ua Buachalla to enter their respective alliances, but ultimately failed. The Estmerish and Weranic governments began to hold discussions about what to do with Caldia as the war progressed. Solstianan membership in the Entente and the Gaullophillic Geatish government were cause for concern for both governments, who worried about Gaullican domination of the North Sea. Threats to Estmere and Werania's colonies in Coius made Caldia's iron reserves important to the wartime plans of both governments. Caldia's warm water ports and their strategic location in the North Sea were also factors in the decision to occupy the country.


The invasion began in the early morning of 10 March 1927 with Estmerish and Weranian troops disembarking in Spálgleann, capital of neutral Caldia. The troops were met with no resistance and quickly began to establish control over the country. As control was established, Gaullican citizens were arrested and the Gaullican embassy was forced to close. The intent was to secure Caldia was a base of operations for the Grand Alliance, offering advantageous ports near Solstiana and the northern Vehemens ocean, allowing it to maintain naval dominance in strategic locations.



