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This article lists political parties and organizations in the Latium. The first political parties began to officially form in the mid 1860s at the advent of the political reforms of Theophylactus I Augustus. Initially these parties formed around prominent figures in the Senate, often reshuffling at every election. Today, the two largest senatorial factions are the center-right Populares and the center-left Progressis.


Senatorial factions

According to Senate rules, and later Imperial Edict, modern political parties are prohibited from the Senate. However, under the theory of virtual representation, parties or factions are necessary in order for elections to be carried out. To enable the fulfillment of elections, the Sacred Assembly sanctions official senate factions. To qualify as a faction, a group of citizens must present an electoral list of no fewer than 350 eligible voters, 100,000 verified signatures supporting the faction, pay a filing fee of $500,000, and an organizing committee with distinct leadership. Upon submission of all requirements, the Imperial Election Committee vets all lists and faction members. Individuals on electoral lists must resign from any political party affiliations upon sanctioning of a senate faction. Senate factions and modern political parties, even if loosely affiliated, are legally separate entities, but often share similar leadership. For example, the first modern political parties formed from former members of the now defunct Medietas faction.

The Populares are the oldest extant senate faction, and are the only faction to predate the electoral process; it has participated in every election since 1866. Boni is the second oldest faction, and currently the second largest, while Aliis is the most recently established faction, first earning faction status in 2017. Independent senators are rare due to electoral requirements, and are most often individuals appointed by the Emperor whose seats are not bound by election. These independent senators are often granted special dispensation to forgo joining a faction, which are collectively referred to as Independentes.

Faction Majority Senate leader Seats in the Senate Ideology Party affiliations
Populares Emblem.svg Populares
Favoring the People
Alexander Pompilius
420 / 794
Conservatism, imperial socialism, big tent, Latin unionism United Latium or [main center-right party]
People's Party for Union
Perateian Unity Forum
Boni Emblem.svg Boni
For a Better Latium
In minority
Senator-Opposition leader Lepera .jpg
Flavia Lepera
273 / 794
Liberalism, social democracy [main center-left party]
Free Democratic
Future Perateia
Aliis Emblem.svg Aliis
For the Alternative
In minority
File:Felix Procilius.jpg
Felix Procilius
98 / 794
Populism, direct democracy, secularism, Latin unionism Alius
In minority
3 / 794
Varied None

Parties represented in provincial, local, and overseas councils

Emblem Party name Chairperson Ideology Affiliated Senators Seats in
provincial councils
Diocesan seats Senate faction
United Latium.png United Latium
Unitas Latium
File:Sophia Pompilia.jpg
Sophia Pompilia
313 / 794
423 / 794
423 / 794

Banned parties