Age of majority in Manala

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Age of majority varies widely among the many different countries and territories of the world of Manala. The following is a table depicting the various laws and regulations surrounding age of majority in Manalan nations.

Age of majority by country

Country Age of Majority Age of Candidacy Age of Consent Drinking Age Age of Criminal Responsibility Marriageable Age Age of Employment
 Antarctic Circle States 18 25 18 18 18 for all crimes
14 for level 2 offense and above
12 for level 3 offense and above
18 16
 Gagium 18 18 16 18 11-16, varies by commonwealth 18 15-16, varies by commonwealth
 The Furbish Islands 18 18
(federally, varies by federal subject)
Varies by federal subject Varies by federal subject 18 for all crimes
12 for certain heinous crimes
(federally, varies by federal subject)
Varies by federal subject Varies by federal subject