Conscription in Manala

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Conscription law varies between the various countries and territories of Manala. The following is a table depicting the legality of conscription in Manala.

Status of conscription by country

Country Conscription Conscription gender
 Antarctic Circle States Yes, active since 1976 (Further modified by the Enlistment Act of 1985) Male and transgender only
 Fluvannia No (Abolished for peacetime in 2018, may be optionally called in times of war) N/A (If optionally called, all are conscripted equally)
 Gagium No (Abolished for peacetime in TBD) N/A
 Greater Niagara Yes, active since 2019. Male only
 Perlsienne No (Abolished for peacetime in TBD) Male when active
 Saint Sienia No N/A
 Seocheon Yes, all male citizens must serve 3 years of military service at the age of 18. Male only
 The Furbish Islands No (Deactivated in 1985, can be reactivated by the National Assembly in times of war) N/A (All are conscripted equally when active)