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Kingdom of Trewince
4 official names
Flag of Trewince
Royal Coat of Arms
Anthem:    Fervor for the Flag
File:Trewince Globe.png
Largest cityAxel
Official languagesNatlander
Recognised national languagesAurspresh
Recognised regional languagesOnslander
Ethnic groups
  • 11.1% Irreligious or Other
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
• Queen
Beatrix II
Hans Pietersen
Andrei Rhoodie
Andres III
LegislatureCourts General
House of Lords
House of Commons
30 December 1776
7 June 1916
13 August 1944
286,482 km2 (110,611 sq mi)
• Estimate
Increase 15,760,000
• 2022 census
• Density
54.9/km2 (142.2/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
₭463.8 billion
• Per capita
HDI (2022)Increase 0.886
very high
CurrencyMark (ℳ) (SUM)
Time zone+TBD
Date formatyyyymm-dd
Driving sideright
Calling code26
ISO 3166 codeNL

Natland, officially the Crowned Republic of Natland, is a country located in eastern Abos. It is the third largest country by population and fourth largest by economic size of the Sexish Countries. Consisting of fourteen provinces, it borders Suder to the east, Onsland to the south, and Zandigland, whom it shares a monarch with, to the north. The country is landlocked, with Onsland cutting off access to the sea from Natland. The official language in the country is Natlander, though regional languages like Aurspresh and Onslander are present throughout the country. Aurspresh is given special status as a "secondary national language" while Onslander is recognized as a "regional language" in the southern province of Helter.

Natland literally means "wet land", a reference to the much wetter climate of the southern portions of what was once Greater Natland and in contrast to the "sandy lands" of Zandigland, to the north. Greater Natland was a major player during the 15th century onwards, where it played a major role in the Sexish Countries. Some Natlander colonies were established, primarily in cooperation with Suderer and Onslander. These Natlander colonies influenced the Onslander spoken in The Furbish Islands and the daughter language of Nuwelander. Along with the other Sexish Countries, Natland joined the Union of Seven Crowns in 1776 and held the primacy for four different terms, just behind Onsland and Suder, who held the primacy five times each.

With a population of 15.7 million people and covering a total area of 286,482 km2, Natland is fairly sparsely populated by Sexish terms, at 54.9 people per square kilometer, the second lowest in the Sexish Union. Nonetheless, its large size makes it a regional player and it has considerable sway in the Sexish Union. Its economy is surprisingly industrial for a developed country, with coal and iron mining making Natland a heavy producer of steel, and the country exports more steel per capita than any other country in the world. Other large industries include the service industry, with agriculture being limited to the southeast of the country. The largest city is Axel, though the capital is located in Beatrixburg. Other major cities include Zuttdorp, Overslach, and Beuckelszoon. An interesting quirk of Natland is that the capital city is named after the current monarch. Prior to the ascension of Beatrix II, the capital was named Jorisburg, after Joris VI.

Natland is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy since 1776 and has had considerable devolution to local authorities since the early 1800s. The country has a tradition of religious and social tolerance and avoided many of the Catholic-Protestant conflicts that the rest of the Sexish Countries tended to suffer from. Natland today remains socially libertarian, with decriminalized prostitution and a fairly liberal drug policy, with marijuana legal. The country legalized women's suffrage in 1905 and legalized same-sex marriage in 2003. Its regulated market economy is classified as high income, with Beatrixburg and Axel being centers of finance and trade in both the Sexish Union but also Abos as a whole. Natland is a founding member of the Sexish Union and Global Community. It hosts the Union's parliamentary capital in Axel.