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Free Republic of Ketha
Frei Repoblik o Ketha (Sexish)
Flag of Ketha
Coat of Arm of Ketha.png
Coat of Arms
Anthem:    Appeal to Heaven
File:Ketha Globe.png
Largest cityFort Hope
Official languagesSexish
Recognised regional languagesFluvan
West Bergweiser
Ethnic groups
  • 3.5% Buddhist
  • 35.8% Irreligious or Other
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
• King
Albert IV
Callum Carrick
Alastair Grey
Albert V
House of Royalty
House of Deputies
30 December 1776
7 June 1916
19 April 1925
27,694 km2 (10,693 sq mi)
• Estimate
Neutral decrease 2,400,192
• 2022 census
• Density
87.06/km2 (225.5/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
₭94.5 billion
• Per capita
HDI (2022)Increase 0.910
very high
CurrencyMark (ℳ) (SUM)
Time zone+TBD
Date formatyyyymm-dd
Driving sideright
Calling code+23
ISO 3166 codeTR

Trewince, officially the Kingdom of Trewince, is a country located in eastern Abos. Excluding the city-states, Trewince is the smallest of the Sexish Countries by area, economic size, and population. Trewince is bordered by Fluvannia to the east, Ketha to the south, and Suder to the west. The country is landlocked, with Ketha cutting off access to the sea from Trewince. The official language is Sexish, though signifigant minorities of Trewinter, West Bergweiser, Fluvan, and Cummese speakers. These four languages are recognized national languages, with speakers of these languages having the right to receive government services, be educated, and stand for office in their languages. The capital of the country is de jure Auldton, which is also the capital of Ketha and is the current residence of the monarch, currently Albert IV. The largest city and de facto capital is Abdor.

Trewince is of unknown etymological origin, though linguists believe it originates from Old Sexish. Trewince was a relatively minor kingdom and minor player in the region, generally being influenced by Fluvannia, Ketha, or Suder. In 1670, Trewince became a part of Ketha-Trewince through a series of marriages, culminating in the personal union of the two countries under George III. Ketha-Trewince would later become one of the major constituent kingdom of the Sexish Kingdom. When the Kingdom dissolved in 1916, Ketha-Trewince continued as a monarchy. In 1925, a referendum to retain or abolish the monarchy saw a clear divide between former Trewince and former Ketha. After violent riots, Trewince split off of Ketha-Trewince. Despite no longer controlling the city of Auldton, the monarchy of Trewince, and therefore the Trewincer state, continues to claim the country as the seat of government. This makes Trewince the only country on the planet that does not share its head of state with another country, yet has its head of state living outside of the country. While this relationship is no longer hostile, the annual and ceremonial Battle of Auldton takes place every year.

With a population of 2.4 million people and covering an area of 27,694 square kilometers, Trewince is a relatively small and densely populated state, with over 87 people per square kilometer. Its economy is primarily built off of tourism, the service sector, and financial sectors, with several large firms being headquartered in Trewince to take advantage of the generous tax incentives. The majority of the population are Sexish speakers, at 72.4%. The vast majority of the remaining population is made up of other Sexish languages. Demographers believe several ethnic minorities, especially Cummese and Trewinters, are relatively underrepresented, having integrated into the greater Sexish-speaking society. While Sexish is the langauge of the government and militaries, minority languages have a right to receive services in their native languages.

Trewince is a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The country's prime administrative division is the municipality. Under Ketha-Trewince, these municipalities had considerable power and autonomy. This autonomy has primarily been ceded back to the central government in the decades since. While conflicts are, difficulties over Catholicism and Protestantism are very common in Trewince and many pundits have theorized that the country is effectively self segregating down religious lines. Trewince is a member of the Sexish Union and Global Community.