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Federation of Cylata
Flag of Cylata
File:Cylata map 2024.png
Recognised national languagesCylatan Constanti
• 2024 estimate

The Federation of Cylata, commonly called Cylata, is a country in western Nortua bordered by Latilli to the north, New Ansion and Syraranto to the east, Constantio to the south, Artaska and Cechena to the west, with a coastline along the Samson Ocean via the Casarta Sea. Cylata has a population of 14.2 million, with the capital being Caltabia, the largest city being Port Casarta, and other notable cities including Naville, Avirbella, Rerres, and Ovanda.

Cylata was inhabited by various ancient peoples. The kingdoms of Judsi, Rerres, and namely the Casartan empire dominated the land for thousands of years, until the emergence and conquests of the Constantio Empire took over Cylata in 1601 under Justano II. Following the Chezian Wars of Independence (1806-23), Cylata became an independent state with the dissolution of the empire. Cylata became a largely isolated nation for the following hundred years in its efforts to restore a national identity. In 1921, it annexed New Judsi following the Cylata-Judsi War, nearly doubling its area. During the World War, Cylata officially remained neutral though it covertly supplied allies on the Nortuan Front. Cylata's 180 years of neutrality was shattered with the outbreak of the Chezian War (1992-95), during which Cylata broke into a civil war with its autonomous state of Artaska and ultimately sided with the Chezian Coalition Forces. Under international observation, Artaska was granted independence in 2001, but Cylata and Artaska reestablished and formalized diplomatic relations with the 2002 Dimayev Agreement, though border disputes still exist today.

Cylata is a unitary presidential republic, with its current president being Jacob Athiso, a member of the center-left NDF. The opposition center-right coalition is headed by Andres Villepin. Cylata is a member state of the Coalition of Crown Albatross, Sotoan Basin Union, and the Coalition Trade Organization. Cylata has coastal plains, a high central plateau, and various mountain ranges dominated by the Chezian Alps; its climate is temperate with harsher conditions in the interior. Cylata is an upper-middle-income and emerging country with an economic emphasis on industry and agriculture; Cylata's climate and geology makes it an important vineyard and wine producing nation. Cylata is prone to frequent earthquakes and is highly vulnerable to climate change. Cylata has universal healthcare, growing access to education, and increasing innovativeness.











Foreign Relations

