List of Tagmatine Emperors

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This is a list of the Holy Emperors of Tagmatium, starting on the ceremonial foundation of Europatorion on Easter Sunday, CE333. This marks the conventional start of what is known by most of the population of Eurth as Tagmatium, although the nation itself does not recognise this as the start of a new nation. Rather, it sees itself a continuation of the Aroman Empire, with the foundation of Europatorion viewed as merely the start of a new era. Only emperors who are recognised as legitimate rulers and exercised sovereign authority are included, to the exclusion of junior co-emperors (symbasileis) who never attained the status of sole or senior ruler, as well as of the various usurpers or rebels who claimed the imperial title but did not successfully sit upong the Leopard Throne.

The line of Tagmatine emperors is held to start with Methodianos the Holy, the first Christian emperor, who built the city of Europatorion as the heart of a newly-refounded Aroman Empire. This was to be the imperial capital of a reborn empire that held the entirety of Europa in its sway but in reality, the empire struggled to hold onto what it had, let alone embark on a new series of conquests. Methodianos is often held up to be a model ruler and it is under him that the characteristics of Tagmatium emerged - a centralised state under the rule of an absolute monarch, with Christianity as its state religion and dominated by the Laimiaic North over the Aroman South.

Methodianos was also the first sole emperor since 272. Before Methodianos, the Octarchy or Octovirate, was a system of eight emperors set up by $Name in order to rule the sprawling Aroman Empire. It consisted of four senior and four junior emperors, with an organised sytem of succession, which was something that the Aroman Empire had lacked before then. However, by 296, the system had buckled under the threat of continued invasion of Aroman territory and disagreements between the Octarchs. Rapidly, it broke down into a civil war and culminated in one of the most traumatic events in Aroman history - the Burning of Arome. Methodianos arose out of this crisis to reunify the empire by 307.

Tagmatium considers itself to be the direct legal continuation of the Aroman Empire, especially of the eastern part, after the collapse of the west in the years up to $Year. Tagmatium also recognises Adaptus as a true continuation of the traditions and institutions of Arome as well but not necessarily the imperial legitimacy. The other "Aroman" nations, such as Sporsia and Euandria, are not considered continuators. The emperors listed below up to $Name in $Year were either sole or joint rulers of the Aroman Empire. The government and inhabitants of Tagmatium consider the monarchs to be rightful Aroman emperors in direct succession from Venerabilius. "Tagmatium" is an exonym applied due to the different states claiming to be the "true" Arome at different times.

Until the reign of Ioannes II, known as the "Lawbringer", the Tagmatine emperors official held the title of "Venerabilius", although other titles such as "Dominus" were also used. Their names were preceded by Imperator Cotta and followed by Venerabilius. After Ioannes' reforms, the title commonly became the Laimiaic "Basileos", which had formerly meant sovereign, though Venerabilius continued to be used in a reduced capacity. During the reign of Mikhael I, "Equal-to-the-Apostles" (Laimiaic: Isapostolos) was added, as a recognition of the leading role Mikhael took to drive out heresy from the Empire. The title of "Autocrat" (Laimiaic: Autokrator) was added sometime in the Disorder, to attempt to show the legitimate emperor from amongst the usurpers. The standard imperial formula of the Tagmatine monarchs is currently "[emperor's name], by the Grace of Christ the God, faithful Emperor and Autocrat of the Aromans and Equal-to-the-Apostles".

Although hereditary succession has never been a constitutional principle, it was often the norm. Here, dynasties are recognised not necessarily due to hereditary succession but often through one emperor either appointing a like-minded individual, favourite or influencing the election to the extent that they are able to choose their successor. Often, this did result in an emperor's son or sometimes daughter succeeding them. In theory, this was removed under the reforms of Leon III and replaced with an emperor elected by the eligible voters in Tagmatium, rather than just from the Senates, but a free election has only happened twice so far.

List of Emperors

Portrait Name Reign Notes

Methodianic dynasty (307-397)

Buranian dynasty (397–439)

Methodianos III 397 –
Born in 383. Grandson of the Buranic Magister utriusque Militiae (commander-in-chief) Gento, a half-Aroman, Methodianos was elected as emperor after the death of the last relative of Methodianos the Holy. The child was little more than a puppet for Gento and eventually suffered an "accident" when he became too independent and started to question the actions of Gento.
Anastasios I 409 –
Born in 389. Another grandson of Gento, Anastasios was able to outmanoeuvre his elderly would-be puppet master and had him lured into a trap whilst fighting against the Cussians in 413. After this, he turned inward and indulged in court intrigues and attempted to see which is more powerful – the Buranic religions or Christianity. He is said to have been hit by a tile falling from a church roof for his blasphemy, which split his skull.
Konstantios I 427 –
Born in 411. Son of Anastasios I, Konstantios tried to distance himself from his ancestry but he found it hard to be accepted. He could never fully trust his Aroman soldiers, so he had restored the old Imperial Buranic Bodyguard. This increased accusations of not being “truly” Aroman and acting in favour of the barbarians. The Aroman army units attached to the emperor's household resented this and murdered him, installing the Magister officiorum, Hilarios, in Konstantios' stead.

Hilarian dynasty (439–480)

Non-dynastic (480-484)

Arkadios I "the Brave" 480 –
Born c. 426. Arkadios was a general raised to the throne to try to stabilise the crumbling Aroman Empire by a large conquest of the fragmenting west. Last person to rule both what is now Adaptus, Tagmatium and Suverina, although the western territories were very unstable. He wasn't able to keep the west from falling apart again and ultimately died at the Battle Dubaserium (now Dubasari) of against a coalition of rebels and invaders.

Eastian dynasty (484-561)

Theodoros "the Quick" 484 –
Born in 435. Theodoros was a subordinate general under Arkadios. When the imperial army's withdrawal after the Battle of Dubaserium descended into a race back to the capital to see who would get there first and become emperor, Theodoros won. However, he spent his reign attempting to stabilise both the western and eastern frontiers.
Anastasia 518 –
Born in 468. The only child of Theodoros, who made the scandalous decision of forcing the Senates to appoint her sole ruler on his death. She resisted attempts to make her husband, Eufemios, co-emperor. She built on father's work and was able to get her son elected.
Theodosios I 531 –
Born in 503. A vigorous ruler, Theodosius was able to capitalise on the successes of his grandfather and mother and return Aroman rule to Vanarambaium. He supposedly died of aneurysm after being told of a number of garrisons had gone over to the Aromano-Vanaram Kingdom.
Konstantinos I 541 –
Born in 518. Konstantinos banned the few remaining games and festivals that had survived into the Christian era, as well as vastly increasing taxes due to the wars Arome had been waging. A riot broke out which saw much of Europatorion destroyed and Konstantinos fled in the chaos, but was recognised by some rioters and lynched.
Maurikios I 559 –
Born in 538. After having been installed on the Leopard Throne by the rioters, Maurikios seemed to be turning out to be a wise ruler but died of the Plague sweeping across Europa. He left a nation beset by unrest and plague. Maurikios had no appointed heir or close relatives at his death, leading to squabbling amongst officials and generals which turned into outright civil war.

Eight Years' Strife (561–569)

Theodosios II 561 –
Born in 536. A subaltern in one of the place guard regiments, Theodosios was quick to threaten, cajole and bribe his way to the Leopard Throne. However, he was besieged in Europatorion and snuck out, which was taken as desertion.
Valentinianos I 563 –
Born in 517. A leader of one of the provincial armies, Valentinianos was crowned emperor after Theodosios fled. His uncouth country manners and habit of seducing the young daughters of Senators led to the elite of the capital recalling Theodosios. In a foreshadowing of what was to come, Valentinianos was tortured hideously before being executed.
Theodosios II (second reign) 564 –
Despite being invited in by the capital's elite, Theodosios almost immediately began a brutal purge of them. He reasoned that if they deposed him once, they could do the same again. This lasted until he was beaten to death by his own cup-bearer at a feast whilst palace officials placidly looked on.
Heraklios I 566 –
Born in 537. The cup-bearer ascended the throne soon after and was able to rule well, if briefly. He appointed Ioannes, a mid-ranking officer in the palace guard, as his Magister utriusque Militiae, or commander-in-chief. He died mysteriously whilst going for a morning swim in the imperial bathhouse, drowning despite being known for his swimming prowess and athletic ability.

Ioannesian Dynasty (569–611)

Ioannes II "the Lawbringer" 569 –
Born in 526. After his election by the army and the people, one of the first actions of Ioannes was to abolish the role of Magister utriusque Militiae and give that authority to a body rather than one person, forming a proto-general staff. He also undertook a wide-ranging administrative reform and started to update the ancient law system. Ioannes focussed on keeping the frontiers stable, rather than any plans for reconquest of lost territory. He also brought the Church under imperial control. He rebuilt Europatorion in a glorious style after its destruction.
Ioannes III "the Accountant" 587 –
Born in 548. Ioannes was the son of Ioannes III. He wasn't as interested as his father about reforming the law system, but the work continued nonetheless. The work also encompassed a reformation of the tax system, to make it more efficient and to try to avoid the unrest seen several decades before. He was careful to give his father credit and is remembered as the archetypal dutiful son.
Konstantinos II "the Pious" 602 –
Born in 583. Konstantinos was considered a pious and learned individual, often distributing alms to the poor. He often wandered the capital in disguise in order to learn their true feelings. One evening, he was found robbed and brutally beaten by his bodyguards and died soon afterwards.
Arkadios II 603 –
Born in 587. Brother of Konstantios. Unlike his brother, he wasn't groomed to rule and he spent much of his reign prevaricating. In the end, he was toppled by an ambitious general and official, Theodosios, who packed him off to exile in a monastery.

Aexpurtian dynasty (611-669)

Theodosios III "the Aexpurtian" 611 –
Born in 558. A native of Aexpurtia, he was also the governor and from a long line of officials in the province. Theodosios overthrew Arkadios, mainly due to his inaction over the religious strife taking place in the country. He leant towards the Aroman faction of the Church and the old order that it represented, rather than the more puritanical Tzanchians.
Maurikios II "the Drunk" 624 –
Born 563. Brother of Theodosios and his co-emperor, Maurikios was known to be something of a heavy drinker and took no real interest in running the empire during his reign, paying more interest in playing backgammon and days-long drinking sessions. He died after falling from his horse, supposedly due to being inebriated.
Demetrios I "the Seafarer" 630 –
Born in 581. Son of Maurikios II, he was elected by the army and people almost out of embarrasment due to his father's death. He proved to be more in his uncle's mould. Several invasions by the Kingdom of Thelarike took place in the early part of his reign, so he launched an attempt to conquer the islands for Arome. This was one of the first expansions into land not previously held by Arome for five hundred years.
Theognostos I 651 –
Born in 599. Theognostos tended to ignore the unrest that was spreading across the country and allowed the various church factions to squabble amongst themselves, rather than take a lead role in the religious debate. He continued his father's war against the Fisher Kings, as well as preventing the Qubdi from making inroads into Aexpurtia.
Arkadios III "the Fat" 661 –
Born in 605. He gave in thoroughly to the decadence that had been underpinning the court since his grandfather, Maurikios II. Reportedly so fat that he needed eight strong soldiers rather than the usual four to lift the shield he stood on during his acclamation. Reportedly died of overexertion whilst walking through the imperial menagerie.
Petros 669 –
Born in 617. Son of Theognostos, Petros was a relatively blameless individual, seemingly having been appalled by the lifestyles of his grandfather and uncle into living in a more temperate and Godly manner. He willingly went into a monastery when a coup was unleashed against him.

Non-dynastic (669-683)

Konstantinos III "Thelarikonikator" 669 –
Born in 623. Buoyed by his success over the conquest of the Hexanesa from the Fisher Kings, Konstantinos overthrew the Aexpurtians as they descended into decadence and religious turmoil. Despite using his authority as emperor to try to bully the various Christian factions into compliance, he was not able to stop the virtual civil war as it spread across the country.

The Inspired (683-785)

Mikhael I "The Inspired" 683 –
Born in 647. Mikhael took advantage of the religious turmoil to overthrow Konstantinos and replace him on the Leopard Throne. Magnaminously, Mikhael allowed him to retire as governor over the islands he conquered after an oath taken before a piece of the True Cross. Mikhael then solidified his rule through riding the coat-tails of the leader of the new religious movement, $name. Enlightened Aroman Church born and the old order tumbled down. As the destruction of icons and religious statues spread, he was also sure to place imperial officials with the crowds of zealots, who were able to sequester the smashed remains. He greatly enriched the imperial treasury with the precious metals and stones seized. He spent most of his reign fighting this internercine civil war against the adherents of the older manner of Christianity, most of whom were driven from the borders of the empire.

Non-dynastic (785-821)

Khristoforos III "the Wise" 785 –
Born in 749. Kouropalates under Khristoforos II, after his death he initiated a palace coup to place himself on the Leopard Throne instead of any planned heirs of the old regime. He calmed the religious zealotry of the newly Enlightened Aroman Church through a series of synods and meetings that encouraged those who clinged to the old ways to renounce their idols and to heal the wounds in the empire. He worked with the senates to see a peaceful transition, in the manner of the emperors of old.

Senatorial dynasty (821-858)

The Disorder (858-874)

The Iasonidian dynasty (874-922)

Non-dynastic (922-937)

Tzanchian dynasty (937-1031)

Europatorionian dynasty (1031-1106)

Non-dynastic (1106-1118)

Kontarianic dynasty (1118-1189)

Kommenid dynasty (1189-1279)

The Three Generals (1279-1304)

Valentinianos IV Tzouganres 1279 –
Born 1238. The last of the Kommenoi were unable or unwilling to deal with the Akiiryan incursions, the general Valentinianos gathered the army from his theme and those of Basil Mezarios and Heraklios Tzatzkhes and swiftly deposed the old rulers. He campaigned vigorously but ultimately fell out with his two subordinates, who murdered him.
Basil II Mezarios 1294 –
Born 1242. As senior emperor, Basil followed in his murdered mentor's footsteps but eventually became despondent. In turn, he was murdered by Heraklios.
Heraklios II Tzatzkhes 1303 –
Born 1241. Ruling alone, Heraklios could not hope to face the invaders by himself. On the eve of the Battle of Martyropolis, he found that the reinforcements he expected led by Andronikos Styppeiotes weren't coming. Deserted by his allies, Heraklios and his army were defeated in a battle that lasted from morning until nightfall. Reportedly, Heraklios was the last to fall.

Styppeiotid dynasty (1304-1458)

Paraspondylid dynasty (1458-1509)

Dermokaitid dynasty (1509-1623)

Non-dynastic (1623-1637)

Anastasios II Avitonides 1623 –
Born in 1563. An elderly but energetic man, Anastasios was elected to the Leopard Throne by loyalists of the Dermokaitai to try to keep the empire as intact as possible as Sporsia, Qubdi and the Volsci circled. He wasn't truly able to resist both the threats within and the attacks from without and abdicated when he saw a much more able emperor in Arhomanos Andronikopoulos

Andronikopoulid dynasty (1637-1788)

Epifanid dynasty (1788-1956)

Khristoforos X 1926 –
Born in 1899. Khristoforos was seen as something of a modern, playboy monarch and beloved by the cosmopolitan elite for his urbane manners and the common people for his unforced charity. He was, however, something of a closet xenophobe and quietly encouraged attacks against the Volsci living on the Hexanesa. This led to a show of force by the Republic and Khristoforos allowed himself to be provoked. The incident sparked the Long War. Initial setbacks and the Shelling of Europatorion ended up with the general staff encouraging his brother to seize the throne and Khristoforos suffered an “accident”.
Konstantinos VIII 1939 –
Born in 1903. He took up something of a poisoned chalice in the form of a country that had been at war for seven years. Konstantinos had always been something of a dark figure, bookish and withdrawn, a contrast to his brother. At first, he let his generals have free rein and the military saw the situation reverse, with Tagmatium starting to win again. However, it began to deteriorate and Konstantinos took a direct role in commanding the nation's forces. In the end, he seemed determined to let the war run on, despite both sides being exhausted. A coup under the covered of a military parade saw him killed.

Democratic Tagmatium (1956-1969)

Leon III Theonikos 1956 –
Born in 1898. He climbed through the ranks during the Long War and was well aware how sick his countrymen were of it. Leon led a coup against Konstantinos VIII, which was also the first televised coup in history. He agreed an armistice that led to a peace treaty and the end of the Long War. He then tried to bring proper democracy to Tagmatium, even stepping down to usher in the first election.
Konstantios V Makrembolitissos 1963 –
Born in 1912. Konstantios was the first emperor to be democratically elected by a general election of Aroman citizens. His reign was brief, as it is brought down by a series of strikes that ended in a military coup. He was exiled and Leon Theonikos was said to have died of a broken heart at the failure of his dream for a democratic Arome.

The Rule of the Admirals (1969-1995)

Tagmatium Resurgent (1995-2021)