Ochoccola War
The Ochoccola War, also known as the Cuthish invasion of Ochoccola and the Ochoccola Crisis, was an armed conflict primarily involving a military invasion waged by Cuthland against the Ochoccola Republic during the spring of 1994. Simultaneous aerial bombing campaigns in the first days of the conflict precipitated an amphibious invasion by Cuthish military forces at Oktamulke Beach on 8 April; the war was fought primarily in Ochoccola and the surrounding ocean and airspace, with spillovers involving Mascyllary Akawhk during the Akawhk Crisis.
A major turning point in the Great Game, the Ochoccola War renewed tensions between Cuthland and Mascylla and led to a realignment of the Auroran world order as the Mageiros League usurped the !Warsaw Pact as the primary geopolitical adversary for the Berean Defense Treaty Association.