Traffic laws in Manala

Revision as of 21:58, 14 November 2022 by TheFurbishIslands (talk | contribs)
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The following table lists traffic laws in Manala.

Country/Autonomous Region Speed limit on motorway (km/h) Speed limit on dual carriageway (km/h) Speed limit on single carriageway (km/h) Speed limit in urban area (km/h) Traffic direction Permitted alcohol level (%) Minimum child age (front seat) Minimum driver's age Toll roads Seatbelt required Triangle required First aid required Fire extinguisher required Spare bulb required Tow rope required
 The Furbish Islands^^ N/A* 118.802*
(170 m/h)
(140 m/h)
(50 m/h)
None at the federal level* 0.0-0.05* 0-12* 16-18* Yes Yes* Certain Vehicles* Certain Vehicles* Certain Vehicles* Certain Vehicles* Certain Vehicles*
^denotes the nation uses miles per hour
^^denotes the nation uses Furbish miles per Furbish hour
*denotes highest speed limit posted in the nation, as many are variable, or laws vary by administrative division