Gagian Quarter

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The Gagian Quarter of TBDFURBISHCITY, The Furbish Islands. The elaborate ironwork is characteristic of 18th century Gagian architecture.

A Gagian Quarter, sometimes referred to as a Marchan Quarter in Alaoyi, is an ethnic enclave of Gagian or Marchan people located outside Gagium, most often in urban settings in Galia. However, areas known as Gagian quarters exist throughout the world, including Furbish Islands and South Stratea.

The development of most Gagian Quarters stems from the development of Gagium's colonial empire beginning in the 15th century. In Galia, Gagian Quarters formed as a result of expeditions by the Gagian South Abosia Company designed to extend the range of Gagium's lucrative trade network. As the merchant fleet of Gagium swelled in size due to the discovery of new markets, the need for strategically placed outposts to serve as safehavens for Gagian maritime traders grew. These outposts developed into Gagian Quarters, serving not only as a home for Gagians but also as centers of trade for the indigenous population. In Galia, these quarters often coexisted alongside indigenous settlements, and were often governed without the use of force against the locals. A notable example of this is the Gagian Quarter of TBDALAOYICITY in Alaoyi, established in 1538.

Gagian Quarters in both the Furbish Islands and South Stratea, meanwhile, were tied to permanent colonies established during the later phase of Gagian imperialism in the 17th and 18th centuries. While Gagian Quarters still often contain a majority-Gagian population in the Furbish Islands, they're more often cultural centers that blend a variety of indigenous cultures together with Gagian music, cuisine, and practices. In South Stratea, the only remaining Gagian Quarter is in TBDCITY, Svasaria; all others were effectively disbanded following the exodus of Gagians from the region after Vidhian independence.