Creeperian Government-in-Exile

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Provisional Government of the Republic of Creeperopolis in Exile
      Gobierno Provisional de la'República de Creeperopólis en Exilio
Flag of        Creeperian Government-in-Exile
Creeperopolis exile civil.jpeg
of        Creeperian Government-in-Exile
Coat of arms
Motto:     ¡Todavia no hemos perdido a Creeperopólis!
      We have not yet lost Creeperopolis!
Anthem: Himno Creeperiano
Creeperian Hymn
CapitalSan Salvador, Creeperopolis, (de jure)
Capital in Exile:
Syrina, Lyoa (de facto)
Official languagesCreeperian Spanish
Recognised regional languagesLyoan
Creeperian Catholicism
GovernmentProvisional Government-in-Exile
• President
Antonio Gisbert Alcabú
Andrés Andino Cazalla
• Pope
Francisco I (denied)
House of Senators
House of Mayors
• Formation
February 19, 2020

The Creeperian Government-in-Exile (Gobierno Creeperiano en Exilo), officially called the Provisional Government of the Republic of Creeperopolis in Exile (Gobierno Provisional de la'República de Creeperopólis en Exilio) is a current claimed government-in-exile of Creeperopolis. The government-in-exile claims to be the legitimate government of Creeperopolis proclaiming itself to be a republic and the successor of the previous democratic governments of Creeperopolis, specifically the First and Second Parliaments of Creeperopolis and the Republic of Creeperopolis from 1565-1771, 1887-1949, and 1729-1730, respectively.

The government-in-exile's leadership and support is composed mainly of former leaders, members, and supporters of the Revolutionary Government Junta for Creeperian Reorganization which attempted to overthrow the Creeperian government on February 9, 2020. The government-in-exile was established on February 19, 2020, by self-proclaimed President Antonio Gisbert Alcabú, a former Creeperian Lieutenant General in the 12th Infantería Division of the Free Creeperian Army. The government-in-exile claimed to have the support of Pope Francisco I. However, he promptly denied the claims.

The government-in-exile allied itself with the National Coalition of Lyoan Opposition Forces in Lyoa, its main base of operations while in exile and declared its military to be the Free Creeperian Army.

National Anthem

Creeperian Spanish lyrics Lyoan lyrics
¡Creeperopólis tan grande eres!
Cada día'l Sol te ilume.
Y su campo de flores bordado,
Es la'copia feliz del Edén.
Buela libre su gloria bandera,
Tan alto en'el grande cielo.
¡Tan alto en'el grande cielo!
Y sonando en la'voca del fuerte,
Hagan siempre'l tirano temblar.
Y sonando en la'voca del fuerte,
Hagan siempre'l tirano temblar.
Grande Patria, recive gran gloria.
Con nuestro Dios siempre ganamos.
Que o la'tumba serás de los'libres,
O'l asilo contra la'opresión.
Que o la'tumba serás de los'libres,
O'l asilo contra la'opresión.
Que o la'tumba serás de los'libres,
¡O'l asilo contra la'opresión!
¡O'l asilo contra la'opresión!
¡O'l asilo contra la'opresión!
Creeperopolis, you are so grand!
Everyday the Sun illuminates you.
And your countryside, embroidered with flowers,
Is a happy copy of Eden.
Your glorious banner flies free,
So high in the great sky above.
So high in the great sky above!
And ringing in the mouth of the strong,
They always make the tyrant tremble.
And ringing in the mouth of the strong,
They always make the tyrant tremble.
Grand Fatherland, recieve your grand glory.
With our one God we will always win.
You be either the tomb of the free,
Or a refuge from oppression.
You be either the tomb of the free,
Or a refuge from oppression.
You be either the tomb of the free,
Or a refuge from oppression!
Or a refuge from oppression!
Or a refuge from oppression!