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Province of Fortuna
Map of Fortuna
Map of Fortuna, including primary transport network

File:Freethinker.png Autonomous Province of the Freethinker Commonwealth

File:FortunaFlag.PNG tbc
Flag Coat of Arms

Capital Freeport
Governor-General tbc
Legislature Fortuna Assembly

Population 120,200,200
Land Area 150,200 Sq Miles

Fortuna is an autonomous province of the Freethinker Commonwealth located in the northern PL. After Fargon, it is the largest of the Freethinker overseas territories and is home to just over 100 million people. The province sits on the western shore of the Gulf of Ino and is bordered by Kouralia to the south and several other territories along a roughly defined mountainous border to the west. The province also incorporates the northern Fair Isles located a hundred miles east within the Gulf.

Relatively compact and with a high population density in comparison to the rest of the Commonwealth, the province has already begun to develop a localised culture and demography. It nonetheless retains significant cultural ties to the Mainland, and the Commonwealth maintains responsibility for the defence and diplomatic affairs of the province.


Fortuna has a recent past, principally the region was mostly unsettled, montane territory that sat as a borderland between several neighbouring powers. The bulk of the territory consisted of the Kouralian territory of the '

The Freethinker colonisation began in 2151 (SC, 2012 RL) with the establishment of four coastal settlements on the Ino shoreline. These

Economic integration


As part of the Commonwealth, Fortuna's economy is defined as a liberal, trade-orientated free-market system heavily integrated into the regional financial and commercial activity. Principal activity is located in the primary and tertiary economic spheres, manufacturing is a relatively small part of economic activity.

Rapid economic development post colonisation was considered a priority by the Freethinker government, and the largest

Economic Activity by Sector


Forestry is a growing concern, large reserves of moist and dry broad-leaf woodland have been commercially licensed, and several timber processing and related industries are now based in the colony.




Fortuna is a diverse locality, and open citizenship pathways and government encouragement allow relatively easy migration or temporary residence.

The province shares with Nova Olympia the vast majority (98%) of the Commonwealth's sapient equine population.


Climate & Geography

  • Climate & Terrain: Fortuna is a located at a subtropical latitude and enjoys a coastal, mild climate. Significant amounts of the territory are foothills or montane terrain.
  • Enviromental Hazards: Limited hurricane exposure, flooding and avalanche risk in mountain regions.
  • Enviromental Issues: Increasing pollution levels from rapid economic growth.




Overall defence of the colony is a responsibility of the Freethinker Ministry of Defence. However, as an Autonomous Province, Fortuna raised a branched military arm as the Fortuna Defence Force to serve as its provincial armed forces. As such, there are both nationally and provincially controlled forces within the colony, although there is significant cross cooperation between the various units. The revision of legislation concerning the defence affairs of the Autonomous Provinces, Commonwealth forces are primarily geared towards external defence and force projection in the region whereas the FDF are principally charged with internal security, disaster relief and economic and border patrol functions.

As part of the Freethinker Commonwealth, all citizens go through national service between 18 and 26 (with a small number of exceptions). Military national service contracts can be completed with either provincial or national forces.

Fortuna Military District

Battle Standard of the 13th CEG

The Fortuna Military District is an operational description for the Combined Operations Area covering Fortuna, the Gulf of Ino and surrounding environs. It is comprised of two elements, the Garrison Forces, which are domestically based units intended for the defence of Fortuna, and the 13th Expeditionary Force, titled 'Battle Group Fortuna', which forms the backbone of Freestian expeditionary power in the region. The order of battle is as follows;

Garrision Forces

  • HQ - Fortuna

Land Component

  • 30th 'Fortuna' Corp, Royal Army
    • 21st 'Fist of Fortuna' Armoured Division (2 Arm Bri. 1 Mech Bri. 1 Inf Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 222nd 'Montane' Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 223rd 'Sunrise' Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 1088th Infantry Division (1 Mech Bri. 2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 2100th (TA) Infantry Division (2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 2101st (TA) Infantry Division (2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 2103rd (TA) Infantry Division (2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
  • Fortuna Garrison Support Group
    • 155th Training and Support Division (Varied)
    • 320th Training and Support Division (Varied)
    • 27th Artillery Division, Royal Artillery
    • Fortuna Logistics Group
    • Fortuna Training Group
    • 13th Expeditionary Support Engineering Group, Royal Engineers
    • Army Air Corp 2101st Tactical Group (108 Attack VTOLs, 120 Recon VTOLs, 420 Trans VTOLs, 120 Heavy VTOLs, 36 AWECs, 144 Trans Air.)

Naval Component

  • Fortuna Squadron
    • 1st Fortuna Guard Force (1 CVC, 1 BBC, 12 CV, 6 CGH, 12 CG, 24 DD, 24 FF, 16 AOR, 24 MCM, 12 PB, 60 SSN, 12 SSK)
    • 2nd Fortuna Guard Force (1 CVC, 1 BBC, 12 CV, 6 CGH, 12 CG, 24 DD, 24 FF, 16 AOR, 24 MCM, 12 PB, 60 SSN, 12 SSK)
    • Maritime Auxiliary (Fortuna) (30 AOR, 12 AOE, 12 AS, 4 AH, 12 LST, 50 YX, 4 AX)
    • Strategic Force (CLASSIFIED)
    • FRN Onshore Support Unit
    • Fortuna Naval Reserve

Air Force Component

  • Fortuna Air Army
    • 1st Fortuna Air Group (36 Stra B, 240 Strike, 108 Int, 210 Ftrs, 36 Obs, 108 Recon, 12 AWACs, 144 Trans, 60 H Trans, 36 SAR, 24 EW, 108 Tankers, 240 Trans VTOLs)
    • 2nd Fortuna Air Group (36 Stra B, 240 Strike, 108 Int, 210 Ftrs, 36 Obs, 108 Recon, 12 AWACs, 144 Trans, 60 H Trans, 36 SAR, 24 EW, 108 Tankers, 240 Trans VTOLs)
    • 3rd Fortuna Air Group (36 Stra B, 240 Strike, 108 Int, 210 Ftrs, 36 Obs, 108 Recon, 12 AWACs, 144 Trans, 60 H Trans, 36 SAR, 24 EW, 108 Tankers, 240 Trans VTOLs)
    • 43rd Air Defence Regiment (Varied)

Orbital Component

  • Fortuna Theatre Space Defence Forces
    • 21st Orbital Battery Regiment
    • Fortuna Space Monitoring Unit
  • 12th Celestial Fleet
    • 24th Task Force (3 BC, 12 DD, 12 FF, 24 AO, 24 PB, 12 Y)
    • 25th Task Force (3 BC, 12 DD, 12 FF, 24 AO, 24 PB, 12 Y)
    • 33rd Division, Celestial Marines (3 Sp Inf Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)

Battle Group Fortuna

  • HQ - 13th CEG

Land Component

  • 23rd Corp, Royal Army
    • 234th Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 344th Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 12th 'Fortunate Sons' Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 11th 'Scarlet Clad' Infantry Division (1 Mech Bri. 2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 1033rd Infantry Division (1 Mech Bri. 2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 1034th Infantry Division (1 Mech Bri. 2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
  • 26th Corp, Royal Army
    • 347th Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 345th Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 122nd Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 4th 'Fighting Fourth' Infantry Division (1 Mech Bri. 2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 1033rd Infantry Division (1 Mech Bri. 2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 1034th Infantry Division (1 Mech Bri. 2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
  • 27th Corp, Royal Army
    • 888th Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 894th Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 331st 'Last of the Line' Mechanised Division (1 Arm Bri. 3 Mech Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 16th 'Malo ad Malum' Infantry Division (1 Mech Bri. 2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 134th 'Eastern Pioneers' Infantry Division (1 Mech Bri. 2 Inf Bri. 1 Lt Inf. Bri, 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
  • Fortuna Support Group, Royal Army
    • Army Air Corp 34th Tactical Group (216 Attack VTOLs, 108 Recon VTOLs, 360 Trans VTOLs, 144 Heavy VTOLs, 36 AWECs, 108 Trans Air.)
    • Army Air Corp 37th Tactical Group (216 Attack VTOLs, 108 Recon VTOLs, 360 Trans VTOLs, 144 Heavy VTOLs, 36 AWECs, 108 Trans Air.)
    • 2134th Support Division (3 Spt Bri. 1 Lt Inf Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 2135th Support Division (3 Spt Bri. 1 Lt Inf Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 2136th Support Division (3 Spt Bri. 1 Lt Inf Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 29th Artillery Division, Royal Artillery
  • 13th Peacekeeper Group, Peacekeeper Corp
    • 66th Peacekeeper Division (1 Mot Bri. 2 Inf-PK Bri. 1 Cons Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 67th Peacekeeper Division (1 Mot Bri. 2 Inf-PK Bri. 1 Cons Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 68th Peacekeeper Division (1 Mot Bri. 2 Inf-PK Bri. 1 Cons Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 69th Peacekeeper Division (1 Mot Bri. 2 Inf-PK Bri. 1 Cons Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 70th Peacekeeper Division (1 Mot Bri. 2 Inf-PK Bri. 1 Cons Bri. 1 HQ/Spt Bri.)
    • 13th Peacekeeper Aviation Group (204 Recon VTOLs, 420 Trans. VTOLS, 120 Heavy VTOLS, 120 Trans Air.)

Naval Component

  • 13th Expeditionary Battle Fleet
    • 221st Task Force (6 CVC, 6 BBC, 24 CV, 12 CGH, 36 CG, 48 DD, 48 FF, 20 AOR, 12 MCM, 36 SSN, 24 LPH, 24 LPD)
    • 222nd Task Force (6 CVC, 6 BBC, 24 CV, 12 CGH, 36 CG, 48 DD, 48 FF, 20 AOR, 12 MCM, 36 SSN, 24 LPH, 24 LPD)
    • 223rd Task Force (6 CVC, 6 BBC, 24 CV, 12 CGH, 36 CG, 48 DD, 48 FF, 20 AOR, 12 MCM, 36 SSN, 24 LPH, 24 LPD)
    • 224th Task Force (6 CVC, 6 BBC, 24 CV, 12 CGH, 36 CG, 48 DD, 48 FF, 20 AOR, 12 MCM, 36 SSN, 24 LPH, 24 LPD)
    • 13th CEG Maritime Auxiliary Support Group (120 AOR, 48 AOE, 12 AS, 24 AH, 12 LST, 10 YX, 8 AX)

Air Force Component

  • 13th Expeditionary Air Force
    • 23rd Tactical Air Force (72 Stra B, 240 Strike, 36 Int, 210 Ftrs, 36 Obs, 108 Recon, 24 AWACs, 144 Trans, 108 H Trans, 48 EW, 216 Tankers, 240 Trans VTOLs)
    • 40th Tactical Air Force (72 Stra B, 240 Strike, 36 Int, 210 Ftrs, 36 Obs, 108 Recon, 24 AWACs, 144 Trans, 108 H Trans, 48 EW, 216 Tankers, 240 Trans VTOLs)
    • 63rd Strategic Transport Group (240 Trans, 156 H Trans, 12 AWACs, 480 Tankers, 600 Trans VTOLs)
    • 53rd Air Defence Regiment (Varied)
    • 23rd Ground Support Regiment (Support Units, varied)
    • 27th Ground Support Regiment (Support Units, varied)

Fortuna Defence Force

The Fortuna Defence Force

Ground Component

Air Component

Naval Component