Healthcare in Malgrave

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Healthcare in Malgrave is provided through large hospitals and smaller clinics throughout the country. It is a universal healthcare system financed through general taxation and voluntary contributions made through the Ancestral Study Group, Gabriel Narutowicz Pioneers and Free Democratic Youth.


Healthcare was one of the subject matters discussed during the Conference of Asola in 1910, as the right to healthcare soon found itself added as one of the country's fundamental rights. Initially, the Malgravean healthcare sector was rather small and only compromised of two major hospitals located in the capital which were complimented by a mixture of smaller clinics across the country.

Hospitals at the time were also stretched for resources due to the Imerian blockade on the country, and the rationing of medicine was quite common at the time. As a result healthcare outcomes in the country often fell below expected levels, although, the shortage also contributed to a rise in medical innovations as researchers attempted to develop solutions to the problems at hand.

After the Great Exodus, the Malgravean healthcare system briefly shared facilities with the Ancestral Study Group, although, this practice was reduced on a yearly basis and stopped altogether in 1944. Following the discovery of Malgravean Immunodeficiency Disorder in the 50s, the importance of healthcare in Malgrave grew exponentially, as resources were freed up from other sectors to facilitate new treatment regimes and investigate possible treatment methods and cures.

Starting in 2000, the healthcare system through MalPha was one of the first companies to heavily invest in the Research Colony through the construction of a biomedical research hub in Luban which has been called  Remetopia. Over the years Malgrave has pioneered the development of a whole host of medical therapies, such as using peptide therapy in the treatment of Alzheimer's alongside immunotherapy and hormone treatments to deal with kinds of cancer.

In 2020 it was reported that the healthcare service had been working on a series of medical trials to test the suitability of medical nanites to treat a variety of medical problems such as critical internal injuries and malfunctioning organs. A project directly related to information uncovered by the Ancestral Study Group it was reportedly aided by the discovery of Aclateo Valaruth which is presently being restored under the guidance of the ASG.


Malgrave has the largest number of hospital beds per thousand people in Mystria outside specialised hospital facilities operated by the Greater Civilisation, a fact which is often linked to the existence of Malgravean Immunodeficiency Disorder. Hospitals in Malgrave tend to be larger than expected due to the strict social distancing requirements for patients undergoing heavy MIDD treatment, a regulation which also contributes to Malgravean office spaces being larger compared to similar Mystrian nations.

Following the successful treatment of MIDD, the Malgravean government proposed reducing the size of the healthcare treatment to adjust for the new healthcare requirements of the nation, however, following the Silverdalean crisis and other developments these plans were postponed until the completion of an academic study into the long-term feasibility of reductions.

Hospitals in Malgrave started to integrate ancestral energy following the completion of a review of medical practices in 2002. A high number of medical staff deemed proficient in the use of ancestral energy studied abroad in Dyste, Silverdale and D'hɑlbrisir before work was done to create local capacity, although, students still study abroad for at least one year to gain expertise in different environments and with different species.

Over the years, a large number of medical staff working in Malgravean hospitals have volunteered for the Ancestral Study Group. In the past few decades, they've been deployed to all parts of the world to assist a multitude of aid operations and have earned a reputation for their charitable work.


Healthcare in rural parts of Malgrave has widely been criticised as being substandard compared to the quality of care offered in larger urban population centres. In the 2019 Malgravean General Election the Alliance of Farmers, Fishers and Rurals made this a major point of their election campaign and have subsequently put a lot of pressure on the government to invest in improvements.