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  | [[Atusia]]
  | [[Atusia]]
  | Parliamentary federal republic
  | Parliamentary federal republic
| {{flag|Vetullia}}*
| [[Campoleone]]
| 58,340,328
| [[Parthenia]]
| Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
  | {{flag|Uldhark}}
  | {{flag|Uldhark}}

Revision as of 18:40, 20 January 2023

This page contains the canonical information about the planet Elezia, if you are looking for regional information look at Elezia (Region) or Portal:Elezia.

Elezia Final Map.png
A basic relief map of Elezia.
The World
Orbital characteristics
Epoch A2000
Aphelion152100000 km (94500000 mi)
Perihelion147095000 km (91401000 mi)
149598023 km (92955902 mi)
365 d (12.0 months)
29.78 km/s (18.50 mi/s)
Physical characteristics
Equatorial radius
6378.1 km (3963.2 mi)
Polar radius
6356.8 km (3949.9 mi)
Circumference40075.017 km (24901.461 mi) (equatorial)
40007.86 km (24859.73 mi) (meridional)
(316,944,000 mi2)
Volume1.08321 × 1012km3
Mass5.97237 x 1024 kg
Mean density
5.514 g/cm3
9.807 m/s2
11.186 km/s (6.951 mi/s)
0.99726968 d (23.934472 h)
Equatorial rotation velocity
0.4651 km/s (0.2890 mi/s)
Albedo0.367 geometric
0.306 Bond
Surface temp. min mean max
Celsius −89.2 °C 14.9 °C 56.9 °C
Fahrenheit −128 °F 58.7 °F 134.3 °F
Surface pressure
101.325 kPa (at MSL)
Composition by volume78.08% nitrogen (N2) (dry air)
20.95% oxygen (O2)
0.930% argon
0.039% carbon dioxide (climate-variable)

Elezia, or the Erth (Anglish) or Tierro (Spanish) is the fourth planet from the Son. It is the only known planet to accommodate life. There are around 8 million different plant and animal species around the World. Scientific analysis has concluded that Elezia formed and developed over 4 billion years ago. The Erth rotates around the Son in 365 and ¼ days, a period commonly accepted as an Erth year. The Erth's surface layer is formed of several slowly moving tectonic plates, interacting to produce mountain ranges, volcanoes, and erthquakes. The Erth's liquid outer core generates the magnetic field that shapes Erth's magnetosphere, deflecting destructive solar winds.

The atmosphere on the Erth is made up of mostly nitrogen and oxygen. More solar energy is received by tropical regions than polar regions and is redistributed by atmospheric and ocean circulation. Water vapor is widely present in the atmosphere and forms clouds that cover most of the planet.

The planet contains a variety of different nations and civilisations that inhabit the landmasses, which are home to many different vibrant cultures and languages. The planet is home to roughly 6 billion people, as of 2022.



Map of the Continents Continent Approx. total area
Parthenia X
Atusia X
Muanbia X
Triania X
Barnesia X
Tarandra X



The Parthenian continent is located entirely within the northern hemisphere, located to the west of the Merillian Ocean and to the east of the Sarosan Ocean. It lies just north of continental Tarandra and the Aurean Sea, which a majority of the continents history and culture centres itself around. The continent is the home of a majority Kuthra-Parthenian people, including the Anglish, Vermandan and the Slethari. It is also home to other groups, such as the Uralic peoples of Rovanland and Sorkasia.The continent is rich in history, with humans settling around 46,000 years ago after passing across the Parthenian-Atusian landbridge. Parthenia is known for being a continent full of powerful empires and nations, that persist into modern day. Historic examples including the Sapherian Empire, the Anglish Empire and the Remillian Empire, all of which were the largest empire in the world at some point in time.

Parthenia makes up the northern part of the Parthrandran Landmass. The continent lies mainly within the temperate climate zones, being subjected to prevailing westerlies. The climate is milder in comparison to other areas of the same latitude around the globe due to the influence of the Gulf Stream, which is sometimes nicknamed "Parthenia's Central Heating".


Atusia is a continent located within the northern hemisphere, located on the east side of the Merillian Ocean and to the west of the Sarosan Ocean. It lies just north of Muanbia and the Vareic Sea which separates the two continents. Atusia is the world's second most diverse continent, home to a diverse range of ethnic groups. Notable examples of this include Kuthrans, the Kasai and the Kaliban of western Atusia.





Merillian Ocean

Sarosan Ocean

Siberic Ocean


Aurean Sea

Vareic Sea




Elezia is home to humans, who over the last two million years of their existence have made history. The earliest humans appeared around 2 million years ago, and in their earliest migrations they spread through ancient landbridges from Muanbia to Atusia. It is likely that these early humans lived and survived on hunter-gatherer lifestyles. It was soon after that more of the early forms of humans migrated west into the Parthenian continent through the northern land bridge, and spread further south into the !Turkic regions of the continent.



Key: "*" = NPC Nation

Name Capital Population Continent Government type
 Angland Retoria 49,884,032 Parthenia Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Moriora.jpg Moriora* Rawaki 418,440 Barnesia Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Kaliban.jpg Kaliban* Subangjaya 17,900,000 Atusia Presidential Republic
Savang.jpg Savang* Rakong 8,149,487 Atusia One-party Marxist-Leninist unitary socialist republic
Hong Bang.jpg Hong Bang* Cao Lan 16,101,583 Atusia Parliamentary unitary constitutional monarchy
Yerezh.jpg Yerezh* Tarshiha 3,329,309 Tarandra Parliamentary Republic
 Suidenland* Klockau 12,415,808 Parthenia Parliamentary Republic
 Slethar Lōpsus 122,492,397 Parthenia Semi-absolute monarchy
 Kasai* Hakejima 128,570,246 Atusia Parliamentary Representative monarchy
 Munjin* Bayanhongor 7,112,827 Atusia Unitary semi-presidential republic
 Heunyeo* Kaesong 51,764,822 Atusia Presidentialist republic
 Ibarmentudia Aranarteamendia 21,831,820 Parthenia Confederal Constitutional Monarchy
 Kuthra* Sapraya 422,048,642 Atusia Parliamentary federal republic
 Vetullia* Campoleone 58,340,328 Parthenia Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
 Uldhark Hyresia 9,358,057 Parthenia Constitutional monarchy
 Telekia 7,890,587 Parthenia Parliamentary republic
 Zyang Zyanggong 64,567,635 Atusia Semi-absolute monarchy

International Organisations

Sovereignty Disputes
