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| For the first thirty years of North Island's habitation, there was no government and justice was largely in the hands of private citizens, who issued their own punishments for transgressions. Although crimes such as theft were typically punished by caning or public humiliation, reports circulating between the mid-1360s and mid-1380s indicate that those who murdered others were killed, often being beaten to death by their fellow citizens. The Charter of 1390 - which, although not a constitution as such, is widely considered to be a founding document of the Ostrovian state and still holds legal force in Ostrov to this day - declares that "no man shall be condemned by the leadership of Ostrov to die for any reason whatsoever."
| For the first thirty years of North Island's habitation, there was no government and justice was largely in the hands of private citizens, who issued their own punishments for transgressions. Although crimes such as theft were typically punished by caning or public humiliation, reports circulating between the mid-1360s and mid-1380s indicate that those who murdered others were killed, often being beaten to death by their fellow citizens. The Charter of 1390 - which, although not a constitution as such, is widely considered to be a founding document of the Ostrovian state and still holds legal force in Ostrov to this day - declares that "no man shall be condemned by the leadership of Ostrov to die for any reason whatsoever."
|align="center"|Antiquity (Officially, 634)
|align="center"|Present Year
|align="center"|Present Year
|Chosen by condemned
|Magical Sleeping Spell followed by Chemical Asphyxiation
|Execution in Kyldigard is relatively commonplace, especially in cases of violent crime, war crimes, and sexual assault. Those sentenced to execution are given "Last Rights": The right to have one last state-provided meal before their demise (if they so choose it), the right to choose their method of publicity of preservation (i.e. having their choice of burial or cremation, having a gravesite, having their family members, loved ones, or the general public told about their death and method of execution, if they so wish), and the right to choose their method of execution. The executed may not decide the exact person to be the executor, certain forbidden locations, or privacy of their execution. It is also legal for any person convicted of a crime or otherwise any citizen without family or kin who wishes to end their own life, to request execution without trial. Peace before death is held in high regard in Relejenist beliefs, with the relinquishing of final thoughts to the Relej being an additional Final Right for any executed Relejenists.
|Execution was very common prior to the Revolution of 1613, whereas now, it is only used for extreme cases, such as mass murder, child molestation, staging an attempted coup, or wartime treason and war crimes. The Kyldigardian method is seen as very humane, putting the condemned to sleep before using a room full of chemical gas to suffocate them. Foreign non-citizens may not be executed without explicit permission from their host governments, unless at war.

Revision as of 17:50, 26 January 2024

  Capital punishment has been formally abolished by statute or constitution
  Capital punishment is only permitted for exceptional scenarios (such as crimes committed in wartime)
  Capital punishment is legal and is used for ordinary offences

Key Country Year implemented Year of last execution Year abolished Method(s) Notes
 Azeria Antiquity 1601 N/A Firing squad, Torture, Instant death spell Only used in especially dangerous crimes like mass murder, rape, corruption.
 Crown Royal Goverment 1001 Present Year N/A Drowning, Death by burning, Crucifixion, Hanging, Gas Chamber, Draining of Lifespan Put into service by Kohl I during the Shark Extermination Campaign 1000 AR. A judge can sentence offenders who have done treason(corruption, desertion, nepotism), mass murder, abuse(domestic violence, rape, sexual harrasment). When sentenced to a "Hell-sentence", the condemned are burnt on the stake or drowned and revitalized until deemed fit to die. This may take up to 100 years.

Death penalties can be put onto anyone by der Emperor/Emperess.

 Lurynia Antiquity Present Year N/A Guillotine Lurynia continues to use capital punishment especially in cases of defection and desertion.
 Magia Regnum Antiquity Present Year N/A Magia Regnum executes those who commit high offenses against the Kotoba and the Ōrumaiti in accordance to the individuals contract.
 Nova Vinelandia Never N/A 1575 N/A Execution has been banned for the entire existence of the republic. It is explicitly forbidden in the Vinelandian Charter.
 Japuile Antiquity 1604 N/A The Episcopo System Invented by Casimir I, the concept of a convict choosing the option of serving in the Duke's Guard, where he/she undergoes tough rehabilitation or can be executed on the execution wheel.
 Choslow Antiquity 1054 1135 N/A Choslow always had executions for times of extreme disloyalty to the crown as well as severe acts of crime in the cases of murder and rape. It was abolished due to change in public opinion on such a practice, and now those that do such crimes are sent off, branded and with a single knife, in a boat. Never to be associated with again.
 Ekena Antiquity 1499 1562 N/A Abolished for Peacetime offenses since 1510; Abolished for Wartime offenses since 1562; Constitutionally prohibited since 1564
 Kaidokoku Antiquity N/A N/A Blood rune induced mana starvation Used exclusively on war criminals in the modern day, time till death can vary widely anywhere from several weeks to instantaneous depending on the severity of the crime committed.
 Ostrov by 1364 before the formation of an Ostrovian state 1390 Public beating For the first thirty years of North Island's habitation, there was no government and justice was largely in the hands of private citizens, who issued their own punishments for transgressions. Although crimes such as theft were typically punished by caning or public humiliation, reports circulating between the mid-1360s and mid-1380s indicate that those who murdered others were killed, often being beaten to death by their fellow citizens. The Charter of 1390 - which, although not a constitution as such, is widely considered to be a founding document of the Ostrovian state and still holds legal force in Ostrov to this day - declares that "no man shall be condemned by the leadership of Ostrov to die for any reason whatsoever."
 Kyldigard Antiquity (Officially, 634) Present Year N/A Magical Sleeping Spell followed by Chemical Asphyxiation Execution was very common prior to the Revolution of 1613, whereas now, it is only used for extreme cases, such as mass murder, child molestation, staging an attempted coup, or wartime treason and war crimes. The Kyldigardian method is seen as very humane, putting the condemned to sleep before using a room full of chemical gas to suffocate them. Foreign non-citizens may not be executed without explicit permission from their host governments, unless at war.
 Nova Solarius Antiquity 1406 N/A Colosseum Execution Games Executions are only for the most heinous of actions against people, whether it be child enslavement, any sexual acts with a child, mass shootings, or terroristic attacks. However, due to the diversity of the nation, some may want lesser punishment or increase punishment, depending on where the crime took place, but some people would rather see the aggressors suffer than have them get a quick death.
 Kerussiria Antiquity 1011 1012 N/A Executions were abolished in the year 1012 AR after pressure from the public and council to be rid the nation of such barbaric practices. Before being abolished the method of execution was usually rapid magical contorsion.
 Tepror 1599 Present Year N/A Firing squad, beating Teprors execution reasons where always wild and most times unfair, However they where still carried out to its fullest extent. this execution's was put to its most extreme extent during the extermination wars. While firing squad was the most common and effective way of exaction, Beatings where used for the worst of the worst offenders.
 Indefinite Color Antiquity Present Year N/A Whatever creative way one can come up with. Execution is often a public event, made to be as spectacular as possible. No-one wants a boring excecution.
 Dairana Never N/A 954 AR N/A Execution has never been allowed because most people forming the country as well as citizens had felt that taking another persons life is wrong, even if they did a horrible crime.
 Yulsan Antiquity Present Year N/A Lethal injection It applies only to violent crimes and treason as determined by the court.


Antiquity Present Year N/A Cannibalism, Vampirism, Sacrifice, Hanging, Tsujigiri Death is often administered through hanging people, but in most cases a magi may be able to sacrifice an inmate given a death sentence, and thus being able to absorb their magical power.
 Polslava Antiquity 1396 N/A Firing Squad, Lethal Injections Capital Punishment is only considered for the most grave of offenses such as terrorism, sexual acts involving children, war crimes, slavery of any kind, and trafficking involving living beings of any type. In the eyes of the public executions are often seen with little remorse for the perpetrator, with it being less of a vengeful act and more a disposal of someone who was a danger at large to the national or international community.
 United States of Kalestya Never N/A Since Independance N/A Death Penalty has always been illegal in Kalestya, because if sometimes someone innocent can get killed, that's why we emprison them, and if it was an error, they will be released.