Rubinian Monarchy

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Rhodevus operates under a Non-Hereditary Absolute Representative Monarchy more commonly known as a Rubinian Monarchy. First established in 1845, a Rubinian Monarchy is named after the first king of Rhodevus as well as the man who designed the system of governance; King Rubin Machin.

The monarch is chosen by their predecessor, and accepted as the monarch via vote from the senate/house. the monarch is for all intents and purposes an absolute monarch and legally allowed to do pretty much whatever, but due to this system, the monarch usually forgoes some of their absolutist powers in order to even gain the favour of the senate/house to become monarch in the first place. Monarchs rule for life, or until they step down

Requirements to be Chosen as Heir

Before one can become the monarch, they must first pass a few basic requirements to ensure that they are of sound mind and body. Upon completing these requirements, they are able to have their names written on the List of Heirs. From these names, the monarch is able to choose one to be the official heir, along with all the duties and responsibilities which come with it.

  • Be born a citizen of Rhodevus
  • Maintain only Rhodeve citizenship[1]
  • Serve in the Rhodeve military[2]
  • Be of sound mind and of good standing[3]

Heir vs Heir Héréditaire

There is a common misconception that the Rhodeve heir is called the Heir Héréditaire. The way to address the heir, is as the prince or princess heir. This is their official title and signifies them as the official heir to the monarch of Rhodevus. An Heir Héréditaire however, is a different title. This is the title of the first child to the monarch as it translates to 'Hereditary Heir'. Had the monarchy been hereditary, then this person would be the official heir. It is common practice that until a true prince or princess heir is chosen, the Heir Héréditaire is the recognized heir to the monarch.

The issue with this title is exacerbated with the current Wolff dynasty, in which both Queen Diana and her father King Benner the Great were Heirs Héréditaire prior to becoming monarchs.

Royal Titles

The monarch of Rhodevus is the king or queen. A monarch's spouse is the king or queen consort. The prelim of the title matches that of a monarch, so King's husband or wife is known as a king consort, while a Queen's husband or wife is known as a queen consort. The consort to the monarch does not have any true royal status outside of their marriage and so hold no political authority except for what they could do themselves. Consorts are allowed to run for political positions, although it remains illegal to use the position as consort to influence the election. Their children are all princes and princesses. This title allows for them to be recognized as the issue of the reigning monarch, but it does not grant them any status, except for the ceremonial one.

Prince or Princess Heirs are the title granted to the person whom the monarch as chosen as their official successor. This position is considered a true royal one and it comes with political influence and responsibilities. The child of a Prince or princess heir is also given the title of prince or princess, similar to the children of the reigning monarch.


Name Picture Years Reigned Notes
King Rubin Machin [[]] 1845-1846 First Monarch of Rhodevus. Last President of the Republic of Rhodevus. Died due to Leukemia at the age of 41
Sir Alfred Montgomery [[]] 1847-1860 Stepped down at the age of 87, setting a precedent for monarchs to retire due to old age.
King John Harrison [[]] 1860-1900 Was assassinated by the member of the Bannerless Brotherhood
Queen Maya "Angelie" Angellos [[]] 1900-1921 Stepped down at the age of 73
King Julius "Spytfire" Pentogrom [[]] 1921-1945 Stepped down at the age of 56 when diagnosed with lung cancer
King Isaac Wolff [[]] 1945-1980 Died at the age of 89
King Benner Wolff "The Great" [[]] 1980-2006 Died at the age of 52 from poison
James Wolff [[]] 2006-2007 King during The James Wars. His title as king was stripped from him posthumously for starting the conflict
Queen Diana Wolff [[]] 2007-Present
Princess Heir Sierra Everen-Abrams [[]] Future The current Princess Heir of Rhodevus


  1. this requirement allows for a fairly large loophole, in which an heir's spouse does not require Rhodeve citizenship. This loophole was utilized by Princess Heir Sierra Everen-Abrams in order to marry her wife, Rezuan Empress Ymira Everen-Abrams, without requiring to relinquish her position
  2. This requirement allows for both the Military Branch and Diplomacy Branch of military service
  3. This has come to mean that any arrests or criminal infractions automatically bar a candidate from becoming an heir. It does not include minor traffic violations. Candidates also are required to pass a psychological examination with a government approved psychologist or psychoanalyst