This article belongs to the lore of Sparkalia.

Capital Punishment on Sparkalia

Revision as of 09:50, 20 September 2022 by Landerile (talk | contribs)
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  Capital punishment has been formally abolished by statute or constitution
  Capital punishment is only permitted for exceptional scenarios (such as crimes committed in wartime)
  Capital punishment is legal and is used for ordinary offences

Key Country Year implemented Year of last execution Year abolished Method(s) Notes
 Coulcisen Antiquity 1405 1405 N/A The Seldarion abolished the death penalty with the foundation of the Seldic Democracy. The last government execution was that of Chancellor Mozedan Pacirin for crimes against the Seldarion people.
 Lurynia Antiquity Present Year N/A Guillotine Lurynia continues to use capital punishment especially in cases of defection and desertion.
 Magia Regnum Antiquity Present Year N/A Magia Regnum executes those who commit high offenses against the Kotoba and the Ōrumaiti in accordance to the individuals contract.
 Nova Vinelandia Never N/A 1575 N/A Execution has been banned for the entire existence of the republic. It is explicitly forbidden in the Vinelandian Charter.
 Russtania Antiquity 1604 N/A Choice given to prisoner. Russtania has maintained the option for executions, purely for those who commit the most heinous of crimes.
 Japuile Antiquity 1604 N/A The Episcopo System Invented by Casimir I, the concept of a convict choosing the option of serving in the Duke's Guard, where he/she undergoes tough rehabilitation or can be executed on the execution wheel.
 Landerile Grand Fleet Present Year N/A Drowning Organised by Seawater Brothers in cases of murder, rape, and sedition.