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The Republic of Voidkree
"Vaeirsva'sei A'sihiiakkira"
Motto: Tae kiairksir'k ra kittia's ita!
To building a better sky!
Anthem: My Fatherland Dear
Map of Voidkree
CapitalNov Askara
Official languagesVoidite
Recognised national languagesVoiditen, Shibettan
Ethnic groups
76.5% Voidian
23.5% Shibettan
74.2% No religion
26.8% Shibere
GovernmentParliamentary Republic
• Keier
Baliara Tuimas
• Prime Minister
Vasmar Gutarr
• Total
749,215.46 km2 (289,273.71 sq mi)
• Estimate
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
HDIIncrease 0.835
very high
Currency          Karal (KR)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+303
Internet TLD.vdk

Voidkree [Voiditen: Vaeirsva'sei], officially the Republic of Voidkree [Voiditen: Vaeirsva'sei A'sihiiakkira], is a semi-isolationist parliamentary republic located on the Eastern coast of Pelia. It borders Sky Sparkle to its south and to the north east, across the Merin Maw, Nova Solarius. The Republic of Voidkree came to be after the former Premier of the Grand Union of Voidkree, Vera Tuirast peacefully resigned after a series of protests for democracy. It has currently been the most peaceful period in Voidkree's history and many are trying to keep it that way either through peaceful or aggressive means. The population of about 17 million live peacefully spread out across the country with the capital Nov Askara containing 1,700,000 people.

In Voidian society magic and the arcane is no mystery there as most if not all of the populace can use magic or spells in some way though to a simple degree which can be used to contact anyone they have met from far away, being able to make a small pocket dimension or generating a small amount of water. These sorts of spell are usually taught to the people around primary school and some can pursue higher magics later in their education.


The geography of Voidkree is rather simplistic with the west containing grassy woodlands with rocky hills and valleys which then gradually becomes more flat and becomes a tropical rainforest filled small rivers, bogs and wetlands as one heads closer to the coast with the coast being entirely covered in tropical peninsulae, islands and capes.

Administrative divisions

Map of Voidkree and its 30 counties

Containing 30 counties, the nation gives a fair amount of devolution to local authorities, which all have their own councils which hold democratic votes on stuff like new small laws, new large constructions such as new roads, power generation facilities, schools and etc. The devolution is partly the reason the nation's people are spread across the country as almost every county has it's own school system and university and the basic necessities that people require meaning an individual does not have to travel far to get an education.

Location and borders

Located on the equator on the east coast of Pelia, in the Merin Maw and north of Sky Sparkle.


Ancient Times 1200?-921 BR

Little is know about the origin of Voidkree and it's people as during later civil wars this information was destroyed by parties who deemed it something to be forgot in an attempt to 'restart' the nation's history, as a result it can only be speculated that about 1200 BR to 1000 BR Voidkree was a set of small tribes, kingdoms and queendoms.

First Kingdom 921-853 BR

Presumably around 921 BR the First Voidian Kingdom was formed, at the time known as The Velkan Kingdom with it's capital presumably around the current city of Velka. During the Era of Ruin the Velkan Kingdom was able to mostly avoid war with only a few minor civil disputes and 2 wars with its neighbours but ultimately end in 853 BR when a coup and a ensuing civil war was able to oust the king and his family which was followed by the formation of the Imperial Union of Voidkree.

1st Union Era 853-403 BR

The beginning of the Imperial Union was rough as the civil war had caused several problems such as famine, housing crises and economic crises to name but a few which at one point nearly led to another civil war but after averting the crises and slowly fixing the problems caused by the civil war the nation entered and era of "peace" and expansion. At around 573 BR the Union began a war which would lead soon to its destruction, this war lasted about 34 years and throughout it, the government had broken most of promises that it had made to it's populace and the following years would set the stage for 403 years of brutal bloodshed. The downfall of the Union began with information being leaked that during the war the Union was killing it's own civilians in combat, justified by the government as a sacrifice that needed to be made to ensure victory though most saw it in a different light, an nation that prioritized it's power over it's own civilians and discontent with the nation began to grow in both civilian and political circles. A few years after this more and more corrupt and heinous acts were leaked about the war and the discontent and political shattering continued until it hit it's peak in 403.

To Hell and Back 403-0 BR

Political shattering, Rampant protests over warcrimes, Economic death spiral and formation of rebel forces even within the government were but a humble beginning compered to the bloodshed to come. Half way through the year, on the month of Lux, on a particularly bad week began a total of 124 rebellions across the entire nation and would begin what is today known as the Agony Wars after the sheer amount of agony and bloodshed that was caused. Details after this point are incredibly jumbled and new discoveries are still made to this day about the war. The war came to an abrupt close with the Great Shuffle or Great Restart and there onward Voidkree saw relatively peaceful future. Before the war Voidkree had an estimated population of 84 million and from records 0 AR, it seems the Agony war had a death toll of over 73 million and the war has left some parts of Voidkree uninhabitable due to chemical or radioactive reasons.



Currently the current ruling party is the Voidian Center Reform Party or VCRP.

Foreign Relations

The foreign relations for Voidkree are almost non existent with the nation more prioritizing it's civilians over the wellbeing of other nations unless the events in a country could possibly lead to the endangerment of their citizens.


The current emblem of the AFVK/Armed Forces of Voidkree

The military of Voidkree, Armed Forces of Voidkree or AFVK for short, consists of about 5 main branches; the Voidian Defence Forces, the Voidian Air Force, the Voidian Naval Forces, the Voidian Steel Guards and the Voidian Deterrence Task Forces. It contains the highest amount of magic and arcana in the entire country, which it uses to enchant shell, vehicles, weapons or armour in ways technology would have made costly such as imbuing tanks or soldiers to temporarily make them harder to hit by blurring their image or making shells explode into a massive fireball upon impact.

A sketch of an AFVK infantry man currently donning ceremonial colours.

The foremost goals of the AFVK is to ensure that the air, sea and ground are kept clear of unknown foreign crafts and individuals, either escorting them out of the country's borders or escorting them to their destination if they give identification and intent, if not the military is allowed to shoot down or fire warning shots. The other goal is to ensure the safety of the civilian populace which has prompted the AFVK to set up most of their Ground to Air Systems around civilian centres and almost every civilian center near the borders having fortifications in some way or another be that concrete fort with short and long range AA and AT capabilities to dormant droid vehicles ready to be activated in case of a war.

Commandment of the Missile

"To protect those who cannot protect themselves, in the event of times where fire rains and brimstone withers there is one sanctity and that sanctity lies in the forests that shelter our destiny, our hope and our vigour to always." - Missile Commandant Henrik Jolss. The Commandment of the Missile is the first stage of any combat engagement with any opposing force and begins with what is called "All fire" a series of ballistic missiles salvos across valuable targets such as energy grids, military warehouses, bases and radar systems.

Clear Skies

In case of imminent hostilities the nation is to activate "Clear Skies" which will power on a network of ~4200 SAM & CIWS sites across the country in an attempt to intercept any incoming enemy aircraft, missiles or ordnance. This system has only ever been activated 3 times, with the most recent one happening after the IDF mission against Tepror.



Ethnic groups

The Republic contains 2 major ethnic groups, the larger one being the Voidians taking up 76.5% of the population and the smaller one being the Shibettans who take up the remaining 23.5%. Either ethnic group have their similarities such as their food, music and dances but they also have their differences such as their languages or appearance, with the Voidians being humans with beige tanned skin, usually with brown eyes and hair speaking a Finnic language while the Shibettans are what appear to be feathered kobold like creatures with beige to brown feathers, usually shorter than a human and speaking an Anglo-Saxon language.

Despite the fact that both have equal rights, a small minority of shibettans in recent decades have formed a faction known as the Shibettan Freedom Front or SFF for short, they believe that their people should govern themselves and that shibettans and accuse Voidkree of secretly oppressing shibettans and express their dislike of the government through means of terror, though this movement is rather niche and even has a large majority of shibettans wanting it's downfall and some actively working against it.

