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Magic in Sparkalia

Revision as of 07:14, 2 May 2023 by NamekazeMinato (talk | contribs) (Adding Shinkei researched magic)
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Title Used in: Description Effect Examples Author:
Sorcery  Indefinite Color
Sorcery is a classic form of magic. One can create effects by expending mana. Sorcerers have the ability to shape mana with their will to create the desired effect. Movement, emotion, speech, music, and general presentation can help steer the effect. Wands and other items can help, even if just a regular wooden stick, because they give a certain direction, feel, and presentation to the spell. Because Sorcery is mainly about mindset, feel, and presentation of the the Sorcerer. Mana can be contained in a person, or come as crystals, liquid, gas, or more. Create a ball of fire. Make something invisible. Teleport to a location. Make plants grow. Heal a wound.  Indefinite Color
Thaumaturgy  Indefinite Color
Science and technology is about researching, developing, and applying laws of the universe. Magic is a law of the world like any other. Thaumaturgy is not a specific type of magic but the scientific field of researching, developing, and applying magic more generally. Make a portal to another place. Make bullets that magically pass through iron. Create a hat that contains a whole inventory.  Indefinite Color
Platovex  Indefinite Color Platovex is about interacting with abstract concepts like they are physical objects. Often do physical objects act as 'avatars' and symbols of certain platonic ideas, the shapes these symbols take are depended on how the concept is perceived and associated with. One can use symbols to then influence both the abstract and physical world, turning symbolic power into real effects. Bake a cake made of dreams. Banish someone within a mirror. Create a compass that will guide the lost.  Indefinite Color
Chroma Spectralia  Indefinite Color Certain colors are magical and affect and influence the world in certain ways. They are Spectra Colors, and created when light is split or morphed a certain magical way. It is less about their physical quality like wavelength and more about the Qualia of color. One color may cause fire and rage and spectacle, one maybe glitter and hope and potential and inspiration, one maybe amnesia and shadows and decay. With the right combination of color mixing, almost all effects are possible. Chroma Spectralia often carries more than one effect simultaneously, as such unpredictable side effects are common. Set something ablaze. Cause the smell of honey. Inflict anger. Give inspiration. Make something heavy. Make something be forgotten.  Indefinite Color
Lyria Threading  Indefinite Color The world is permeated by an giant invisible web of threads, the Lyric Law. A system of deterministic chaos. The strings of coincidence, irony, drama, narrative, luck, fate, destiny. It shapes stories and fables. It is influenced by things symbolic. The strings represent consequence, all affecting each other. One can only utilize it holistically. Making it more a tool for creating opportunity, instead of planned effects. Predict some randomly picked event. Increase chance of favorable outcomes. Attract drama and irony.  Indefinite Color
Automatisierung  Shinkei Automatisierung (Automation) is a form of magic that imbues machines with a sense of sentience and autonomy. This type of magic enables machines to think, act, and make decisions on their own as if they were alive. The magic of Automatisierung is highly complex, requiring a deep understanding of machinery and technology. the effects of Automatisierung can be unpredictable and may have unintended consequences. In some cases, machines imbued with this type of magic may become too independent and uncontrollable, leading to potential danger for those around them. As a result, the use of Automatisierung magic is highly regulated and only entrusted to highly trained and experienced practitioners. Granting machines the ability to learn and adapt to their environment, allowing them to perform complex tasks autonomously. Letting a machine able to repair itself, identify and diagnose problems, and optimize its own performance over time.  Shinkei
Direktsteuerung  Shinkei Direktsteuerung (Direct Control) is a type of magic that enables the user to gain direct control over certain creatures. This magic allows the user to bypass the creature's own will and instincts, granting them complete control over its actions. The creatures that can be controlled through Direktsteuerung magic vary widely, depending on the practitioner's skill and knowledge. Some practitioners specialize in controlling insects or rodents, while others are able to control larger animals such as wolves, bears, or even dragons. Directing attacks of creatures. Using creatures for mundane tasks.  Shinkei
Engelskörper  Shinkei Engelskörper (Angel Body) is a unique form of experimental magic that fuses scientific and technological advancements with magical practices. This form of magic is highly complex and requires a deep understanding of both magic and technology in order to perform successfully. It refers to the ability of the practitioner to create a new, hybrid body that combines both magical and technological elements. This new body is designed to enhance the practitioner's natural abilities and to grant them a greater degree of control over their magical powers. The process of creating an Engelskörper is highly dangerous and can have unintended consequences, including permanent damage to the practitioner's physical and mental health. Practitioners who undergo this process gain enhanced physical strength and agility, as well as greater control over their magical powers. They may also gain access to advanced technological features, such as built-in weapons or specialized sensors. Practitioners who have no natural ability in magic will also receive an unprecedented amount of magic  Shinkei
Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion  Shinkei Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion (Construction and Deconstruction) is a unique form of magical practice that incorporates advanced technology into the process of creating and dismantling spells. This form of magic is highly complex and requires a deep understanding of both magic and technology in order to perform successfully. It refers to the process of creating and dismantling spells using advanced technological tools and techniques. Practitioners of this form of magic use specialized software and devices to analyze and manipulate magical energies, creating spells that are both powerful and highly specific. Practitioners who use this form of magic are able to create highly targeted spells that are tailored to the specific needs of the situation. They are also able to deconstruct existing spells, unraveling their magical components and analyzing them for weaknesses or vulnerabilities.  Shinkei
Unregelmässig  Shinkei Unregelmässig (Irregular) is a unique type of magic that allows non-magic users to temporarily gain access to magical powers. This form of magic is highly specialized and requires a deep understanding of the principles of magic to perform successfully. Unregelmässig magic is not based on the inherent magical abilities of the practitioner. Instead, it relies on a complex set of rituals and incantations that temporarily open up channels of magical energy within the non-magic user. These channels are highly unstable and require constant attention and focus to maintain. Non-magic users who use this form of magic are able to perform magical acts that would normally be impossible for them. For example, they may be able to levitate objects, create illusions, or manipulate elemental forces.  Shinkei