Smoking bans in Sparkalia

Revision as of 21:45, 13 July 2022 by DragoE (talk | contribs)
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  Smoking is entirely prohibited
  Comprehensive smoke-free law covering all public indoor areas, with specific exceptions
  National smoke-free law for public areas except entertainment and restaurants, some localities have comprehensive indoor restrictions
  National smoke-free law for public areas except entertainment and restaurants, or weak enforcement in indoor entertainment areas
  No national smoke-free law, some localities have more comprehensive indoor restrictions
  Patchy or incomplete protection, low enforcement
  No known smoke-free regulations, or no data

Nation Status Details
 Lurynia National smoke-free law for public areas except entertainment and restaurants, or weak enforcement in indoor entertainment areas. Smoking of any kind while not common place is permitted in many public spaces with some exceptions, typically at the sub-national level.
 Nova Vinelandia National No national smoke-free law, some localities have more comprehensive indoor restrictions. Each venue has the right to determine if they will allow smoking or not. The government broadly prohibits smoking on most government properties. Some municipalities and counties have local restrictions.