June 11th
Martin Da Luz
David Timbend Everybody welcome, from the People's Conventional Party ... Martin Da Luz!
David Timbend How are you feeling? Things must be tense out there.
Martin Da Luz This is nothing, absolutely nothing. You know, my father was a candidate as well. While he didn't win, he was an inspiration to the nation, especially our amazing PCP.
David Timbend So, early last year, we thought that we would be talking to Glauco Melo. Tell me, who is Martin Da Luz? Our audience wants to know.
Martin Da Luz Well, David, I am a proud graduate of Rhoti United. I got myself a master's degree in economics. How many people can say that? We have these law school graduates in the running but I am a bona fide economics graduate. These second rate candidates brag about Graycott ... and whatever other school they went to. Rhoti United provides the best so you know I have something to give. I was even born in the gorgeous and downright amazing metropolis of Nethersole. Nethersole, in case you don't know, has Rhoti United University.
David Timbend Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
Martin Da Luz I am a father of two healthy boys! I mean, admit it, a father who is also a graduate of Rhoti United University ... you can't get any better than that! My wife, Larissa, is an amazing supporter of mine. She does these Owlers and other apps these kids have--you know, I've been learning how to make Owlers on the app.
David Timbend I believe you are referring to hoots.
Martin Da Luz I know what I mean, David. Okay, so, Larissa and I have been married for 12 years. My past couple of wives didn't know what they were missing. Caryn and Margaret? Who? They were nothing to me. Larissa Da Luz? The best thing to ever happen to me.
David Timbend So, let us pause there. So, you are the proud leader of the People's Conventional Party. What qualifies you to be our nation's leader?
Martin Da Luz You want qualifications, David? Do you really need to ask? I am a genuine graduate of Rhoti United University in the proud town of Nethersole, Rhoti, Vitosium. I graduated with a master's degree in economics. Economics! Do you know what that word means, David?
David Timbend I do.
Martin Da Luz What does it mean, David? Tell me.
David Timbend What does that word mean to you, Mr. Da Luz?
Martin Da Luz Let me tell you what it means, David. It means I am qualified.
David Timbend As a candidate, what is the definition of leadership?
Martin Da Luz To be a leader, you first have to get the best education you can imagine! I'm talking about Rhoti United University with a master's degree in economics, David. After that, you have proven yourself. You have what it takes! When you graduate from Rhoti United, you are a true man of the people. You can do anything!
David Timbend So, the true definition of leadership is graduation? Wouldn't that make any graduate a leader by default?
Martin Da Luz That is where you are wrong, David. David Timbend, that is where you are wrong. Very wrong. You are so wrong on that, David. You can not imagine how wrong you are, David. Come on, David, you know how wrong you are. You know, right, David?
David Timbend Please tell me.
Martin Da Luz David ... David Timbend ... David Timbend, who was born somewhere in the province of Navocalco ... David. You have forgotten what it really means to be a leader and it isn't just graduating from any school. You know where I graduated from, right? It was Rhoti United University with a master's degree in economics.
David Timbend Let us move on.
Martin Da Luz I was right about Navocalco, right?
David Timbend I was born in Tolagovia, actually. Anyway, let us move on.
Martin Da Luz Whatever. Close enough.
David Timbend What are some major concerns and issues facing Vitosium right now?
Martin Da Luz Here is an easy one. We aren't engaging in any wars! We need to protect our allies, David! We need to storm the countries of our enemies and show them that Vitosium should not be messed with! Also, we have this weird obsession with nature. The environment needs our help? The environment is fine, David! It's fine! We are using the environment so, no matter what, it is technically an environment! I mean ... will we be having protests to keep our parking lots clean? Where will our cars go, David? Cars should stay in parking lots! Will we be planting trees on those parking lots? Parking lots aren't meant for trees, David!
David Timbend The idea of the environmental movement is to keep our planet clean and to help with our international issue of climate change.
Martin Da Luz You tell me that I can't chop a few trees down for a cabin? You ... are you telling me that, David? This movement must believe that a cabin will melt all these icebergs. Will my cabin melt every iceberg at once? These ... these whackjobs want to take away our cabins, David. They will destroy them with their bombs and nuclear plant seeds! They will then rebuild these trees using the logs from our poor cabins. After that ... we will all be homeless, David.
David Timbend Homeless?
Martin Da Luz Do I need to spell it out for you? Vincent Gatostico and his tree-cuddling regime are afraid of us living in our perfectly normal and natural cabins! If they take away the cabins, they can rebuild the trees and pray to some Tree God they probably believe exist. Do you know what will happen then, David? That Tree God ... will make us all gay like Vincent Gatostico! Is that what you want? We can't appease this Tree God!
David Timbend What?
Martin Da Luz This is the gay agenda. The gay agenda is trees.
David Timbend Well, that's all the time we have. Thank you for joining us.
June 12th
Vincent Gatostico
David Timbend Everybody welcome our current Prime Minister ... Vincent Gatostico!
David Timbend Thank you for joining us today, Mr. Gatostico! This heat wave has been something, hasn't it?
Vincent Gatostico Well, unfortunately, I can't stop heat waves if I get re-elected.
David Timbend If you could, that would be something! Maybe you'd need your own Synamatic movie! Now, let us move onto the upcoming election. So, what led to your decision to pursue re-election?
Vincent Gatostico I am not done yet ... I'm really not. There is just so much work to be done and four years just isn't enough to improve our country and make it the best it has ever been.
David Timbend After four years, why should we re-elect you?
Vincent Gatostico I have signed a lot of very important acts and accords such as the Vitosian Economic Union Accord, the 2018 Patient's Rights Act, the Endangered Species Protection Act and I have even legalized marijuana. Back in July 2019, I had signed the Nuclear Disaster Response Act, which helped boost the military's budget and in July 2021, I signed the Housing Mitigation Act, which helped with urban development. I have looked after the environment, the safety of others, our own military and I have helped with housing. My impact on these past four years have been incredible for our nation and, like I said before, I am not done.
David Timbend If you aren't done, could you tell us what concerns or issues you plan to face during your next tenure?
Vincent Gatostico My biggest concern is actually an international one--that of Yuan.
David Timbend Are you referring to Yuan's ongoing conflict with multiple nations? How does that affect us as Vitosians?
Vincent Gatostico We may not be targeted but there is no doubt that the country of Yuan is going about things in a way that doesn't benefit anybody.
David Timbend So, regarding our nation and economy, you had to pick up the pieces from Raymond Venancias, who is still in prison. Do you feel as though you've done a satisfactory job so far?
Vincent Gatostico I believe so, yes. I've put our nation's restoration from the tyrant as the forefront of my plans. Venancias was selfish, reckless and childish. The fact that he was elected before me is a dirty stain on our history. I believe that I have done so much in the past four years to rectify his mistakes.
David Timbend So, Jonah Bongiovanni has announced that he will not be returning for a second term. You had then announced that John Third would then be your new Deputy Prime Minister should you be re-elected. What led to that decision?
Vincent Gatostico I completely respect Mr. Bongiovanni's decision. It was a very hard decision for sure and the both of us had discussed together the ideal person to be the new Deputy Prime Minister. We both felt as though John Savori III deserved to help lead the country, especially after losing to Raymond Venancias in 2014.
David Timbend Unfortunately, that is all the time we have. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Gatostico.
June 13th
Chelsea Espindola
David Timbend Everybody welcome, from the Prime Affinity Party ... Chelsea Espindola!
David Timbend Going from the former Minister of Finance to Prime Minister. That is quite a leap!
Chelsea Espindola It very much is. I have experience working for the government, especially in a position as Minister. I want to do more for our country and be the leader our country needs. Prime Minister Gatostico may have done good but I'm ready to take the reins and do amazing.
David Timbend What would make you the ideal leader of our nation, Mrs. Espindola?
Chelsea Espindola One who would never put themselves first. I'm a mother of four, David, and a former accounting professor. I've led students and I've led my children to success. When you are in those positions, you have to know and you have to adapt to the people you lead. When you begin to get selfish, you fail everybody who is relying on you.
David Timbend What are some concerns and issues plaguing Vitosium?
Chelsea Espindola People on disability are still below the poverty line. When you can't work and you can't live, that's an issue.
David Timbend That is true.
Chelsea Espindola Say you end up in a wheelchair. You go on disability and you lose more than what caused you to go on there to begin with. You have to live in a cheap apartment, owned by some sleazy landlord and that's your life now. You want to eat healthy? Too bad, you are stuck on mac and cheese for the rest of your life. $1200 a month isn't enough for them, David. I want to change that.
David Timbend Let us talk about your choice for Deputy Prime Minister. We all know the philanthropist and architect, Keith Monserrat. However, he has had no experience working for the government. So, what led to his appointment?
Chelsea Espindola His concerns with the nation, as well as his experience in leading teams. He may not have a position in the government to any capacity but he has the knowledge and ideas to help me lead the nation. He is incredibly intelligent and knows what he is doing.
David Timbend Unfortunately, that is all the time we have but thank you so much for joining us.
June 14th
Leo Afonsono
David Timbend Everybody welcome, from the newest party, the Vitosian Freedom Party ... Leo Afonsono!
David Timbend Going from the Senate to the big office, what inspired this move?
Leo Afonsono The poor leadership that Da Luz plans to bring is what inspired me. I agree with him on so many things but I feel as though he shouldn't be in the big seat.
David Timbend What makes you the leader to beat, Mr. Afonsono?
Leo Afonsono My connections and my beliefs. I know what I'm doing, David. Let's talk about my competitors for a moment.
David Timbend Alright.
Leo Afonsono Vincent Gatostico. The guy's young, he cares for the environment and his daddy was a two term Prime Minister back in the 90s. Here's the thing, David. Why do trees get more care from the twink than our own citizens? Trees may be alive but so are our citizens? He's young but he's also way too young. I'm 15 years older than him, which means I have 15 more years of experience. While he is making sure the trees have a home, I want to make sure our citizens have a home. Trees don't pay our taxes, Vincent.
David Timbend Back in 2021, Prime Minister Gatostico signed Housing Mitigation Act. Is that not looking out for our citizens? If you get in, what would you do to help the homeless?
Leo Afonsono I would do more than make empty promises, I tell ya. Our homeless deserve homes, they deserve jobs, they deserve to live. We give them homes and we arm them.
David Timbend Arm them?
Leo Afonsono They need to protect their homes! The corrupt Gatostico administration took them away so we need to fight them.
David Timbend Are you suggesting a war on their front lawns?
Leo Afonsono I'm suggesting freedoms. We give them a house and we give them a gun. That's the Vitosian dream right there.
David Timbend Many citizens have to pay thousands and thousands for property. Are you suggesting we give out free homes?
Leo Afonsono Considering some of them may be illegal, they can stay homeless. For the true and pure Vitosians, we build them some small homes and find them a job. Then, we work on the lazy people on welfare. If you aren't working, you aren't Vitosian.
David Timbend That is an extreme view. Many supporters for the VFP may be on welfare.
Leo Afonsono They all work, David. They are all hard-working citizens and you know that. Don't twist the truth here to make us sound lazy.
David Timbend Well, that is all the time we have. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Afonsono.
June 15th
Raquel Nobriga
David Timbend Everybody welcome, from the Fortified Evolution Party ... Raquel Nobriga!
David Timbend Ms. Nobriga, your family includes former cherished Navocalco Premier, Henry Nobriga, and world-renown attorney at law, Maria Nobriga. Has being raised by two influential figures given you the skills to lead our nation?
Raquel Nobriga Absolutely. I had followed my Mom's footsteps and attended a prestigious academy for law and have found success as a defense attorney. With my Dad's wise words and leadership skills, many of which I learned from him, I feel confident in following his footsteps as well.
David Timbend Now your choice for Deputy Prime Minister is none other than Michelle Zimmermore who had served as the 32nd Prime Minister from 2002-2006. What led to this decision?
Raquel Nobriga Michelle and I have been friends for over a decade now. She knows about my goals and started recommending me potential Deputies. I then asked her to join me instead.
David Timbend You mentioned goals just now. What are your goals should you be elected?
Raquel Nobriga I'm all about human rights. My Mom is half-Emmirian, second generation, and she was subjected to an array of discrimination in the past over it. Just because we can't see or hear racism doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've been called slurs as a child because of who I am. That is why I want to be the first Emmirian Prime Minister.
David Timbend That is amazing!
Raquel Nobriga Thank you. I want Vitosium to be a better nation for those like me. I don't hide that my middle name is Emmirian. I've had it used against me but I'm proud of who I am. When the VMS Confianca Bombing happened, hate crimes against Emmirian-Vitosians got really bad. Al-Fijar aren't even Emmirian and others took it as an opportunity to spread fear and hate. I want to be a voice for all racial minorities who have gone through this. That is why I want people to vote for Raquel Ghaaziya Nobriga. I'm hear to represent not just the oppressed but the entire nation as a whole. We are all human and deserve to be treated equally.
David Timbend Well, that is all the time we have. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Afonsono.