Electoral systems in Sparkalia

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This is a list of electoral systems on Sparkalia.


Single-winner system / single-member constituencies (non-proportional)

  First past the post/single member plurality (FPTP/SMP)
  Two-round system (TRS)
  Instant-runoff voting (IRV)

Multi-member constituencies, Majoritarian representation (non-proportional)

  Plurality-at-large voting
  General ticket

Multi-member constituencies, Semi-proportional representationl

  Limited voting (LV) or cumulative voting
  Single non-transferable vote (SNTV) or mixed FPTP and SNTV
  Modified Borda count

Multi-member constituencies, Proportional representation

  Party-list proportional representation (Closed list PR)
  Party-list proportional representation (Open list PR)
  Party-list proportional representation (Open list PR)
  Single transferable vote (STV)

Mixed non-compensatory (semi-proportional)

  Mixed-member majoritarian (MMM): parallel voting (FPTP and list PR)
  Mixed-member majoritarian (MMM): parallel voting (TRS and list PR)
  Mixed-member majoritarian (MMM): parallel voting (BV/PBV and list PR)
  List PR with Majority bonus system
  Parallel voting (SNTV and list PR)

Mixed compensatory (proportional or semi-proportional)

  Mixed-member majoritarian (MMM) with compensation
  Additional member system / semi-proportional MMP
  Mixed-member proportional representation (MMP)
  Majority bonus system

Indirect election

  Election by legislature
  Election by electoral college or local legislatures
  Partly elected by electoral college or local legislatures, partly appointed by head of state


  No election (e.g. Monarchy)
  Appointed by head of state
  Varies by federal states or constituencies
  No information/Unicameral legislature

Heads of Government

For elected heads of government.

Country Body System Details
 Kursibar The Board Borda Count The Board is elected every five years. Although Blocs may support candidates with an endorsement, they are barred from contributing financially to said candidate.

Heads of State

For elected heads of state.

Country Body System Details
 Kursibar Chief eXecutive Officer Appointed by The Board The eXecutive serves as the head of state for all Kursibar and is appointed no more than two weeks after the Board is elected.

Heads of State & Government

For heads of state who serve in both in an executive and government capacity.

Country Body System Details