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Wildlife of Dzeia

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The Wildlife of the Dze Confederation consists of entirely unique lifeforms and climates perpetuated through complex climate patterns and evolutionary history. Over 100 climates entirely unique to this nation have been identified in the past years, ranging from the oceanic to subarctic Cloudspear Peninsula to the dry, arid Dlał̣ Desert.

About 60% of the land is covered in grassy steppes and plains, with a notable 20% being forested. Solarian expeditions reported over 500 species of land animals, 2,000 plant-like species and over 600 aquatic species known to foreigners, all of which are only found in this area of the world, being part of the Polykariote-Eukariote Limes. The extreme climatic conditions of these lands has lended itself to a unique array of ecosystems and wildlife distribution.



The Zoogeographical distribution inside Dzeia is locked withing the P.E.L, however due to the millions upon millions of years of isolation, the biosphere of these lands is notoriously vast and rich, being one of the most biologically diverse areas of Sparkalia. Around 14% of the country is dry or desertic in nature, with a similar amount being forested and the rest being steppes with a small percentage of water covering and more unique floral distributions.

Water resources

Due to the greater and lesser southern mountain ranges that almost divide the country in two in some areas, the drainage goes either to the south, crossing throu the P.E.L into the Outer Lands or into the Wintry Ocean and Bight, due to the divide created by these mountains, however, all rivers drain into the ocean eventually.

The most famous river is the Great Southern One, which originates at the far south-east of the great mountain range and moves westwards, marking the border of the P.E.M, until reaching the western edges of the Wintry ocean. Lakes in the country are both saline and fresh depending where they may be found, with most fresh water lakes being found near glacial areas in the mountains and those recieving drain from glacial rivers, while saline lakes are almost exclusively found in the south.


Due to the Bight High, an anticyclone formation widespread in the areas surrounding the Wintry bight, the climate of Dzeia is mostly cold year round, with the humidity depending on the amount of rainfall recieved, with an average national temperature of 17°C, reaching a minimum of -52°C in some areas, while the southern deserts can reach upwards of 28°C on average, the highest recorded temperature being 41°C. Many areas in the country have temperature variations of up to 30° Celsius in a single day, the highest one being recorded in the Dlał̣ desert at -19°C and 32°C in the summer.


Rain and snowfall in the country are distributed in an un-even pattern, with the lowest precipitation being registered in the far interior at only 167mm while the Cloudspear peninsula can have upwards of 630mm of precipitation annually.



Terrestrial life

There are over 1,000 different species of Trimetrodontrids (Mammal-like beings), thrice that amount of Saurognathids (lizard-like) and an equal amount of Aveformes (bird-like) spread across the lands of the Confederation.

Aquatic life

Threats and Conservation

Although extremely isolated and closed off from the rest of the world, in the recent years a number of isolated incidents involving illegal poaching have caused minor disturbances in areas frequented by foreigners, however the Dze themselves have made work to stop it whenever possible.